If you don't get it, or know, you deserve each other. You hear it was taken care of? Was that like when they said security is important, just get over it? Continue sucking...
The point was and you missed it by a mile was what you said! You called me out about drooling over TNE and taking a couple pics and comparing me to another member? And yet your dumb ass has posted a hell of a lot of pics of gear, mostly looks like Naps gear by the way.... don't care who was from what!

I get dragon mostly from elsewhere.
Gh elsewhere
When I want cheap Geneza or viagra then naps.
Get you shit straight stop making shit up
You know the biggest issue here, that obviously you dumb fucks can't wrap your head around, is the fact that just because you get gear from someone doesn't mean it's good to go, it also doesn't mean it's real it definitely doesn't mean it is sterile! When you guys step up for a source that you've never even seen where there shit is made but yet your telling people they are g2g and you cause someone to get hurt because you have your own agenda is fucked up! I can't speak for everyone here but I know for myself I don't want people to get hurt because I knew for a fact at one time that gear made someone deathly ill! If I can keep one person from ordering from that fuck, then it was worth it to me.

I get dragon mostly from elsewhere.
Gh elsewhere
When I want cheap Geneza or viagra then naps.
Get you shit straight stop making shit up

Ahh bullshit! Whatever try that shit with someone who believes you!
I know. I realized that afterwards. Ha I was gonna say. That doesn't sound like mindlesswork to say something like that.
You know the biggest issue here, that obviously you dumb fucks can't wrap your head around, is the fact that just because you get gear from someone doesn't mean it's good to go, it also doesn't mean it's real it definitely doesn't mean it is sterile! When you guys step up for a source that you've never even seen where there shit is made but yet your telling people they are g2g and you cause someone to get hurt because you have your own agenda is fucked up! I can't speak for everyone here but I know for myself I don't want people to get hurt because I knew for a fact at one time that gear made someone deathly ill! If I can keep one person from ordering from that fuck, then it was worth it to me.

Ahh bullshit! Whatever try that shit with someone who believes you!

You and trt are fucking stupid. Using your "privilege" to alienate others real nice. I don't think I've used g2g but ok bro. I don't want people to get hurt either I'm not promoting anything because I know shit can go south but you guys labeling people as shills for having a good experience with a source you don't like that's, pretty fascist homie and immature. People are free to order what they want where they want if you don't like it than fuck off with your commie ass holding onto one thing.
You and trt are fucking stupid. Using your "privilege" to alienate others real nice. I don't think I've used g2g but ok bro. I don't want people to get hurt either I'm not promoting anything because I know shit can go south but you guys labeling people as shills for having a good experience with a source you don't like that's, pretty fascist homie and immature. People are free to order what they want where they want if you don't like it than fuck off with your commie ass holding onto one thing.
Hey, fuck you SHILL! if you don't like this, KICK ROCKS!
I've ordered but haven't used Naps products in a while so wouldn't know since once again I get same brands they sell but from a different source.
so no bloods, or any proof your not pinning oil? you just draw and pin right? 8 to 12 weeks of putting shit in your body...
You and trt are fucking stupid. Using your "privilege" to alienate others real nice. I don't think I've used g2g but ok bro. I don't want people to get hurt either I'm not promoting anything because I know shit can go south but you guys labeling people as shills for having a good experience with a source you don't like that's, pretty fascist homie and immature. People are free to order what they want where they want if you don't like it than fuck off with your commie ass holding onto one thing.

Motherfucker let me try to explain one more time for your dumbass! This is the last time! If you want to say you've had a good experience then fine, but when you say it over and over and over again, your a motherfucking shill bitch!!! Plain and simple why don't you get it? You do want to get people hurt if your out here standing on a soapbox saying how great this source is when you really don't know shit about him! Naps is kind of like the first source for new people who are looking for gear. Then your supposed to grow out of that phase and move on to bigger and better things! Not be stuck on stupid and repeating!
The viagra is good but gets my blood pressure up and makes me feel high it's weird been looking around for good cialis to try I keep hearing good things about cialis being overall better than viagra
You and trt are fucking stupid. Using your "privilege" to alienate others real nice. I don't think I've used g2g but ok bro. I don't want people to get hurt either I'm not promoting anything because I know shit can go south but you guys labeling people as shills for having a good experience with a source you don't like that's, pretty fascist homie and immature. People are free to order what they want where they want if you don't like it than fuck off with your commie ass holding onto one thing.
For starters,

What "privilege"?

Next, if anyone can believe what they want then what the fuck are you worried about? I didn't look up a single post of yours or Mario. You did though. That would be "evidence". I haven't at all.
Also, I stated that we all have skeletons in our closets and we contradict ourselves over time. So with enough digging anyone can look stupid.

So, I'll ask again. Why are you worried about what we say? Is it based on this "privilege" that your trying to use to discredit us?
Motherfucker let me try to explain one more time for your dumbass! This is the last time! If you want to say you've had a good experience then fine, but when you say it over and over and over again, your a motherfucking shill bitch!!! Plain and simple why don't you get it? You do want to get people hurt if your out here standing on a soapbox saying how great this source is when you really don't know shit about him! Naps is kind of like the first source for new people who are looking for gear. Then your supposed to grow out of that phase and move on to bigger and better things! Not be stuck on stupid and repeating!

Ok bro I get it you feel better now.
Keep my name out your mouth now I'm no shill just a cheap mufuka that shops around. you can keep sharing old shit if you want homie, I'm moving on
The viagra is good but gets my blood pressure up and makes me feel high it's weird been looking around for good cialis to try I keep hearing good things about cialis being overall better than viagra
Never messed with viagra but I was using cialis daily low dose and liked it.
Doc put me on bp meds but I quit taking them and will be back on cialis.
Cialis is a win win for me anyway.
so no bloods, or any proof your not pinning oil? you just draw and pin right? 8 to 12 weeks of putting shit in your body...

Old bloods from old batches really don't mean much now. Why would I share results anyways if you're just gonna call me a shill either it's fucking stupid. You guys don't want to see Labs unless it's bad.