I've worn out my welcome with many on Meso I know this. But before my time is ended here things need to be said and the record set fuckin straight!!
I've worn out my welcome with many on Meso I know this. But before my time is ended here things need to be said and the record set fuckin straight!!
Bet you will be a hero for outing so many shills trolls and idiots here and I am sure you filled @brutus79's shoes quite well. We need people who are willing to step up and help keep Meso clean and wholesome.
Bet you will be a hero for outing so many shills trolls and idiots here and I am sure you filled @brutus79's shoes quite well. We need people who are willing to step up and help keep Meso clean and wholesome.
Bro....youve noticed this as well and havent said shit on the topic at hand. So only 4 or so people on Meso have seen this??? Ok!
Bro....youve noticed this as well and havent said shit on the topic at hand. So only 4 or so people on Meso have seen this??? Ok!
I've been following just didn't want to jump in until I've seen it all. I often get accused of jumping on the bandwagon so soon so that's why I am waiting till everything is told.
Now a shill uploaded too many pics on page 3 to make it crash and have the inconvenient question dissappear
So I ask it again

Nice catch DFW

just a question
is @SuperMaroid giving people a different Email/website than Naps (or whatever source he's shilling from) thus kind of impersonating?
Or, are orders properly routed thru Naps and Naps itself is scamming?

Again good work DFW
@SuperMaroid seemed to play it right, he almost had me since he post pics from mostly naps and is to friendly, I felt more welcomed when I joined when @CdnGuy and @DrinkFlintWater tossed pies in my face and told me to keep reading and learning!
Banana cream pies I hope :p

Yes all the new people get a little bit of a heckling that's for sure. At least you got a thick skin ;)
Now a shill uploaded too many pics on page 3 to make it crash and have the inconvenient question dissappear
So I ask it again
I have no clue...and that issue(scamming) is an issue on another forum. If someone here comes forward and says something....then its a different story. Can only speculate ATM.
I have no clue...and that issue(scamming) is an issue on another forum. If someone here comes forward and says something....then its a different story. Can only speculate ATM.
Ok what you've read in another forums?
Is @SuperMaroid scamming by impersonating or it's Naps itself scamming?
You already made clear that you're not sure about it and it's just something you've read elsewhere, so there shouldn't be a problem with it.

I'm intrigued about the answer.