Strongman strength only cycle

I’d do higher test and keep the ment. Ment is great but make sure to keep the estro in check but u already know that. U may even up the ment it’s pretty low for seeing great results everything is currently pretty low. U aren’t to the dosage where u will se optimal resulte. So up the test to min 600, I’d up ment, bold cyp id use at 500 and then I’d add in dbol or drop depending on which one u like better. TNE can be good but can cause massive side issues being it’s so fast acting I love tne but estrogen and blood pressure can spike. As far as comp day. I love mtren for immediate strength and aggression or even tren suspension is good for it as well. There’s studies showing anadrol does give immediate strength increase so I’d keep that in until comp day. BUT if it was me bro I’d go way higher on dosages but maybe u can’t handle higher levels? Not sure why ur going slow low on dosage.
I’d do higher test and keep the ment. Ment is great but make sure to keep the estro in check but u already know that. U may even up the ment it’s pretty low for seeing great results everything is currently pretty low. U aren’t to the dosage where u will se optimal resulte. So up the test to min 600, I’d up ment, bold cyp id use at 500 and then I’d add in dbol or drop depending on which one u like better. TNE can be good but can cause massive side issues being it’s so fast acting I love tne but estrogen and blood pressure can spike. As far as comp day. I love mtren for immediate strength and aggression or even tren suspension is good for it as well. There’s studies showing anadrol does give immediate strength increase so I’d keep that in until comp day. BUT if it was me bro I’d go way higher on dosages but maybe u can’t handle higher levels? Not sure why ur going slow low on dosage.
I already upped all of my dosages a couple of weeks ago. I’m currently running:

600/400/400/40 test/tren/bold/MENT. The only E2 side I’m having is gyno. I’m controlling it but it’s not really subsiding. I run the MENT low due to E2 sides (which I think getting rid of NPP and adding bold should help that) but I keep it in at such a low dose to combat mood sides I get from nand and tren.

I swapped the NPP for tren a few days early because I ran out of NPP, and the plan always was to swap to tren halfway through the cycle.
I already upped all of my dosages a couple of weeks ago. I’m currently running:

600/400/400/40 test/tren/bold/MENT. The only E2 side I’m having is gyno. I’m controlling it but it’s not really subsiding. I run the MENT low due to E2 sides (which I think getting rid of NPP and adding bold should help that) but I keep it in at such a low dose to combat mood sides I get from nand and tren.

I swapped the NPP for tren a few days early because I ran out of NPP, and the plan always was to swap to tren halfway through the cycle.
U might need caber
Whatever u do don’t take more AI or serm u don’t want to crash ur e2. get urself some caber ASAP. What’s ur ai dose right now
Whatever u do don’t take more AI or serm u don’t want to crash ur e2. get urself some caber ASAP. What’s ur ai dose right now
I have some caber on hand, I hadn't even thought about trying it since I am running 300 mg/day P5P, which has been clinically proven to work as well as or better than caber with prolactin control. But I suppose it cannot hurt to trying to add a little caber in and see how I respond.

Currently running .25 mg adex EOD and 20 mg nolva daily. My E2 levels certainly aren't crashed right now, but with the changes to my cycle, it could be in a week or two with the added boldenone and subtracted nandrolone if I don't pay attention. Honestly though, gyno is the least of my worries when it comes to E2 sides (within reason of course) because I already have a decent lump of puberty gyno, so this new little bump doesn't worry me all that much since it is still greatly overshadowed by the larger one. So far the gyno seems to be under control (i.e. not growing).

All AAS gyno I have gotten has always gone away post cycle. The puberty gyno has been around for 2 decades and won't go away without surgery. As long as I do not have to worry about BP or water retention, then I am mostly okay with letting a little gyno ride. But I am, of course, open to suggestions.
I’m not familiar with p5p
It's an acronym for something, essentially it is a b-vitamin or b-vitamin complex that helps to treat hyperprolactinemia. However, it is a self-limiting process and therefore will not tank your prolactin like caber can.

It's cheap and you can buy it on amazon or ebay, there is nothing illegal or "controlled" about it
This is the best article I could find on short notice


The below screenshot shows that 60% of patients saw a prolactin decrease with P5P with a mean decrease of ~25 pts, and that 75% of patients saw a decrease with prolactin, but only by a mean of ~21 pts. So it seems that more people will react to caber, but the results are better with P5P, AND P5P is more or less side effect free at these dosages.

u need to get blood work done then and see where ur e2 is at
I'm due for bloods in a few weeks anyways, but I am not having any issues at the moment aside from a little gyno. My BP and RHR are good, no water retention, no ED, no sleep or digestion issues, no bloating, no excessive mood swings or irritability, no loss of appetite or increased appetite, I'm not even getting excessive bloody noses like I usually do. This is actually one of the smoothest cycles I have ever run, and I have had enough mid-cycle bloods run to know when something isn't right or is off.
The gyno could be from prolactin or estrogen is all just depends on ur body and how u react to things. Once u get blood work u will know if ur AI dose is enough for what ur on
First of all, I fucked it up by mis-timing it. By the time I started lifting I just started feeling sides, but if the window is that small, it's not for me anyways. I pinned 50 mg about 30 mins before my workout. But by the time I was done working out, my anxiety spiked hard (I am not an anxious person, but I sure as shit was today) and I was just angry. Before the workout ended I hard heartburn and a headache (I think from high E2). I don't feel like it did anything for my strength or my workout.

I LOVE halo so I'll be sticking with that. Obviously it'll be used seldom due to its toxicity. But the window is much longer and I actually feel really good on it. I don't get the aggression that I often hear reported.
First of all, I fucked it up by mis-timing it. By the time I started lifting I just started feeling sides, but if the window is that small, it's not for me anyways. I pinned 50 mg about 30 mins before my workout. But by the time I was done working out, my anxiety spiked hard (I am not an anxious person, but I sure as shit was today) and I was just angry. Before the workout ended I hard heartburn and a headache (I think from high E2). I don't feel like it did anything for my strength or my workout.

I LOVE halo so I'll be sticking with that. Obviously it'll be used seldom due to its toxicity. But the window is much longer and I actually feel really good on it. I don't get the aggression that I often hear reported.
I never got any sort of boost from tne. It’s sides in a bottle. I’d rather just take more estered test.
would prop or ace give a similar effect as what you're supposed to get from TNE if you started 2-3 days in advance?
I don’t know really know how to answer it. I’ve never ran short estered test besides a few times. I just always start out with enanthate or cyp at whatever dose I was planning on running. It couldn’t hurt to add in prop or ace to raise your test levels quicker.
I like tne 2 hours prior but I notice it can make me energetic but all over the place. Thats why I think it works so well with halo. Halo focuses the energy, at least for me