I've worn out my welcome with many on Meso I know this. But before my time is ended here things need to be said and the record set fuckin straight!!
Since joining here not that long ago...ive read how this guy did this and how sources were vetted etc....i dont have much to compare to in the little amount of time ive had. But it seems very few people want to keep things the way they were but are first to criticize how things arent the way theyre supposed to be...idk i cant keep up and dont even know if making sense but clearly @XNooBX post on whats happening at Meso makes alot of sense now...to me. The fact is, the moral of Meso will not stand the test of time in terms of being source driven at some point. It takes more than a few people to care. I myself, am taking a Meso break....later bro!
Since joining here not that long ago...ive read how this guy did this and how sources were vetted etc....i dont have much to compare to in the little amount of time ive had. But it seems very few people want to keep things the way they were but are first to criticize how things arent the way theyre supposed to be...idk i cant keep up and dont even know if making sense but clearly @XNooBX post on whats happening at Meso makes alot of sense now...to me. The fact is, the moral of Meso will not stand the test of time in terms of being source driven at some point. It takes more than a few people to care. I myself, am taking a Meso break....later bro!
That is the sad truth but before its over certain members need and will receive a wake up call.
Guys he keeps posting pictures of my media which is all different labs. Naps, Euroking, iFit, GetPumped. I just placed an order with Pharmacom and that pic will be coming soon. I must be a "rep" to all these sources.

The reason I stand up for Naps is because I've been ordering from them for years and never had any problems. I am not a rep to any source. Why would I buy gear from so many different sources, it makes no sense.

I hit a nerve with @CdnGuy and @DrinkFlintWater when I gave my experience with Naps. I dont think there use to someone disagreeing with them. I say what I want, and could care less what they have to say.

@Olympia95 I like how you were honest and saw both sides.

@DHulk I dont even know who you are and people accuse us of working together. We get notifications from the same topic and respond.

@master.on I never gave anyone a website. I just post on the Naps topic saying my experience with them and get called a shill. Never sold anything, or scammed anyone.

@XNooBX You think I'm Naps and I think your the person that went to the hospital for gear.

@MindlessWork You pretty much said what you did. Your just a follower and agree with people instead of saying your own opinion.

@PuddlePiratePunk I greet everyone in the introduction, and I will continue to. Sorry I didnt stoop down to name calling on the internet.

@ronin17 Couldnt agree more. Was just with the girl having back to back cardio sessions if you know what I mean. Sorry I couldnt respond quicker guys lol
Guys he keeps posting pictures of my media which is all different labs. Naps, Euroking, iFit, GetPumped. I just placed an order with Pharmacom and that pic will be coming soon. I must be a "rep" to all these sources.

The reason I stand up for Naps is because I've been ordering from them for years and never had any problems. I am not a rep to any source. Why would I buy gear from so many different sources, it makes no sense.

I hit a nerve with @CdnGuy and @DrinkFlintWater when I gave my experience with Naps. I dont think there use to someone disagreeing with them. I say what I want, and could care less what they have to say.

@Olympia95 I like how you were honest and saw both sides.

@DHulk I dont even know who you are and people accuse us of working together. We get notifications from the same topic and respond.

@master.on I never gave anyone a website. I just post on the Naps topic saying my experience with them and get called a shill. Never sold anything, or scammed anyone.

@XNooBX You think I'm Naps and I think your the person that went to the hospital for gear.

@MindlessWork You pretty much said what you did. Your just a follower and agree with people instead of saying your own opinion.

@PuddlePiratePunk I greet everyone in the introduction, and I will continue to. Sorry I didnt stoop down to name calling on the internet.

@ronin17 Couldnt agree more. Was just with the girl having back to back cardio sessions if you know what I mean. Sorry I couldnt respond quicker guys lol
So it's coincidental ALL these people believe you're a shill?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln
So it's coincidental ALL these people believe you're a shill?

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln

I personally like Naps. If saying my experience with a source makes me a shill, then I'm a shill.
There is an inordinate amount of cock sucking going on in the Naps thread....

If all you have to say is how great a source is with nothing to back it up like bloods, you are a shill.

If you have nothing but negative to say about a source with nothing to back it up, you are a troll.

If you work for and are being compensated by a source, you are a rep.

Supes, you do nothing but gush about Naps and you post a rediculous amount of gear pics without any comments about cycles, gains or bloodwork. By definition you are either a shill or a rep.

I know why people dont like Naps. I know their history. Ive ordered from them, when I didnt know better. Possibly got bunk gear which I am currently testing out and will share my bloods when they come back. I have also used aromasin and tadalafil that works and purchased it from naps but that doesnt mean everything they carry is good 2 go and always will be like you profess.

When you say a source is great and you can't and don't back it up with any evidence you are harming the community here, which is disrespectful. Thats what pisses these guys off.

If you have nothing valid or concrete to add, it would be best to just keep your moth shut.
There is an inordinate amount of cock sucking going on in the Naps thread....

If all you have to say is how great a source is with nothing to back it up like bloods, you are a shill.

If you have nothing but negative to say about a source with nothing to back it up, you are a troll.

If you work for and are being compensated by a source, you are a rep.

Supes, you do nothing but gush about Naps and you post a rediculous amount of gear pics without any comments about cycles, gains or bloodwork. By definition you are either a shill or a rep.

I know why people dont like Naps. I know their history. Ive ordered from them, when I didnt know better. Possibly got bunk gear which I am currently testing out and will share my bloods when they come back. I have also used aromasin and tadalafil that works and purchased it from naps but that doesnt mean everything they carry is good 2 go and always will be like you profess.

When you say a source is great and you can't and don't back it up with any evidence you are harming the community here, which is disrespectful. Thats what pisses these guys off.

If you have nothing valid or concrete to add, it would be best to just keep your moth shut.

What about all the anaboliclab blood tests on all the different brands from Naps? Do they mean nothing too?

Geneza Pharmaceuticals Archives - Anabolic Lab

Dragon Pharma Archives - Anabolic Lab

Gen-Shi Laboratories Archives - Anabolic Lab

Jintani Labs Archives - Anabolic Lab
Those are but a picture taken in time dude. Just because you take a picture of a pretty girl, doesnt mean she will always be pretty. What does she look like now?

Another example:

Say you are dating a woman and you both have STD labs done that say you are both clean. You break up, see her 5 years later and she wants to get back with you. Are you going to assume that she is still clean or would you want another test just to be safe?

Im new to this but Im catching on quick. When it comes to steroid sources, it's all about "What have you done for me lately"

Naps had issues with security, was hacked and because of that a lot of experienced people will not give Naps their bussiness.They don't have to, there are many sources that do not have that as part of their past.Noobs do because its easy to use and the huge discounts convinces them to buy. Experienced people try to warn them but no one wants to listen....

No one likes seeing or possibly seeing their names leaked to the whole wide world when it comes to their illegal activities. Same thing with the Ashley Madison website and dudes cheating on their women.

Another example:

You eat at a restraunt and get food poisoning. Are you going there again or are you going to take your bussiness to another restaurant?

How about that girlfriend that cheated on you and you dump her. Now she wants to get back with you. Are you going to give her another chance to hurt you again or are you going to go get a different girlfriend?

What if you are some random person (shill) going around telling people how great that restaurant is because at one time you heard it was and they get sick too. Thought you were doing good but got someone hurt.

What if that girls best friend (shill) tells you she has changed and wants another chance? Going to take her word on it?

Lastly, what if your ex girlfriend prints out that lab test and says she is still clean. Still believe those tests?

How about that dating app and the girl only post pics of her face and its angled looking down on her. No pics of het body...you going to trust that she is not fat? Or the pics that all look like she is much younger than her stated age and one from distance but she looks different, mayve older bit its hars to tell? You going to belive she looks 20 something when that one picture looks a bit fishy and she says she is 40 something....?
What about all the anaboliclab blood tests on all the different brands from Naps? Do they mean nothing too?
But you don't believe in posting bloods remember? Oh that's right you contradict yourself all the time shill.
2017-03-20 22.10.41.png

But then you preach a different story
2017-03-20 22.36.09.png

Dont trust people who says " this is a good souce" gotcha! Buttttt....
2017-03-20 22.55.37.png
Super Shills 2nd post on Meso i kid you not! Lol
2017-03-20 22.36.45.png

More contradictions for tmrw..will end with this Gem!
2017-03-20 22.11.14.png
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Those are but a picture taken in time dude. Just because you take a picture of a pretty girl, doesnt mean she will always be pretty. What does she look like now?

Another example:

Say you are dating a woman and you both have STD labs done that say you are both clean. You break up, see her 5 years later and she wants to get back with you. Are you going to assume that she is still clean or would you want another test just to be safe?

Im new to this but Im catching on quick. When it comes to steroid sources, it's all about "What have you done for me lately"

Naps had issues with security, was hacked and because of that a lot of experienced people will not give Naps their bussiness.They don't have to, there are many sources that do not have that as part of their past.Noobs do because its easy to use and the huge discounts convinces them to buy. Experienced people try to warn them but no one wants to listen....

No one likes seeing or possibly seeing their names leaked to the whole wide world when it comes to their illegal activities. Same thing with the Ashley Madison website and dudes cheating on their women.

Another example:

You eat at a restraunt and get food poisoning. Are you going there again or are you going to take your bussiness to another restaurant?

How about that girlfriend that cheated on you and you dump her. Now she wants to get back with you. Are you going to give her another chance to hurt you again or are you going to go get a different girlfriend?

What if you are some random person (shill) going around telling people how great that restaurant is because at one time you heard it was and they get sick too. Thought you were doing good but got someone hurt.

What if that girls best friend (shill) tells you she has changed and wants another chance? Going to take her word on it?

Lastly, what if your ex girlfriend prints out that lab test and says she is still clean. Still believe those tests?

How about that dating app and the girl only post pics of her face and its angled looking down on her. No pics of het body...you going to trust that she is not fat? Or the pics that all look like she is much younger than her stated age and one from distance but she looks different, mayve older bit its hars to tell? You going to belive she looks 20 something when that one picture looks a bit fishy and she says she is 40 something....?

Those were some good analogies. Theres no way to prove anything online 100%. I can say my experience was great, I can post my bloods or I can post 3rd party bloods but it still will never be 100% @CdnGuy This is why there are contridictions.

Going to continue to post anaboliclab results if I'm tagged. You can believe them if you want.

You can continue calling me a "rep", "shill", "scammer" but this is my point.
My brother ordered from naps like 10years ago. It was all good. Second pack came and it was train toy oil and sugar pills stuck between two pieces of tape. Now, what a noob would think is "Oh. That must be the Testosterone in the satchel and it just says train oil to hide it". It's gtg.
Naps doesn't give a fuck about anyone. They do whatever it takes to make money. @SuperMaroid you can rep for naps but that doesn't mean you can't use other people's gear. I see right through your lying ass. From the get go I thought you sounded like a shill. Your not fooling anyone. That includes yhe @Hulk.
Those are but a picture taken in time dude. Just because you take a picture of a pretty girl, doesnt mean she will always be pretty. What does she look like now?

Another example:

Say you are dating a woman and you both have STD labs done that say you are both clean. You break up, see her 5 years later and she wants to get back with you. Are you going to assume that she is still clean or would you want another test just to be safe?

Im new to this but Im catching on quick. When it comes to steroid sources, it's all about "What have you done for me lately"

Naps had issues with security, was hacked and because of that a lot of experienced people will not give Naps their bussiness.They don't have to, there are many sources that do not have that as part of their past.Noobs do because its easy to use and the huge discounts convinces them to buy. Experienced people try to warn them but no one wants to listen....

No one likes seeing or possibly seeing their names leaked to the whole wide world when it comes to their illegal activities. Same thing with the Ashley Madison website and dudes cheating on their women.

Another example:

You eat at a restraunt and get food poisoning. Are you going there again or are you going to take your bussiness to another restaurant?

How about that girlfriend that cheated on you and you dump her. Now she wants to get back with you. Are you going to give her another chance to hurt you again or are you going to go get a different girlfriend?

What if you are some random person (shill) going around telling people how great that restaurant is because at one time you heard it was and they get sick too. Thought you were doing good but got someone hurt.

What if that girls best friend (shill) tells you she has changed and wants another chance? Going to take her word on it?

Lastly, what if your ex girlfriend prints out that lab test and says she is still clean. Still believe those tests?

How about that dating app and the girl only post pics of her face and its angled looking down on her. No pics of het body...you going to trust that she is not fat? Or the pics that all look like she is much younger than her stated age and one from distance but she looks different, mayve older bit its hars to tell? You going to belive she looks 20 something when that one picture looks a bit fishy and she says she is 40 something....?

Decent analogies based on bad incidents.
What if the pretty girl still looks good for her age.
What if the girl comes back still clean std free.
The internet is full of hackers and every government spy's on there people. No one is safe behind their computer or device. At this point i wouldn't doubt meso was part of the leaks/security breach with how much you all hate Naps.
I eat at a restaurant and I'm the only one that day out of 1000 customers that gets food poisoning. How can you explain that? Now if 500 people report food poisoning ok then that's some cause for concern.
Cheating girlfriend? I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't 1, just cheat back [emoji23]
What if girls best friend is being honest because people can change, I'm a lot different than I was 8 years ago.Why not take her out for a test ride, don't need to marry her, just hit it and quit it. If her lab test are legit why not?
Dating sites what are you a 40 year old virgin? We all know if she only post face with tits shots she's deceiving lol! But hey some of you with enough Test in your system would still hit it [emoji23]
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My brother ordered from naps like 10years ago. It was all good. Second pack came and it was train toy oil and sugar pills stuck between two pieces of tape. Now, what a noob would think is "Oh. That must be the Testosterone in the satchel and it just says train oil to hide it". It's gtg.
Naps doesn't give a fuck about anyone. They do whatever it takes to make money. @SuperMaroid you can rep for naps but that doesn't mean you can't use other people's gear. I see right through your lying ass. From the get go I thought you sounded like a shill. Your not fooling anyone. That includes yhe @Hulk.

Lol believe what you want but I'm not a rep for any source.

I stand up for the sources I had good experiences from. If this was about iFit I would be standing up for them as well.