SuperQuality Steroids

Oooh again with my wife cause thats all u got omg Im sooo mad lol at least I have a wife something u will never get to experience haha
Ok...Now I've had enough of your shit. If you're not the fucking pot calling the kettle black. You've got no fucking respect for anyone. Everyone you've been arguing with has been here longer than you. You're the biggest name calling disrespectful mother fucker of all. you're new here, you don't know shit about how this place works and yet you think you know everything and you have the right to tell the people that made meso what it is how to behave. FUCK YOU, YOU WHINNY LITTLE BITCH. BITCH BITCH BITCH WHINE WHINE WHINE IS ALL YOUVE DONE FOR 28 FUCKING PAGES. Jesus fucking Christ will you stop playing the fucking victim already. You're like a little fucking girl! You look like such a little bitch. But you're right and EVERYONE ELSE is wrong...right? With your lol's and your hahaha's you little pussy!
Guaranteed you have little man syndrome (a.k.a. Napoleon complex) that's why you yell and scream and have to be right. Its why your girls nasty asshole and puffy pussy are you're avi. Cause you look like a little bitch. By the way, no woman with any self respect would let her husband post a pic like that and no husband that respects his wife would post it either. You're a fucking douchebag tool. And your whore wife has some big meat hook man hands. Hey everyone, zoom his avi if you can stand to look at that dirty asshole and check out how big his wife's man hands are.
Fuck you. Find a different board to garbage up with your shit. You fucking little baby!

Just my $.02
Hey you stupid
Don't write too long posts like bitch

Lol sqs you are funny
Does it make your little pee brain hurt too read that long???? Sqs your a very sad example of a lab man.Do yourself a favor and leave Meso. You've destroyed your rep ! Atta boy :rolleyes: ps can you take that whinning queer chump Meek with ya ??? Cheers;)
Does it make your little pee brain hurt too read that long???? Sqs your a very sad example of a lab man.Do yourself a favor and leave Meso. You've destroyed your rep ! Atta boy :rolleyes: ps can you take that whinning queer chump Meek with ya ??? Cheers;)
Reputation ?
I don't care about reputation from agresive people
Even better to not have any reputation there.
You are like all other ... Know something without any prove
Butch you are . Ok
Reputation ?
I don't care about reputation from agresive people
Even better to not have any reputation there.
You are like all other ... Know something without any prove
Butch you are . Ok
Well if that statement doesn't show noobs what your about I don't know what will! Lmao good luck with your snake juice.
Whos my buddy? Ur talking about that willie guy from manwhores thread? I dont know that dude just agreed with a few of his posts. I never said anything about WKM taking free gear. Though this source said he sent gear out to like 15 different people. So take that for what its worth. And I never disagreed about sources wanting ur money thats obvious, thats why they are in business. But at the same time talking to someone with respect makes a big difference in my opinion when u want to see proof of certain things. I just think its pointless to talk shit rudely with no proof they are scammers until they prove they are scammers. @MassTurk

Yes we share the same views.
Sorry sqs I'm not a cum guzzler for free gear like your husband Meek!!! He apparently will try your snake juice. Enjoy the honeymoon;)
I'm not money lover like you
Yes I send free gear to some people here
But to meek I did not send !
I want people to try best brand at all
And all you are dying from this ...)))))
It's make me happy
And the source is also saying I didnt get free gear from him but Im sure this still wont be enough to convince people. Just goes to show morons will believe whatever the awesome members tell them even with no proof! Hilarious!