SuperQuality Steroids

Ahahaha sure whatever u say @tacevedo 25 year old pussy ass awesome member dick rider. U and all the rest were proven wrong and have no proof of shit so its about time u give up. Fucking faggot
Don't you ever fucking dare tag me again you piece of shit, I was the first one to prove you were a whore, when sqs mentioned in his comment thanking you for taking his camel piss, I don't dick ride either I don't give two shits about statuses around here, unless you are trying to increase your status to get free gear like you. I already turned down a couple sources that offered free gear. So fuck you, piece of shit.
@tacevedo @tacevedo @tacevedo hahaha u proved what? That he thanked me for being a real man? No one said shit about giving me anything u fucking punk ass bitch ill tag u all I want pussy @tacevedo @tacevedo u are a member dick rider thats why u "LIKE" every post they right and follow them thread to thread u fucking sheep haha
@tacevedo @tacevedo @tacevedo ur such a member dick riding tool hahaha
U know what after all this Im just gonna say fuck it and buy some test e. And I will review it. Just cause @tacevedo says not too hahaha fuck u @tacevedo 25 year old BOY!

Meek is completely unraveling before our very eyes.. Poor guy, one day he's really going to lose it in the real world and will never be seen or heard from again. 2 shits will not be given..
@MEEKmlz This was my 1st post to it.

Then why don't you just go ahead and extend an offer to all sources to setup shop on a forum that is NOT intended to be a source forum?
I promise you this, during your 3 month stay here for the 3 sources you claim to have seen come in and turn out to be "pretty reliable" there are hundreds if not thousands over the years that did NOT turn out to be anything more than scammers.
Learn the intent of the existence of the Meso underground forum and it will help you to understand those that appose sources, re-sellers and scammers.

Your response to me was:
Ok and maybe u should learn how to be respectful.
Explain to me where in my post I was being disrespectful to YOU.
You can't because it was a respectful post to were referring to me being disrespectful to a source, you want me to learn how to respect SQS, how to give a drug dealer a chance?
My beef with you is your passion to take sides with a random Moldovan drug dealer offering free drugs for PMs over the long standing Meso members.
The solution for you is to go to a board where sources, resellers and scamers are welcome, a board that is meant for sources.
Meso is not that kind of board, but you don't get that, so you play the victim card.
As long as you have the desire for Meso members to welcome sources with open arms, you'll continue to be viewed poorly by the masses here at Meso.

@MEEKmlz This was my 1st post to it.

Your response to me was:

Explain to me where in my post I was being disrespectful to YOU.
You can't because it was a respectful post to were referring to me being disrespectful to a source, you want me to learn how to respect SQS, how to give a drug dealer a chance?
My beef with you is your passion to take sides with a random Moldovan drug dealer offering free drugs for PMs over the long standing Meso members.
The solution for you is to go to a board where sources, resellers and scamers are welcome, a board that is meant for sources.
Meso is not that kind of board, but you don't get that, so you play the victim card.
As long as you have the desire for Meso members to welcome sources with open arms, you'll continue to be viewed poorly by the masses here at Meso.
images-4.jpeg Lol
I never said u were disrespectful to me in that post. I meant have respect if u want normal answers and someone to prove something to u. And yes when ur disrespectful to a source and expect him to post pics and explain his operation and show his gear that makes no sense. Im all for making sources prove they are not scammers. But I dont think it should be done by saying fuck u u piece of shit ur a scammer. Wait now show us some pics. Lol. If u have some decency to ask nicely and politely and can wait patiently for them to do as u ask then maybe all of these sources wont be so defensive and also swearing back at u. And when they do swear back at u in a defensive way after u have already talked shit to them u sit there and say u cant talk to me this way this our home bla bla bla only meso members can talk that way to people. Its totally ridiculous.

Now on the other hand if u ask politely and actually have a little respect (not swearing and being rude) wait til they dont do as u ask. Wait for them to prove u they are full of shit. Then sure go ahead tell em to fuck off Im all for it. I can promise a lot better results will come of it. If u just act normal when u try to conduct business.

No one needs to tell me about drug dealers. I have been in and out of the drug game since I was 13. With a lot of success and plenty of connections all over the world. And I was a lot more successful than ur average weed dealer down the street. Whether u believe it or not it doesnt matter to me . But Ill tell u right now. Never once when I met someone new (a potential new connection) did I ever disrespect them the way people do here. Half the people I have done business with would have shot me in the face if I came at them the way people come at sources here. Now I know this is the internet and not real life. Bit still there is a normal proper and respectable way to conduct business. And I honestly know for a fact that I would not have been nearly as successful as I was if I was known to be a stuck up disrespectful piece of shit towards people.

All Im saying is if u give some respect while asking questions, not being rude or cracking jokes at the way people speak english, and wait for them to prove they are not scammers maybe there would be less of these ridiculous threads going on forever and ever. Just ask the questions and if they cant produce proof then sure tell them to fuck off. Im all for it. But Im also all for letting people at least try to prove they are for real. @retpsd
No one needs to tell me about drug dealers. I have been in and out of the drug game since I was 13. With a lot of success and plenty of connections all over the world. And I was a lot more successful than ur average weed dealer down the street.

Whoa, Tony Montana in this mofo!!

Now you're bragging about being a successful drug dealer with "plenty of connections all over the world"?? You are a total fucking joke.
@MEEKmlz so we find a bit of common ground, however I respectfully waited 4 pages into this thread and even after SQS posted this:
From 2008 I'm selling only original AS
Have huge clients
Who tried Sqs - don't want to hear about other brand
I do not want to prove anything
I just want to send you free samples

Don't like free speaking
to tell him to fuck off.
The bottom line remains that the intent of this forum is not one of AAS sourcing, there are other more suitable forums available for meeting will always be disappointed here if you want to sit back and wait for the next source to show up and be greeted with open arms.
Whoa, Tony Montana in this mofo!!

Now you're bragging about being a successful drug dealer with "plenty of connections all over the world"?? You are a total fucking joke.
Why the motherfucker write everything on one line? Why he fucking write wall of text so no one read it?

Next news will be: hello I'm meekmlz leader of ISIS we will burn you down!
I never said u were disrespectful to me in that post. I meant have respect if u want normal answers and someone to prove something to u. And yes when ur disrespectful to a source and expect him to post pics and explain his operation and show his gear that makes no sense. Im all for making sources prove they are not scammers. But I dont think it should be done by saying fuck u u piece of shit ur a scammer. Wait now show us some pics. Lol. If u have some decency to ask nicely and politely and can wait patiently for them to do as u ask then maybe all of these sources wont be so defensive and also swearing back at u. And when they do swear back at u in a defensive way after u have already talked shit to them u sit there and say u cant talk to me this way this our home bla bla bla only meso members can talk that way to people. Its totally ridiculous.

Now on the other hand if u ask politely and actually have a little respect (not swearing and being rude) wait til they dont do as u ask. Wait for them to prove u they are full of shit. Then sure go ahead tell em to fuck off Im all for it. I can promise a lot better results will come of it. If u just act normal when u try to conduct business.

No one needs to tell me about drug dealers. I have been in and out of the drug game since I was 13. With a lot of success and plenty of connections all over the world. And I was a lot more successful than ur average weed dealer down the street. Whether u believe it or not it doesnt matter to me . But Ill tell u right now. Never once when I met someone new (a potential new connection) did I ever disrespect them the way people do here. Half the people I have done business with would have shot me in the face if I came at them the way people come at sources here. Now I know this is the internet and not real life. Bit still there is a normal proper and respectable way to conduct business. And I honestly know for a fact that I would not have been nearly as successful as I was if I was known to be a stuck up disrespectful piece of shit towards people.

All Im saying is if u give some respect while asking questions, not being rude or cracking jokes at the way people speak english, and wait for them to prove they are not scammers maybe there would be less of these ridiculous threads going on forever and ever. Just ask the questions and if they cant produce proof then sure tell them to fuck off. Im all for it. But Im also all for letting people at least try to prove they are for real. @retpsd
The word tool doesn't do justice anymore....hahahaha straight gangster! :rolleyes:
@retpsd yea well Im done trying to get people on this board to understand how to treat people with respect, clearly people dont care and dont understand how to conduct themselves in a normal manner. So fuck it. I tried. But people here will continuously be disrespected by sources as long as they show disrespect first. I think people honestly get off on it.

And @Sampei nice post I must say. Shows a lot of intellect.
@retpsd yea well Im done trying to get people on this board to understand how to treat people with respect, clearly people dont care and dont understand how to conduct themselves in a normal manner. So fuck it. I tried. But people here will continuously be disrespected by sources as long as they show disrespect first. I think people honestly get off on it.

And @Sampei nice post I must say. Shows a lot of intellect.
And Meek will clearly continue to be an underground cock sucker!!! 4 LIFE!! :p
@MEEKmlz Is this the source you and your buddy were talking about wkm's taking free gear from? You are calling yourself drug dealer too, so you must get this all dealers in it for the money!!!!!!!!
Sources are trying to take your money and we try to keep them honest.
Stop trying to figure out what's above your pay grade and let the big boys do their work. Mind you there is no financial gain for any of us to keep them honest but their whole existence is based on financial gain. If you think riding a sources dick will get you extra safety from being scammed, you are mistaken.
Im done trying to get people on this board to understand how to treat people with respect, clearly people dont care and dont understand how to conduct themselves in a normal manner. So fuck it. I tried.

Meekmilk, I don't know why no one will listen to your advice on how to "to treat people with respect" and "conduct themselves in a normal manner." It doesn't make sense - I mean, you set such a good example for others to follow. LMFAO

hahaha fucking chump

Hahaha clearly u only fuck over weight women taller than u that look like men

hahaha ur pathetic.

U are a joke.

Sounds like u have quite a lot of experience dressing as a woman and whoring urself out must be what u do when ur not on meso trying to be accepted haha

Ok now go tell that to all the faggots that started shit for no reason

Great english @redrum720 im surprised u can even type.

i been a member since march moron.

So fuck u

Ur a fucking joke bitch

are also a moron

mayne started this thread faggot

so fuck u and all the faggots u rode in on

And ur still another pussy

u like to suck dicks

ur such a tool

I still got 4 weeks left of my cycle faggot ass.

I could care 2 fucks about that bitch

Since u fools done believe it Ill weigh again on monday and take a photo even though I shouldnt have to prove myself to morons but I will.

I suggest u post it up or shut the fuck up

Ur a joke with no proof of shit

Ill be here as long as I want douche bag.

U are a moron

Ur a joke

Ahahaha sure whatever u say @tacevedo 25 year old pussy ass awesome member dick rider.

Fucking faggot

anything u fucking punk ass bitch

u are a member dick rider

u fucking sheep haha

@tacevedo @tacevedo @tacevedo ur such a member dick riding tool hahaha

hahaha fuck u @tacevedo 25 year old BOY!
Whos my buddy? Ur talking about that willie guy from manwhores thread? I dont know that dude just agreed with a few of his posts. I never said anything about WKM taking free gear. Though this source said he sent gear out to like 15 different people. So take that for what its worth. And I never disagreed about sources wanting ur money thats obvious, thats why they are in business. But at the same time talking to someone with respect makes a big difference in my opinion when u want to see proof of certain things. I just think its pointless to talk shit rudely with no proof they are scammers until they prove they are scammers. @MassTurk
I never said anything about WKM taking free gear.

You sure? LMFAO

You make it so easy, Meekmilk.

Oh Im sure u do with all the gear u get;)

Makes me wonder why u try to scare every source away from here....protecting ur own source is what I have come to the conclusion of.

When I find out the source u and ur pathetic clique are protecting believe me I will expose them.

Haha sure try an discredit me I dont care. But the truth will come out about u and all ur meso thugs.

If you're gonna lie, you better have a good memory.
Whos my buddy? Ur talking about that willie guy from manwhores thread? I dont know that dude just agreed with a few of his posts. I never said anything about WKM taking free gear. Though this source said he sent gear out to like 15 different people. So take that for what its worth. And I never disagreed about sources wanting ur money thats obvious, thats why they are in business. But at the same time talking to someone with respect makes a big difference in my opinion when u want to see proof of certain things. I just think its pointless to talk shit rudely with no proof they are scammers until they prove they are scammers. @MassTurk

Shut up already
U know what after all this Im just gonna say fuck it and buy some test e. And I will review it. Just cause @tacevedo says not too hahaha fuck u @tacevedo 25 year old BOY!

I'm flattered that you would buy something because I hurt your feelings, but you know the truth is, he sent you that for free like a week ago, and now you are obliged to write a review for him. Don't try to use me as a scapegoat you fucking pussy.
Guys please,lets keep this board clean.This was intended for the new UGL info,products and their quality and not for smashing each others head to the fucking wall.
There are 30 pages of pure arguing and like 3-4 posts about the UGL...
Thanks for your understanding!
Guys please,lets keep this board clean.This was intended for the new UGL info,products and their quality and not for smashing each others head to the fucking wall.
There are 30 pages of pure arguing and like 3-4 posts about the UGL...
Thanks for your understanding!

You mean to tell me after reading the last 30 pages of this thread and seeing how this source has responded to the members here and how he has not given any legit relevant info about himself whatsoever, you're interested in this source...still.'re missing it.
I'll tell you what. Send me 500 cash in an envelope and I'll send you some top quality gear. I promise.