Look at my media. I post pics from multiple sources, not just Naps. If it makes you feel better I wont post pics here anymore.
Not just me. Other people on this board as well. It's group thing not a single thing. I don't know why you guys think you don't look shady as fuck.
Not just me. Other people on this board as well. It's group thing not a single thing. I don't know why you guys think you don't look shady as fuck.

Lol bro its the internet. Do you think I care about my internet reputation? I just come here to talk about what I'm interested in, steroids.
Good to know, thanks. This proves my point even more about the anaboliclab tests being real.
I never said it was bullshit I asked some fucking questions when you brought it, idiot. The whole point is that your God damn fucking shill and everyone knows it. You post your Naps bullshit and pretend that your contributing member when the n fact you ain't shit. Now get the fuck out.
I never said it was bullshit I asked some fucking questions when you brought it, idiot. The whole point is that your God damn fucking shill and everyone knows it. You post your Naps bullshit and pretend that your contributing member when the n fact you ain't shit. Now get the fuck out.

Lol not going anywhere.

I dont care if you call me a shill for a source that I like. I will back them up.

If a source treated you good wouldnt you say good things about them?

Its funny how people think I'm a Naps rep when I clearly buy from other sources. I just post my experience with each source and then I turn into a shill.

I will continue to back up Naps and you can keep calling me a shill.
No. That's probably some innocent person you did that too by telling him "Haha ya. It's all good man. GTG!"
Just call me the Naps super shill lol. I'll take it.

Seems like @DrinkFlintWater just makes up stuff about Naps because this picture is not real.

And where is @CdnGuy Did he block me?


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Hahahaha this dudes confusing the std his boyfriend gave him and blaming it on Geneza.

Or he's probably reusing needles cuz he's a broke lil bitch!
Lol bro its the internet. Do you think I care about my internet reputation? I just come here to talk about what I'm interested in, steroids.
You probably should care about your "internet reputation" since this IS what your known here for and all we have here. A reputation
Because here going forth your opinion means nothing and will be looked upon as suspicious or biased. That is the trade off you made when you admitted this

I will continue to back up Naps and you can keep calling me a shill.

Good its settled. Enjoy your new role
@DrinkFlintWater Idk if your fucking around or what cuz it's really hard to take you seriously.

How is @SuperMaroid scamming people? He's clearly ordering from other sources and Naps aswell. And he's giving his opinion on his experiences. What exactly is the problem here?
Just call me the Naps super shill lol. I'll take it.

Seems like @DrinkFlintWater just makes up stuff about Naps because this picture is not real.

And where is @CdnGuy Did he block me?

I can't speak for @CdnGuy but my guess is there's no point for him or really anyone engaging you on the subject of you being a shill. It seems pretty obvious. Reviewing a sources gear is not a big deal and can actually be helpful. The level you take it to isn't helpful in the least it's over the top and stomach turning.