Never :D

Are you this paranoid every where you go? Are you the type of person that hides his cash in between his mattress rather than putting it in the bank?

This thread is definitely my favorite one on Meso lol
When freedom is involved you bet your bottom dollar I'm paranoid to some degree or another. And let's not forget how much your company cares about customer safety now. Paramount issue to them right?
Never :D

Are you this paranoid every where you go? Are you the type of person that hides his cash in between his mattress rather than putting it in the bank?

This thread is definitely my favorite one on Meso lol

Who the fuck are you to worry about anyone's paranoia? Your nothing more than a measly Naps reject! If Naps holds on to people's information, all that is a security risk that has nothing to do with the vomit you spew here! If he holds on to anyone's info he could potentially get hacked again then everyone's info is once again exposed due to another shitty decision...I'm sick of seeing your dumbass on here running your suck all the time about how good naps is.
Dude if you really think this, then your super fucking retarded! Do you realize how pathetic you sound?
It's not pathetic when I've got noobs hitting me up for gear get just because I post in the home brewing section. This dude is straight advertising about naps. If you think for second that noobs aren't hitting this dude up (which they are and he admitted it) then your fool. Open your eyes and see what's going on around you.
Who the fuck are you to worry about anyone's paranoia? Your nothing more than a measly Naps reject! If Naps holds on to people's information, all that is a security risk that has nothing to do with the vomit you spew here! If he holds on to anyone's info he could potentially get hacked again then everyone's info is once again exposed due to another shitty decision...I'm sick of seeing your dumbass on here running your suck all the time about how good naps is.

You do realize almost every source keeps your information. Do you think Naps wanted their information leaked?

Do you have proof that it actually effected anyone?

Noob how is your imaginary friend doing?
Do you have proof that it actually effected anyone?
the giant list of customers info that was published online not good enough for you for proof? I don't usually jump into this shit but you're intent here at meso is crystal clear. Don't even bother replying, it will fall on deaf ears.

All you members and guests that are looking for a solid source that wants to keep you safe, Naps isn't the source.
You do realize almost every source keeps your information. Do you think Naps wanted their information leaked?

Do you have proof that it actually effected anyone?

Noob how is your imaginary friend doing?

Most respectable sources like the domestic ones here get rid of customer information as soon as the order is filled and the package is in the mail! So whoever filled your head with that shit is a fucking idiot but that seems to fit your world anyways! If you want to know how my friend is why don't you ask your hero bitch?
How about an auto delete when the package is marked as delivered? 4-6 months after and the info is delivered, lol. I will never order from you so it doesn't matter what I ask but really, you could do better than 4-6 months. Or maybe we should get over it?

How would a source verify an order if a customer has issues if the order is deleted immediately. Most people don't start their cycles the day the package is delivered.
How would a source verify an order if a customer has issues if the order is deleted immediately. Most people don't start their cycles the day the package is delivered.
Good point.

What would an adequate amount of time in your opinion?
Dude get off my nuts, I'll repeat I've never shilled for naps I've never even mentioned how their gear is great or promote their stuff anywhere I've never taken money from naps or any other source In this forum tbh I've never even tried their gear...most I do is troll around..

Now if you anything to prove I'm a shill for naps please you're welcome to come forward otherwise stop fake accusations [emoji1360]
I've never even mentioned how their gear is great???
1 English ain't your first language. You are an Eastern European shill, probably Moldovan.
2 You're to dumb to deny being a Naps shill. You even shill when attempting to deny shilling LMAO

The orders info is now auto deleted after 4-6 months from the approximate delivery date.

There is also a delete order button and you can delete your order at any time.

Plus there is delete your account option added:

SuperMaroid likes this
As usual @SuperMaroid readily sucking naps dick

You do realize that most sources keep your order history forever right?

You could just delete your account every time its delivered if you feel the need to.
What's your vested interest in restating something Naps rep already made clear?
Answer: Sucking even more Naps dick.
How would a source verify an order if a customer has issues if the order is deleted immediately. Most people don't start their cycles the day the package is delivered.

For the first time, we agree on something!

Exactly as above.

People are always so paranoid and defensive about sources deleting your information and not storing it.

Well, unless you looking over their shoulder and watching them set fire to their harddrive, how do you ever know? Because they told you? Hmmmm
Good point.

What would an adequate amount of time in your opinion?

IMO, if a customer asks for the records to be deleted before he's had a chance to test out the gear then he assumes responsibility for the gear unless there's another way amenable to both parties for the transaction to be confirmed.
It's not pathetic when I've got noobs hitting me up for gear get just because I post in the home brewing section. This dude is straight advertising about naps. If you think for second that noobs aren't hitting this dude up (which they are and he admitted it) then your fool. Open your eyes and see what's going on around you.
So fucking what if noobs are hitting him up? All he'd do is tell them naps is g2g (which they are.)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with what's going on here. Your just being an overly dramatic woman. Go get your e2 checked lol
I've never even mentioned how their gear is great???
1 English ain't your first language. You are an Eastern European shill, probably Moldovan.
2 You're to dumb to deny being a Naps shill. You even shill when attempting to deny shilling LMAO

On the second point over there did you mean "You're TOO dumb" Fucking retard look at the karma doing its job...
Lol only on Meso you can see soap operas 24x7, with all the estrogen flowing. Maybe an AI for everyone!
@SuperMaroid . Thank you. I have been on Meso a long time. Lately I have really enjoyed the action, and tried to contribute. Sources dry up, go bad, some just leave a sour taste in youri mouth. When I need something Meso is where I come to look. EVO is useless, eroids a joke, I remember when Outlaw went offshore. Meso is and always will be the shit. I'm a end user, not a reseller I could care less if my name is on some list. I don't use my real name. Ill post my review in the NAPS thread. Keep up the fight!;) NOW got to open that box
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So fucking what if noobs are hitting him up? All he'd do is tell them naps is g2g (which they are.)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with what's going on here. Your just being an overly dramatic woman. Go get your e2 checked lol
Oh. Real typical. "Get your E2 checked". Ya mines dialed in with my Testosterone based on blood work so don't you worry about that Missy.
Him telling noobs that Naps is "gtg" is something we don't say around here.
1. It's simply never true.
2. They're unsafe to buy from with people's personal information being leaked.
3. They can go south at any time.
4. Your a waste of my time but won't let you turn good people in a bad direction.

Get the fuck out of Meso, Juicy Jew.
@SuperMaroid . Thank you. I have been on Meso a long time. Lately I have really enjoyed the action, and tried to contribute. Sources dry up, go bad, some just leave a sour taste in youri mouth. When I need something Meso is where I come to look. EVO is useless, eroids a joke, I remember when Outlaw went offshore. Meso is and always will be the shit. I'm a end user, not a reseller I could care less if my name is on some list. I don't use my real name. Ill post my review in the NAPS thread. Keep up the fight!;) NOW got to open that box

No problem, I wont ever stop fighting. But work and my girl will take up a lot of my time so I cant always be here. A lot happens when I'm gone lol
Oh. Real typical. "Get your E2 checked". Ya mines dialed in with my Testosterone based on blood work so don't you worry about that Missy.
Him telling noobs that Naps is "gtg" is something we don't say around here.
1. It's simply never true.
2. They're unsafe to buy from with people's personal information being leaked.
3. They can go south at any time.
4. Your a waste of my time but won't let you turn good people in a bad direction.

Get the fuck out of Meso, Juicy Jew.

Lay off the tren too TRT.

How come me and many others order from Naps all the time with no problem?