Strongman strength only cycle

First of all, I fucked it up by mis-timing it. By the time I started lifting I just started feeling sides, but if the window is that small, it's not for me anyways. I pinned 50 mg about 30 mins before my workout. But by the time I was done working out, my anxiety spiked hard (I am not an anxious person, but I sure as shit was today) and I was just angry. Before the workout ended I hard heartburn and a headache (I think from high E2). I don't feel like it did anything for my strength or my workout.

I LOVE halo so I'll be sticking with that. Obviously it'll be used seldom due to its toxicity. But the window is much longer and I actually feel really good on it. I don't get the aggression that I often hear reported.
Damn man. The window of action wasnt nearly that small when I’ve used it. I used it about 60 minutes pre-workout and the effect lasted through a two hour work out and then about 2 hours post workout I finally started to crash. But it was basically like a sudden onset of tired and sleepiness. No anxiety for sure.

If halo is your drug then stick to it. I found them to be quite different in effect though.
Not in the slightest. TNE just might not be the drug for you. There’s other drugs that can provide what it does.
I was just thinking about this. It seems that halo and TNE work somewhat opposite for me from many of the anecdotes I have heard/read.

Halo has me calm and focused with tons of energy and strength.

TNE had me anxious and angry. I couldn't really tell how the strength was due to other factors, but the sides I got from TNE don't make it worth trying again.