This means nothing.

1 of my packages was lost in the mail and Naps reshipped after I wrote a ticket.

Quality gear and good service. Anabolic lab has good bloods on their products. What more can I say lol
1 of my packages was lost in the mail and Naps reshipped after I wrote a ticket.

Quality gear and good service. Anabolic lab has good bloods on their products. What more can I say lol
Actually anabolic labs does not provide bloods on their products. lol That's up to the consumer. I knew what you were trying to say though.

Just try and think about what and how you post certain things in the future maybe.

Good luck.

Actually anabolic labs does not provide bloods on their products. lol That's up to the consumer. I knew what you were trying to say though.

Just try and think about what and how you post certain things in the future maybe.

Good luck.


Lol you know what I mean with anabolic labs.

And for the people that dont like what I have to say, you know theres an ignore button. Just click it like @CdnGuy did ;)
Good questions. Because all I see is hate on the Naps thread and the few people that try to give them a good name getting called a shill and stop responding.

When I have a point I stick with it. Instead of disagreeing with my opinion I get called a shill. So I continue to post good things about them.

If I like something, and its treated me good then I stand up for it. Its not about only sources, its in real life too. Thats my personality.

If someone makes fun of someone, I will get right in their face. Even if I dont know the person I stand up for them.

I stand up for what I believe and dont let anyone walk on anyone. Walk on me instead, call me the shill. I will take it because it doesnt bother me.

Most people that hate on Naps either:
1. Never tried them
2. Tried them and their T/A was long and they were impatient
3. Are just listening to rumors they heard

The reason why so many at meso hate naps is because many were exposed on the World Wide Web because of them. Many had their entire personal information exposed to all law enforcing agencies across the world. The hate runs deep with naps for many around here.

For the most part- people get called shill around here, basically.. to me the group as a community is asking you to tone it down a notch. Several reasons why...

1. If you stick around long enough and members start to look for you towards guidance if you always praise naps in the open widely or whatever source is your favorite at the time and something terrible happens to a member then your conscious has to deal with this as you recommended that source to the new guy, it might not be a direct recommendation, but a indirect one and either way it was a recommendation based of high praises that influenced someone to head that direction.

2. I personally have seen you post some solid advice outside of those threads, but like the community is asking, just tone it down a bit and continue to lend that solid advice to the new guys or whoever might need it to stay healthy as they can.

STAY safe my man. [emoji106]
Nothing popping up and prove they replaced your packs is what I ment. Why didn't they replace mine?

Either way it's a lost cause for you. Your word means nothing. I also have members PMing me thanking me for my effort. But it's not just me it's all of us.

Oh! Wait. One last thing... Meso mother fucker!
Actually anabolic labs does not provide bloods on their products. lol That's up to the consumer. I knew what you were trying to say though.

Just try and think about what and how you post certain things in the future maybe.

Good luck.

This Naps shill is lucky if he only knew the old Mands.Labs and shills got their balls ripped off and stuff in their mouths lol You got off light "Super Naps shill" !
This is why this is the best thread on Meso!

I think joining meso was one of the best decisions I've made this year so far... I like how people are real, mainly and don't hide things. it's something I need duo to being on this Tren A world too from sources to common knowledge and lots more.
Nothing popping up and prove they replaced your packs is what I ment. Why didn't they replace mine?

Either way it's a lost cause for you. Your word means nothing. I also have members PMing me thanking me for my effort. But it's not just me it's all of us.

Oh! Wait. One last thing... Meso mother fucker!

And I have members PMing me asking me about Naps.

The reason why so many at meso hate naps is because many were exposed on the World Wide Web because of them. Many had their entire personal information exposed to all law enforcing agencies across the world. The hate runs deep with naps for many around here.

For the most part- people get called shill around here, basically.. to me the group as a community is asking you to tone it down a notch. Several reasons why...

1. If you stick around long enough and members start to look for you towards guidance if you always praise naps in the open widely or whatever source is your favorite at the time and something terrible happens to a member then your conscious has to deal with this as you recommended that source to the new guy, it might not be a direct recommendation, but a indirect one and either way it was a recommendation based of high praises that influenced someone to head that direction.

2. I personally have seen you post some solid advice outside of those threads, but like the community is asking, just tone it down a bit and continue to lend that solid advice to the new guys or whoever might need it to stay healthy as they can.

STAY safe my man. [emoji106]

Good post @Roger rabbit Thanks, stay safe too bro
I just came to read Cdn and Flint going wild and crazy with theories.

Disappointed in how tame they are being. Come on guys, isn't it possible that SuperMario assassinated Kennedy?
I have had friends in the past ask me for a job and to vouch for them to my employer... mind you i have been friends with these people for years. But their work ethic can change as easily as their attitude so there is no way i can vouch for them other than i know them. Because if something were to happen it would come back on me and hurt my position in my workplace...

just like a source, i cant vouch for them 100% based on the fact they are a UGL and anything can happen or change or the fact that something has happened in the past.. i cant tell anyone "dont bring an umbrella or a rain coat" even though there is a 50% chance of rain.
Ive never ever seen Mands "rip some ones balls off" lol
Probably one of the more polite members here
I can tell Mands does not always show his displeasure, even when he may be actually displeased with something. Has to be one of the most humble guys here.
If I saw someone getting picked on then yes I would stand up for them.

I've been ordering from Naps for years. A couple of my close friends also order from Naps. We all never had a bad experience.
So do they order from NAPS or do you do the ordering for them? Simple yes or no will do.
Ive never ever seen Mands "rip some ones balls off" lol
Probably one of the more polite members here
You night have to go back a few years. I'm sure there are a few threads I'm not proud of content.
