Stupid Question About DNP and PCT (not using during)

So I have to stop pinning in 6 weeks. It takes 3-4 weeks for the ester of Test E to clear. I don't really want to do a suicide cut (I can but yeah) and would like to extend my cut to 8 weeks IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.

Can I run DNP for 2 weeks after my last pin? I feel that since I'm still clearing it's alright no? Stupid question, I know the answer (yes but why would you), but would like some thoughts.

16 weeks Test E 300mg / 8 weeks Var 25mg / 18 weeks HCG 250x3
8-10 weeks clen/t3/dnp/ec/y/dnp | 20>100/ 75 / 25.200x2/ 20(fasted cardio no c/ec) / 375 (underdosed?)

yeah the stim stack is stupid, i am not having any issue with it besides some heat.