Lol believe what you want but I'm not a rep for any source.

I stand up for the sources I had good experiences from. If this was about iFit I would be standing up for them as well.
Well do it differently cause your making yourself look really bad with your "shill-like" comments and your cartoon AVIs for fuck sake. You know we weed out the bad apples here. Everyone here has been watched with a microscope one time or another.
Well do it differently cause your making yourself look really bad with your "shill-like" comments and your cartoon AVIs for fuck sake. You know we weed out the bad apples here. Everyone here has been watched with a microscope one time or another.

Your doing a bad job weeding me out. I'm still here. My cartoon avi fits my name which is about a cartoon character.

Is this better?

Geneza Pharmaceuticals Archives - Anabolic Lab
@DHulk Now there going to think we work together again because we posted at the same time lol

This assuming we're affiliated claim is pretty comical these guys are really going full retard.
Mods at Eroids can tell if we use same IP address or whatever computer things that can tell we are probably no where near each other.
I'm not clicking on the link. I don't give a fuck. Oh and hulk to i bet too, huh? Just matching his AVI? You may stay but everyone will know your a low life piece of shit.
Well I believe nothing I hear and only half of what I see. I see shilling and it only hear your BS.

So @TRT are you pharmasource eu rep or shill/dick rider?
That's pretty much most of your replies.
How's the blow jobs for anadrol raws going? IMG_2538.JPG
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I'm not clicking on the link. I don't give a fuck. Oh and hulk to i bet too, huh? Just matching his AVI? You may stay but everyone will know your a low life piece of shit.

You're a Pharmasource Eu shill no different than supermaroids love for naps
Guys he keeps posting pictures of my media which is all different labs. Naps, Euroking, iFit, GetPumped. I just placed an order with Pharmacom and that pic will be coming soon. I must be a "rep" to all these sources.

The reason I stand up for Naps is because I've been ordering from them for years and never had any problems. I am not a rep to any source. Why would I buy gear from so many different sources, it makes no sense.

I hit a nerve with @CdnGuy and @DrinkFlintWater when I gave my experience with Naps. I dont think there use to someone disagreeing with them. I say what I want, and could care less what they have to say.

@Olympia95 I like how you were honest and saw both sides.

@DHulk I dont even know who you are and people accuse us of working together. We get notifications from the same topic and respond.

@master.on I never gave anyone a website. I just post on the Naps topic saying my experience with them and get called a shill. Never sold anything, or scammed anyone.

@XNooBX You think I'm Naps and I think your the person that went to the hospital for gear.

@MindlessWork You pretty much said what you did. Your just a follower and agree with people instead of saying your own opinion.

@PuddlePiratePunk I greet everyone in the introduction, and I will continue to. Sorry I didnt stoop down to name calling on the internet.

@ronin17 Couldnt agree more. Was just with the girl having back to back cardio sessions if you know what I mean. Sorry I couldnt respond quicker guys lol

I could give two fucks what you think! You obviously are scared of the truth yourself or you would actually research or even better ask your fucking hero! You don't want to do that because your a scared little kid!
I've worn out my welcome with many on Meso I know this. But before my time is ended here things need to be said and the record set fuckin straight!!
Idk what your even referring too here.
Are you after some sort of martyrdom?
You were cool before you started this weird frothing at the mouth meso watchdog BS
So @TRT are you pharmasource eu rep or shill/dick rider?
That's pretty much most of your replies.
How's the blow jobs for anadrol raws going? View attachment 64560
Wow. You suck at this. You obviously haven't been here that long. Even the guys on here that I've fought tooth and nail over shit would laugh at this. Everyone knows if I had something negative to say about any source I don't hold back and I don't have favorites. It's always a gamble. They can go south at anytime.
Not to mention I admit when I'm wrong. No shame in that.

Nice try buddy. I give you props for trying though.
Bioniche must be g2g since your friend said so. If you're friend told you the hooker is clean obviously you'd believe him lol!
Granabolic shill?
Drooling on peps dick much
I could give two fucks what you think! You obviously are scared of the truth yourself or you would actually research or even better ask your fucking hero! You don't want to do that because your a scared little kid!
Relax man. Dudes a dingbat. We'll push him and his "hero" out soon enough.lol
Wow. You suck at this. You obviously haven't been here that long. Even the guys on here that I've fought tooth and nail over shit would laugh at this. Everyone knows if I had something negative to say about any source I don't hold back and I don't have favorites. It's always a gamble. They can go south at anytime.
Not to mention I admit when I'm wrong. No shame in that.
Nice try buddy. I give you props for trying though.

Still you're a Pharmasource eu shill
View attachment 64561
Bioniche must be g2g since your friend said so. If you're friend told you the hooker is clean obviously you'd believe him lol!
View attachment 64562
Granabolic shill?
View attachment 64563
Drooling on peps dick much
View attachment 64564

Lmao really? That's all you got boy? All different sources to huh? Not just stuck on stupid and repeating like you and the Mario retard! Never shilled for any gear or discounts either fanboy! Hahaha good shit... nice try!
Lmao really? That's all you got boy? All different sources to huh? Not just stuck on stupid and repeating like you and the Mario retard! Never shilled for any gear or discounts either fanboy! Hahaha good shit... nice try!

Same with me homie all different sources but I get labeled as Naps shill lol! Obviously you throw your pussy to whoever gives you a deal. See how stupid you guys look like hypocritical liberals.