SuperQuality Steroids

Hey SQS, can you use Google Translate. My English is fucked up, and I have a hard time understanding dumb shit

You call me scammer ??
Who I scam ??
If you are man - speak with proove
Or you are just bitch

listen me all faggots and stupids
I was sales director in Balkan from 2008
In this time I join to one forum
And all people starting same bad action
Like I see here now
Maybe 150-200 people starting screaming at me . That I'm scammer and Balkan factory is not exists at all.
Now all they SHUT UP and say me sorry .
All the time
Same will happened to you all here
Please follow my reasoning here.
Your first post was that this guy sounded too good to be true. Then you say openly you're going to pm him. He posts shortly after that he sent free samples to some good people. Members put 2 and 2 together and figured that you were one of the good people. There isn't proof but I'm a betting man and I'm sorry dude but I'd be betting that that you were too. You have to admit it looks that way. That's frowned upon here. You may say that you disagree but again were new here. There is an order that has been established over the years and we have to respect that because there must be a reason for it.
I seriously dont understand what all the source bashing is about on this forum its the one thing on this forum that makes this forum shitty. Some people feel it is their duty to just bash any new source that shows up here. Like u people are gods sent to judge everyone. Seriously give some people a chance to prove themselves with tests and cycle logs. I have seen 3 sources on here since I been here get bashed all to hell and called scammers and they actually turned out to be pretty reliable. The people that bash sources on this board without knowing a damn thing about them are the
people that make meso look like its full of disrespectful assholes.

You said all you said was why do we have to be rude to sources but that's not all you said. This post was disrespectful. Name calling...kinda pissed some people off. I don't blame them for coming at you. You have to admit you poked people first. You started it.
SuperQualitySteroids: 1305036 said:
You call me scammer ??
Who I scam ??
If you are man - speak with proove
Or you are just bitch
No, you speak with proof. You come onto our board and talk a bunch of shit, insult members, you have not had the respect to give us any of the information we require of sources. This is our home. You're a guest. You're supposed to show respect and produce the info we want. All you given are a bunch of words. That doesn't cut it here. You say you don't want to sell us anything so get the fuck out. Your rep is shit here.
Any member that does business with this guy is an idiot and if you got free gear from this asshole then you're a whore.
@Melly Mel from hell in the post u quoted I never called anyone names I said it makes meso look like its full of disrespectful assholes. Thats not calling people names. Thats saying that the way some people act makes this place look bad. And by the way for the record I PM @Mayne the one who started this thread. Ask him. And if thats what made people think that than thats just ridiculous. What proof is that? Thats assuming shit with no proof whatsoever. I understand ur logic yes. But also when people are rude to someone then they are rude back and they get dogged for being rude well what the hell do people expect these sources to do? Kiss ass and not be rude back? People here are rude from the start always, and when sources are rude back they are blown away like they werent expecting it. That is also ridiculous.
@MEEKmlz you and I do seem to share a philosophy. Try to be nice until its time to not be nice. I'm sure when sources started coming to meso and the internet in general to sell their product people were naive and excited that they had a relatively easy way to get their gear. The source said their gear was good and gave their sales pitch and people bit. There was no protocol. Then people started getting ripped off and getting bunk gear and the process started to evolve into what it is now. You've been a member for two months. Can't you maybe take a step back and see that it is what it is out of necessity. A protocol that has been developed by the veterans over a period of time because they got tired of being ripped off. Being here two months its a little premature for you to try and set new terms. Let the vets do what they do, they know what their doing. If you don't agree that's fine but maybe just stay out of their way. Buy from who you want but maybe don't stand up for sources rights.
When it comes to sources its time to not be nice, until they prove themselves.
OK. I'm done.

@SuperQualitySteroids go fuck yourself.
I love when this guy gets upset. Its fun to read.
Whatever your feelings are in regards to the situation lets try and keep the racism to a negative. This is an all time low mocking Asians and I'm not even Asian have some class
@Melly Mel from hell in the post u quoted I never called anyone names I said it makes meso look like its full of disrespectful assholes. Thats not calling people names. Thats saying that the way some people act makes this place look bad. And by the way for the record I PM @Mayne the one who started this thread. Ask him. And if thats what made people think that than thats just ridiculous. What proof is that? Thats assuming shit with no proof whatsoever. I understand ur logic yes. But also when people are rude to someone then they are rude back and they get dogged for being rude well what the hell do people expect these sources to do? Kiss ass and not be rude back? People here are rude from the start always, and when sources are rude back they are blown away like they werent expecting it. That is also ridiculous.
No clue why I am mentioned here but I never disclose personal messages if that's an accusation. Anyway all this shit has gone out of control and nobody looks like to be concerned with original topic but crap on each other.
@Mayne wasnt an accusation bro all I was saying was that I PMed u. When people are saying that because I wrote on this thread "I PM u" they thought I was saying I was PMing the source. I was just clarifying that I PMed u not the source. Thats all, sorry to drag u into this that wasnt really my intention. Was just clarifying what I meant.
@Mayne When people are saying that because I wrote on this thread "I PM u" they thought I was saying I was PMing the source. I was just clarifying that I PMed u not the source.

Bull shit.
Mayne's last post prior to your "I PM U" post was a full day earlier.
Now in this post you know how to add a "@username" so it notifies the user that you are referring to them, you have a WKM status but didn't know or think to add an @username when you randomly alerted Mayen in a thread he wasn't in that day that you "PM'ed him"....I don't buy that, nor will anyone else here.
Consider coming clean and admitting that you are on a source list to receive free shit, and that you asked to be on that list.
@Mayne I know u say u keep ur PMs quiet but I am asking u to verify that I PMed u. I dont care if u keep my PM quiet, its not like it was something super important was just me asking about this source. I am asking u to verify this.This is just ridiculous. Im tired of explaining myself to these morons.
He did PM me to ask for information but I cannot make others believe you did not PM the source too because you should have 1st made that clear instead of arguing on other subjects, please keep me out of this lol
Also I did not know until either yesterday or today that me saying "I PM U" was the reason people thought I got free gear. No one would even tell my why they were saying that or thought that. They gave me no reason or no proof at all just a bunch of talk. I think melly mel from hell was the first to tell me that was the reason. I forgot I even said I PM U until I read the post from whoever told me that.
Whatever your feelings are in regards to the situation lets try and keep the racism to a negative. This is an all time low mocking Asians and I'm not even Asian have some class

Can we use a redneck slang like the TV show "King of the Hill"? There's a character named Boomhauer on the show that talks like SQS, and I am Redneck by birth so that should make it OK, right?

Also I did not know until either yesterday or today that me saying "I PM U" was the reason people thought I got free gear. No one would even tell my why they were saying that or thought that. They gave me no reason or no proof at all just a bunch of talk. I think melly mel from hell was the first to tell me that was the reason. I forgot I even said I PM U until I read the post from whoever told me that.

No the "I PM U" is now the 3rd or 4th instance now. CBS showed the post where you got free gear from pct shop. You didn't WIN the contest, someone else did. PCT threw you freebies for defending him, whore. Then SQS here in this thread posted himself that you got freebies. Nice try.

After the chaos you brought here with all your bullshit last week you're never going to live this down. Go find board where this type of corrupt, dishonest shit is tolerated.


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