@DHulk do you even lift or did you knock it out early again?

I can't speak for @CdnGuy but my guess is there's no point for him or really anyone engaging you on the subject of you being a shill. It seems pretty obvious. Reviewing a sources gear is not a big deal and can actually be helpful. The level you take it to isn't helpful in the least it's over the top and stomach turning.
Yeah but when you have guys who constantly bash naps, you should stand up for a company that you use. And thats what hes doing and in result, gets called a shill.

I think the problem lies within the guys who don't even use Naps and are lurking Naps thread.
You probably should care about your "internet reputation" since this IS what your known here for and all we have here. A reputation
Because here going forth your opinion means nothing and will be looked upon as suspicious or biased. That is the trade off you made when you admitted this

Good its settled. Enjoy your new role

I came here to talk about steroids. But I'm also having fun backing up one of my favorite sources too.
Yeah but when you have guys who constantly bash naps, you should stand up for a company that you use. And thats what hes doing and in result, gets called a shill.

I think the problem lies within the guys who don't even use Naps and are lurking Naps thread.

I see your point although I dont fully agree with it. Giving your experience is one thing. Ride or die in defense of and drooling on them to the point of they can do no wrong are totally different.
His posts are to the point of nomnomnomnom now.

I think "honest" reviews are helpful but when you're as over the top as he is its completely different.
@DHulk my do you even lift comment that was quoted before I edited was stored after the post for post comments from earlier. I haven't seen conclusive evidence on meso of you being a shill. Nothing meant by it.
I see your point although I dont fully agree with it. Giving your experience is one thing. Ride or die in defense of and drooling on them to the point of they can do no wrong are totally different.
His posts are to the point of nomnomnomnom now.

I think "honest" reviews are helpful but when you're as over the top as he is its completely different.

I think a lot of people here dont say what they want because they dont want to ruin their reputation or want to be liked by everyone.

I say what I want to say. If I like a source and its treated me good, then I stand up for it. If it makes me a shill so be it. Just make sure you call me SuperShill Bros ;)
I think a lot of people here dont say what they want because they dont want to ruin their reputation or want to be liked by everyone.

I say what I want to say. If I like a source and its treated me good, then I stand up for it. If it makes me a shill so be it. Just make sure you call me SuperShill Bros ;)
I have a few serious question for you...

Think about these. Why stand up for any source? Why go to lengths to protect or praise for your "favorite" source?

What do you gain sounding like a shill or fan boy for NAPS or whomever is your "favorite" source at the time?

@DHulk my do you even lift comment that was quoted before I edited was stored after the post for post comments from earlier. I haven't seen conclusive evidence on meso of you being a shill. Nothing meant by it.

All good bro busy day today work, grocery shopping, husband/father life shit. BJJ training tonight. Tomorrow weights.
Hope all is well with you
I think a lot of people here dont say what they want because they dont want to ruin their reputation or want to be liked by everyone.

I say what I want to say. If I like a source and its treated me good, then I stand up for it. If it makes me a shill so be it. Just make sure you call me SuperShill Bros ;)
Maybe some but not the majority.
I think most people just don't go over the top for sources and are willing to acknowledge that sources are sources and their feet should be held to the fire if they fuck.

As to you "saying what you want to say"
I don't think that will be disputed and anyone that reads your posts should easily be able to make the determination that your opinions about gear quality specifically should be ignored. If you contribute by giving training advice or in other ways , cool.
I have a few serious question for you...

Think about these. Why stand up for any source? Why go to lengths to protect or praise for your "favorite" source?

What do you gain sounding like a shill or fan boy for NAPS or whomever is your "favorite" source at the time?


Good questions. Because all I see is hate on the Naps thread and the few people that try to give them a good name getting called a shill and stop responding.

When I have a point I stick with it. Instead of disagreeing with my opinion I get called a shill. So I continue to post good things about them.

If I like something, and its treated me good then I stand up for it. Its not about only sources, its in real life too. Thats my personality.

If someone makes fun of someone, I will get right in their face. Even if I dont know the person I stand up for them.

I stand up for what I believe and dont let anyone walk on anyone. Walk on me instead, call me the shill. I will take it because it doesnt bother me.

Most people that hate on Naps either:
1. Never tried them
2. Tried them and their T/A was long and they were impatient
3. Are just listening to rumors they heard
You know what? Its probably a good thing Naps has alot of haters. Reason being, so they continue to put out great products in hopes of changing people's negative opinion. It'll keep Naps and Geneza on their toes to prevent negative lab results and such.

I look into the good of all this lol
They dont just sell geneza though....they sell/sold maha, vermodjie, genshi. These labs have all had issues.

If all naps sold was geneza because that is what they actually produce your argument would be different but they dont. They sell other garbage as well. Is it all garbage? No but you promote NAPS as a great source like its all good when in fact it is not all good.

Instead of saying how great NAPS is, say you have run geneza only, got good results and here are my bloods to prove it. No one would call you a shill for doing that.

Do you honestly think all NAPS products are good?

I purchased several items from NAPS, many items that were good and I mentioned those items specifically. No one is calling me a shill.

I give you an example of maha that is not good. Paid for my own labs and put that worthless gear in my body but you cant accept that? Im wrong because you love the NAPS?

Would you defend a company that sold 30 brands of condoms but only 27 of those brands actually worked? A real company would be sued. It's called willful negligence. Since there is evidence that some are no good but they continue to sell them anyway.
If all naps sold was geneza because that is what they actually produce your argument would be different but they dont. They sell other garbage as well. Is it all garbage? No but you promote NAPS as a great source like its all good when in fact it is not all good.

Well, Naps is a reseller. They are not in total control of the labs that produce weak/underdosed/bunk gear but I'm almost positive they try their best to knock those labs off their shelves because you did mention they have "sold" those products in the past and now they are unavailable.

So why not just stick to Geneza or some of the other reputable labs naps has to offer? Why order from labs that haven't been reviewed or seem spiffy? I've ordered from labs on naps other than Geneza and had good results. I also have the bloods to prove it. You can't put the sole blame on Naps.
Good questions. Because all I see is hate on the Naps thread and the few people that try to give them a good name getting called a shill and stop responding.

When I have a point I stick with it. Instead of disagreeing with my opinion I get called a shill. So I continue to post good things about them.

If I like something, and its treated me good then I stand up for it. Its not about only sources, its in real life too. Thats my personality.

If someone makes fun of someone, I will get right in their face. Even if I dont know the person I stand up for them.

I stand up for what I believe and dont let anyone walk on anyone. Walk on me instead, call me the shill. I will take it because it doesnt bother me.

Most people that hate on Naps either:
1. Never tried them
2. Tried them and their T/A was long and they were impatient
3. Are just listening to rumors they heard
So you'd stand up for people you don't even know? Or know what they did? Is that what your doing with naps? Standing up for a source you know nothing about? Oh... Okay. Thought you were.
Oh and I have ordered from Naps and got SCAMMED!
So you'd stand up for people you don't even know? Or know what they did? Is that what your doing with naps? Standing up for a source you know nothing about? Oh... Okay. Thought you were.
Oh and I have ordered from Naps and got SCAMMED!

If I saw someone getting picked on then yes I would stand up for them.

I've been ordering from Naps for years. A couple of my close friends also order from Naps. We all never had a bad experience.
Good questions. Because all I see is hate on the Naps thread and the few people that try to give them a good name getting called a shill and stop responding.

When I have a point I stick with it. Instead of disagreeing with my opinion I get called a shill. So I continue to post good things about them.

If I like something, and its treated me good then I stand up for it. Its not about only sources, its in real life too. Thats my personality.

If someone makes fun of someone, I will get right in their face. Even if I dont know the person I stand up for them.

I stand up for what I believe and dont let anyone walk on anyone. Walk on me instead, call me the shill. I will take it because it doesnt bother me.

Most people that hate on Naps either:
1. Never tried them
2. Tried them and their T/A was long and they were impatient
3. Are just listening to rumors they heard
I don't really have anything more to add as @CuriousGeorge247 hit on a few. I do have a couple:

1. People don't praise labs just because that's their personality. They praise labs "usually" for a specific reason. Free gear, discounts, recognition from a source because it makes them feel important that the source converses with them on a regular, etc.

2. It's not that members disagree with you about the source. Hell they might even like the source. It's your approach that makes you sound like a shill. Whether you are or not I'm not sure. How you present your post I would say yes. Back up your statements with labs. Whether it be chemical analysis or bloods.

@Juicey239 who gives a flying F is NAPS is a re-seller, manufacture or distributor. If they sell crappy gear I don't trust them. It's that simple. They are to blame. They should be checking and double checking if they want to resale any UGL's oils and/or tabs.

Arguing with shills is exhausting.....I think there is plenty of relevant info in here for people to draw their own conclusions. Im done. Everything that needs to be said has been said. Can't reason with unreasonable people/shills. Anyone with a brain can read this thread and figure what is what.
I don't really have anything more to add as @CuriousGeorge247 hit on a few. I do have a couple:

1. People don't praise labs just because that's their personality. They praise labs "usually" for a specific reason. Free gear, discounts, recognition from a source because it makes them feel important that the source converses with them on a regular, etc.

2. It's not that members disagree with you about the source. Hell they might even like the source. It's your approach that makes you sound like a shill. Whether you are or not I'm not sure. How you present your post I would say yes. Back up your statements with labs. Whether it be chemical analysis or bloods.

@Juicey239 who gives a flying F is NAPS is a re-seller, manufacture or distributor. If they sell crappy gear I don't trust them. It's that simple. They are to blame. They should be checking and double checking if they want to resale any UGL's oils and/or tabs.


You make good points. Your the first person to try and talk to me rather than calling me a shill.

I dont like to be a follower, I do what I want. Sorry I'm not supporting the source I like by protocol but this is my way of doing it.