Strongman strength only cycle

I think Anavar is heavily underrated in terms of strength gains, Unless orals are off the table for ya.. I knew a guy that was a higher level amateur and he was using just Var and Test.. I wouldn't overthink the gear aspect because I think strongman is more about specific training, Like powerlifting but even more so.. Just do the basic shit and stay consistent. What you're doing now looks good but I'd personally throw in an Oral every now and then. NOT to mention the amount of food those guys eat.. seems like too much of a job itself :P
Anavar is the king of collagen synthesis also
TNE/Test susp, Adrol for oral, Tren of course. This is assuming you want to be insanely strong and explosive.
To be frank, TNE scares me. I don't know enough about it to feel comfortable using it. I dig the adrol and tren though. I also have halo for competition day. thinking 20 mg (10mg at the start and 10 mg midway through)
To be frank, TNE scares me. I don't know enough about it to feel comfortable using it. I dig the adrol and tren though. I also have halo for competition day. thinking 20 mg (10mg at the start and 10 mg midway through)
Something sane to consider: 200mg Test per week + up to 350mg Tren A per week + 35mg pre-workout TNE 1x weekly before a heavy session. If you want to track blood pressure and all that, and add in one new compound at a time, then save the adrol for later. Bodybuilders use orals differently, they'd usually kick start with it. For a strength athlete, you'd usually peak with it. MENT is likely to give you worse blood pressure than TNE. It's not something to fear, a ton of athletes use it.

I am assuming you're in good shape, this would make you strong very quickly. You'd worry about injury given how quickly strength will go up.
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I had planned to run bold cyp or ace, but it seems like (at least from what I have seen) EQ is about the only choice on short notice
Boldenone cyp or ace I don't know any ugl that make those esters. Is the classic undecylenate that is available only
I cut on npp but its not a anticatabolic so i didnt retain as much than if I stacked a dht in there. Ive read a few different sources of people who knew or trained with them. There is no way. Looks like you got the "eat wheeties and take creatine" advice. Thats what bb have said in the past! Its lies. Its a huge liability for them to just say what they are on. There are a few who tell the truth and out everybody else so at least theres that. You think pudzianowski stayed that big, lean, aand strong on a gram??
Are you sure that npp is not anticatabolic due to the simple fact that is a steroid? Steroid help you build and retain muscle and so does npp and so does a dht.
The difference between taking a 19nor and do a cut and taking just test is not noticeable in the matter of muscles retention assuming that we talk the same total mg.
Choosing what anabolic we take should be depending on what characteristics they offer:
-DHT motorlearning capacity,low estrogenic
- direct testosterone derivatives to replace the natural functions of testosterone
-19nor nitrogen retention
And some steroids have particular characteristics like eq and anadrol that increase rbc count,masteron is a antiestrogenic,nandrolone fluid retention in joints,orals have a nitrogen retention more significant. I made a simple explanation but I can go in depth

Without tren and ment all steroids can be calculate equal anabolic you just choose the dosage according to what that steroid do and budget.
Tren also is great for nutrition partition so if you can handle a lot of tren and can eat a lot of food then is a simple recipe for all sports cycle that the goal is building muscle and get stronger.
Something sane to consider: 200mg Test per week + up to 350mg Tren A per week + 35mg pre-workout TNE 1x weekly before a heavy session. If you want to track blood pressure and all that, and add in one new compound at a time, then save the adrol for later. Bodybuilders use orals differently, they'd usually kick start with it. For a strength athlete, you'd usually peak with it. MENT is likely to give you worse blood pressure than TNE. It's not something to fear, a ton of athletes use it.

I am assuming you're in good shape, this would make you strong very quickly. You'd worry about injury given how quickly strength will go up.
I seemed to respond much better to higher test than tren. I ran 420/315 test/tren on my last cycle and had really good results.

I do monitor my BP, I check it everyday.

I will likely skip any orals, except MAYBE halo for comp day.

As far as the MENT, I dropped down from 10mg/day back down to 6. The E2/ME2 sides were hitting kinda hard, BUT I need to keep it in to combat mood sides, which are really the only sides I get from nand/tren.

TNE 1x/wk, PWO? What does TNE do? why use it?

As far as being in shape, I would say yes. I am 6'1", 238 lbs, ~14.5-15% BF. That's fluffy in the BB world but fairly lean for strongman.
Boldenone cyp or ace I don't know any ugl that make those esters. Is the classic undecylenate that is available only
I have a local guy that I was going through that had both, but I am surprised to be unable to find premade bold Ace and Cyp through this forum from US domestic suppliers. I only have 10 weeks left on cycle and I don't think that is enough time for the EQ to kick in
Are you sure that npp is not anticatabolic due to the simple fact that is a steroid? Steroid help you build and retain muscle and so does npp and so does a dht.
The difference between taking a 19nor and do a cut and taking just test is not noticeable in the matter of muscles retention assuming that we talk the same total mg.
Choosing what anabolic we take should be depending on what characteristics they offer:
-DHT motorlearning capacity,low estrogenic
- direct testosterone derivatives to replace the natural functions of testosterone
-19nor nitrogen retention
And some steroids have particular characteristics like eq and anadrol that increase rbc count,masteron is a antiestrogenic,nandrolone fluid retention in joints,orals have a nitrogen retention more significant. I made a simple explanation but I can go in depth

Without tren and ment all steroids can be calculate equal anabolic you just choose the dosage according to what that steroid do and budget.
Tren also is great for nutrition partition so if you can handle a lot of tren and can eat a lot of food then is a simple recipe for all sports cycle that the goal is building muscle and get stronger.
Sorry I shouldve said not as anticatabolic. My bad. My body loves to eat my muscle. I know all the proven ones(tren, dhts, etc.) Have the most nitrogen retention over all the others.
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Are you sure that npp is not anticatabolic due to the simple fact that is a steroid? Steroid help you build and retain muscle and so does npp and so does a dht.
The difference between taking a 19nor and do a cut and taking just test is not noticeable in the matter of muscles retention assuming that we talk the same total mg.
Choosing what anabolic we take should be depending on what characteristics they offer:
-DHT motorlearning capacity,low estrogenic
- direct testosterone derivatives to replace the natural functions of testosterone
-19nor nitrogen retention
And some steroids have particular characteristics like eq and anadrol that increase rbc count,masteron is a antiestrogenic,nandrolone fluid retention in joints,orals have a nitrogen retention more significant. I made a simple explanation but I can go in depth

Without tren and ment all steroids can be calculate equal anabolic you just choose the dosage according to what that steroid do and budget.
Tren also is great for nutrition partition so if you can handle a lot of tren and can eat a lot of food then is a simple recipe for all sports cycle that the goal is building muscle and get stronger.
dont all anabolic steroids help with nutrient partitioning?
Well I managed to find some pre made Bold Cyp from my local guy (his shit is expensive though) so I picked up a couple of vials.

Also, starting today, I am running 600/400/42 test/NPP/MENT. Once I get the bold cyp I'll add it in at 400 as well.
Sorry I shouldve said not as anticatabolic. My bad. My body loves to eat my muscle. I know all the proven ones(tren, dhts, etc.) Have the most nitrogen retention over all the others.
On your next cut try to maintain the weight you gain during your bulk phase before you start to reduce calories.
In that way the body acknowledge the new weight/muscle and is a bit more difficult to lose that faster
I have run var twice now (50mg/day for 7 weeks both times) and I can’t say I feel like it did much for me. Anadrol on the other hand was wild and seemed to really put on some strength. The problem is it also helped me hold a lot of water too.

Im thinking I’m too far along to make many changes, but I am going to bump up my test. I probably won’t worry about the boldenone for this cycle
What was so WILD About anadrol?
What was so WILD About anadrol?

Hmmm…. Let’s see… I’d guess it “seemed to really put on some strength.”

I betcha he’d run it again and thought about it except “The problem is it also helped me hold a lot of water too.” And he’s not interested in having extra weight.

Just a guess though. From reading, instead of asking dumb questions.
I seemed to respond much better to higher test than tren. I ran 420/315 test/tren on my last cycle and had really good results.

I do monitor my BP, I check it everyday.

I will likely skip any orals, except MAYBE halo for comp day.

As far as the MENT, I dropped down from 10mg/day back down to 6. The E2/ME2 sides were hitting kinda hard, BUT I need to keep it in to combat mood sides, which are really the only sides I get from nand/tren.

TNE 1x/wk, PWO? What does TNE do? why use it?

As far as being in shape, I would say yes. I am 6'1", 238 lbs, ~14.5-15% BF. That's fluffy in the BB world but fairly lean for strongman.
TNE is test no ester. It's similar to test suspension but in oil. If you love test, you'd love TNE. I suggested a low dose to assess tolerance, but if you love test...

It boosts aggression and strength when taken preworkout.
You are the biggest asshole man - the question was meant fir the guy that wrote the statement-want sure what hat he meant by wild
Yea, by wild, I meant that I put on a lot of strength (and water). I only took 50mg the day before comp and 100 on comp day and hit some crazy PR’s. I’ve literally never run it longer than 2 days and the strength gains were absolutely incredible.