SuperQuality Steroids

@tacevedo say what u want but yes thanks to all ur bitching I am gonna purchase some. I dont have to post a review but I will after I labmax it to see if its real. Amd If its good Ill start 20 fucking threads just about this source if I feel like it. Doesnt really matter what u say u have no fucking proof of shit and neither does anyone else. Ur the pussy faggot stop riding awesome member dicks but Im sure u will continue to cause thats all u do haha. I could really care less at this point what anyone says. Doesnt mean shit to me. Lol
@xgunx u shut the fuck up bitch. Why dont u go back to whining about naps and pct-shop and html code. You whine like a fucking 2 year old..
@xgunx u shut the fuck up bitch. Why dont u go back to whining about naps and pct-shop and html code. You whine like a fucking 2 year old..

I proved a point and shut you up there so now you are here acting like eric cartman when his mommy wont give him what he wants.
Anyways im not going to play keyboard warrior with you until i get board and have nothing better to do.
Guys please,lets keep this board clean.This was intended for the new UGL info,products and their quality and not for smashing each others head to the fucking wall.
There are 30 pages of pure arguing and like 3-4 posts about the UGL...
Thanks for your understanding!
You're probably going to want to sit this one out Mikey.
You mean to tell me after reading the last 30 pages of this thread and seeing how this source has responded to the members here and how he has not given any legit relevant info about himself whatsoever, you're interested in this source...still.'re missing it.
I'll tell you what. Send me 500 cash in an envelope and I'll send you some top quality gear. I promise.
I will not order anything from the guy... dude.I was just telling that you guys should stop arguing about shit.
@tacevedo mikesz has been a member longer than ur punk ass maybe u should shut the fuck up and show some respect bitch.

Ok...Now I've had enough of your shit. If you're not the fucking pot calling the kettle black. You've got no fucking respect for anyone. Everyone you've been arguing with has been here longer than you. You're the biggest name calling disrespectful mother fucker of all. you're new here, you don't know shit about how this place works and yet you think you know everything and you have the right to tell the people that made meso what it is how to behave. FUCK YOU, YOU WHINNY LITTLE BITCH. BITCH BITCH BITCH WHINE WHINE WHINE IS ALL YOUVE DONE FOR 28 FUCKING PAGES. Jesus fucking Christ will you stop playing the fucking victim already. You're like a little fucking girl! You look like such a little bitch. But you're right and EVERYONE ELSE is wrong...right? With your lol's and your hahaha's you little pussy!
Guaranteed you have little man syndrome (a.k.a. Napoleon complex) that's why you yell and scream and have to be right. Its why your girls nasty asshole and puffy pussy are you're avi. Cause you look like a little bitch. By the way, no woman with any self respect would let her husband post a pic like that and no husband that respects his wife would post it either. You're a fucking douchebag tool. And your whore wife has some big meat hook man hands. Hey everyone, zoom his avi if you can stand to look at that dirty asshole and check out how big his wife's man hands are.
Fuck you. Find a different board to garbage up with your shit. You fucking little baby!

Just my $.02