@Beano223 that was an excellent question btw.
Many guys (I am guilty as well) will just pick a source that has a couple positive reviews and place an order. Come to find out the gear they ordered was dirty, underdosed, or straight bunk. This is why anabolic lab is so important. It does not put a g2g stamp on a product, but it does give us information to make a more educated decision on who to buy from.
Without looking into lab test results I ordered from a place that had bloods of people with a Test levels of about 3500 but after looking into it I've seen people can have test levels in the high 4000s so now I'm considering other sources for next time
Are @SuperMaroid @Scirilo @DHulk shills paid directly by Naps
or Are they referrers shilling for commissions on other member purchases?

BTW they are so dumb to realize they all have CARTOON characters, thus an easy to spot pattern to identify these shills together

Dude get off my nuts, I'll repeat I've never shilled for naps I've never even mentioned how their gear is great or promote their stuff anywhere I've never taken money from naps or any other source In this forum tbh I've never even tried their gear...most I do is troll around..

Now if you anything to prove I'm a shill for naps please you're welcome to come forward otherwise stop fake accusations [emoji1360]
This is why anonymous samples are bought by anabolic lab and tested.
Anabolic lab does not buy anything. Members buy and send in anonymous samples. I think everyone knew what you meant for the most part.

I'm just a shill brah
You're not a shill. You are just a small time juice slinger that provides a product to your friends at a markup so you can make some money and get your gear for free. So, you defend them like they are the one who rides in middle seat of your car that only has room for two.

I imagine you do as well for some of the reasons I mentioned. You're arrogance will get you know where here. You might have a fan or two on this thread... They will be run off as well if they can't see the negative impact you have on this board.

You're not a shill. You are just a small time juice slinger that provides a product to your friends at a markup so you can make some money and get your gear for free. So, you defend them like they are the one who rides in middle seat of your car that only has room for two.

I imagine you do as well for some of the reasons I mentioned. You're arrogance will get you know where here. You might have a fan or two on this thread... They will be run off as well if they can't see the negative impact you have on this board.


A fan or 2? I've had about 5-10 messages a day from people. So people see my side too.

Someone created an account named Luigi to troll.

I have no where to get here, I'm already here and I've made my point. No one is running me off. I make my own decisions.

If you dont like what I have to say feel free to click the ignore button.

And you are wrong, I do this because I want to do this. I am not a rep or scammer or "juice slinger"
A fan or 2? I've had about 5-10 messages a day from people. So people see my side too.

Someone created an account named Luigi to troll.

I have no where to get here, I'm already here and I've made my point. No one is running me off. I make my own decisions.

If you dont like what I have to say feel free to click the ignore button.

And you are wrong, I do this because I want to do this. I am not a rep or scammer or "juice slinger"
Before long there just might be many more of these Super Mario characters here lol.

Are @SuperMaroid @Scirilo @DHulk shills paid directly by Naps
or Are they referrers shilling for commissions on other member purchases?

BTW they are so dumb to realize they all have CARTOON characters, thus an easy to spot pattern to identify these shills together

Theoretically speaking
Why doesn't @SuperMaroid and friends don't start brewing and open shop?
Oh they are to dumb for that
And just love the cock sucking
A fan or 2? I've had about 5-10 messages a day from people. So people see my side too.

Someone created an account named Luigi to troll.

I have no where to get here, I'm already here and I've made my point. No one is running me off. I make my own decisions.

If you dont like what I have to say feel free to click the ignore button.

And you are wrong, I do this because I want to do this. I am not a rep or scammer or "juice slinger"
Wow spoken like a true UGL gear source. I've heard that a thousands times. 5-10 messages a day huh? I highly doubt it.

Made your point about what? Anyone with half a brain can see what you are doing. Just keep on doing what you are doing little man.

And if you are ordering for friends and supplying them. You are a drug dealer.

Wow spoken like a true UGL gear source. I've heard that a thousands times. 5-10 messages a day huh? I highly doubt it.

Made your point about what? Anyone with half a brain can see what you are doing. Just keep on doing what you are doing little man.

And if you are ordering for friends and supplying them. You are a drug dealer.

I would also like to add. And if you aren't making money off them or getting your gear free you are a complete idiot. You can't tell me you are assuming all risks for nothing. smh

I treat my friends like meso taught me to. I tell every single one of them to create an account and start reading. I wouldn't buy gear for them and definitely wouldn't make money off of them...
I treat my friends like meso taught me to. I tell every single one of them to create an account and start reading. I wouldn't buy gear for them and definitely wouldn't make money off of them...

I dont treat my friends like I treat random people on the internet lol!