What ever happened to a "good case"
I mean when CBS does it its a good case
Shit is lined up. Tidy. Ready to present and very little wiggle room.
Its an art.
Eh fuck meh...carry on
What ever happened to a "good case"
I mean when CBS does it its a good case
Shit is lined up. Tidy. Ready to present and very little wiggle room.
Its an art.
Eh fuck meh...carry on
Yeah guess the last year i know nothing about that Trukk lol By all means step right up...
I agree. I have seen @CensoredBoardsSuck systematically take em down and when he presents the case it is pretty much open and shut!
Not all but by and far most. I have seen him whiff a time or 2

But is it too much to freakin ask that when you launch a thread like this you present ALL your evidence? I mean this is your time to shine. Not oh i got it...ill post it later. This shit is turrible(charles barkley voice)
Not all but by and far most. I have seen him whiff a time or 2

But is it too much to freakin ask that when you launch a thread like this you present ALL your evidence? I mean this is your time to shine. Not oh i got it...ill post it later. This shit is turrible(charles barkley voice)


Seriously, I do agree with you it is the time to shine. People love that instant gratification of "hey look at me!!!" So they miss the opportunity to really shine.

Do you think they think that "I'll post it later" gives it the dramatic affect? :)
@DrinkFlintWater I've had the same suspicoun of @SuperMaroid being a naps shill.

I don't want to come out and say @SuperMaroid is a shill or a rep outright, because I don't have any evidence.
And thats a big thing to potentially falsely without evidence put on somebody.

But I can see why @DrinkFlintWater did.

@SuperMaroid does act like the most enthusiastic customer on meso of any source. And frequently pushes naps and GP.

And I also noticed I don't know if by coincidence that @DHulk usually pops up around the same posts as @SuperMaroid.

@SuperMaroid posts also seem to be centered around the naps thread and on GP.

@SuperMaroid behavior is closer to that of a rep than of a regular guy I'd say.

I'm not saying he is a naps shill or rep, but it does kind of seem like he is.
Not all but by and far most. I have seen him whiff a time or 2

But is it too much to freakin ask that when you launch a thread like this you present ALL your evidence? I mean this is your time to shine. Not oh i got it...ill post it later. This shit is turrible(charles barkley voice)

Time to shine? No not at all. This didnt start out of thin blue air...this has been on going in Naps thread for months. Whether or not there is scamming going on on Meso...I DONT KNOW. Im just putting it out there for Meso to see. Sorry if I am not living up to the standards of CBS. Take this info or leave it....this really applies to newer guys on here as that seems to be the MO here.
@DrinkFlintWater I've had the same suspicoun of @SuperMaroid being a naps shill.

I don't want to come out and say @SuperMaroid is a shill or a rep outright, because I don't have any evidence.
And thats a big thing to potentially falsely without evidence put on somebody.

But I can see why @DrinkFlintWater did.

@SuperMaroid does act like the most enthusiastic customer on meso of any source. And frequently pushes naps and GP.

And I also noticed I don't know if by coincidence that @DHulk usually pops up around the same posts as @SuperMaroid.

@SuperMaroid posts also seem to be centered around the naps thread and on GP.

@SuperMaroid behavior is closer to that of a rep than of a regular guy I'd say.

I'm not saying he is a naps shill or rep, but it does kind of seem like he is.

I pop up when I keep getting notifications on my tapatalk app I don't remember subscribing to the thread I think I automatically subscribed me when I comment or something

@CdnGuy lol its just I don't want to accuse the guy @SuperMaroid without clear evidence. It would be really messed up if I were wrong.
Non the less @SuperMaroid behavior does appear to be abnormal in comparison to that of a regular meso member.
More like a rep than a member.
Everyones bashing Naps but they are a great source. I have had tests with GP products and all were legit.

Every GP product I have tested has been g2g. Good post

Lol have you ever tried GP products before? Or did you have a bad experience with Naps?

GP product are great! Good post and results. I do any where from 12.5 to 25 ed or eod with aromasin. Try 12.5 eod and see how that works for you and then bump it up to 25 eod if you have to. Better to start low.

I'm currently running GP test e with GP aromasin.

You didnt get lucky, Naps is gtg. PM me

GP is a great brand, try it if you havnt yet!

I am just letting everyone know my opinion about naps. I have been using their products for years and have ordered over 15 times and I had a 100% success rate. I took tests on many different products and all came out with good results.

I can say from my experience GP products are gtg, and I took tests to prove it.

You had a bad experience with Naps and thats why you feel this way. I never have.

I am no way related to naps, I'm just helping guide others and voicing my experience about a company I think is great.

Lol relax guys, not a shill. Just vouching for a source I've had great results from. Take it or leave it.

Just a sample and plz take note on top quote!