SuperQuality Steroids

@retpsd hows is that defending the source? U are a moron if thats what u got from it. Defending a source is saying this source is good this is a good source bla bla bla. Ur a joke u will take anything and make it into something its not. What I said is true and what I said has been said by many other members in different threads to sources. But hey whatever makes u feel better about being wrong:)
Not only is this board full of people that wanna be big and tough its full of cry babies too hahaha


Then I get bashed and everyone says Im sticking up for the source

Then people started with my avi and my reviews and basically anything they could say to talk shit about me even though what they say has nothing to do with the original situation.

Then people started with my avi and my reviews and basically anything they could say to talk shit about me even though what they say has nothing to do with the original situation.

Then he talks shit to me for giving reviews on ONLY 2 sources that I have used. Saying I suck sources dicks cause I gave my reviews.

But just goes to show people bash me for anything they can even when it makes no sense and makes them look like idiots.

. Fuck brutus hes the disrespectful woman hater. Not me.

If anyone is starting a pissing war its u guys.

@redrum720 by the way are saying that Im an asshole that likes to start arguments? When u and everyone else started attacking me first? Then u chase me to another thread that I started and u attack me there too?

Ok now go tell that to all the faggots that started shit for no reason brutus jonny ballz redrum rigs cdnguy tacevedo. But u wont.

I was attacked and keeping getting attacked

Im just saying cause redrum seems to think I dont lift I didnt say shit to u ever @boston597 until u jumped in like the rest.

Then I am attacked

And all sorts of other personal attacks on me

why the personal attacks on me and all the made up bullshit?

And they would not personally attack me then follow me to other threads and personally attack me there.

And then u have members that were not even a part of this thread to begin with come here and literally say the same personal attacks as the original members then laughing when I defend myself.

Because when those awesome members and well known member said what they said the same members that follow them from thread to thread and like literally every single post they write came along and started talking the same shit and the same personal attacks as the wkm and awesome members did.
Maybe u should have a read. Because its all bullshit they talk with no proof of anything. I have shown my proof even then they still just ASSUME shit with no proof to post.
Maybe u should have a read. Because its all bullshit they talk with no proof of anything. I have shown my proof even then they still just ASSUME shit with no proof to post.
I don't even know what this is about but I can tell you it's a waste of time and energy. I suggest you put your time and energy elsewhere because nothing is gonna come of this.
@iintensity I totally agree. It is a waste of time and energy. But when people keep accusing me of shit that they have no proof of and I post my proof that proves a lot more that Im telling the truth than their ZERO proof. Im not gonna just sit here and not defend myself. Its ridiculous. Im sick of 1 or 2 people jumping to conclusions on this forum then having the whole gang of followers join in just cause 1 or 2 people CLAIM I did something that I didnt do. I will always defend myself. And if I had something to man up to I would. I have done it before on here so why wouldnt I do it again? BUT I WILL NOT ADMIT TO SOME SHIT THAT I DID NOT DO!
I don't even feel like arguing with this loser and his butt buddy meek, let's just let this shit die, everyone that's smart enough should be able to figure out by reading that this source it's garbage and that meek it's a free loading whore.
Ahahaha sure whatever u say @tacevedo 25 year old pussy ass awesome member dick rider. U and all the rest were proven wrong and have no proof of shit so its about time u give up. Fucking faggot
Don't you ever fucking dare tag me again you piece of shit, I was the first one to prove you were a whore, when sqs mentioned in his comment thanking you for taking his camel piss, I don't dick ride either I don't give two shits about statuses around here, unless you are trying to increase your status to get free gear like you. I already turned down a couple sources that offered free gear. So fuck you, piece of shit.