SuperQuality Steroids

Also I did not know until either yesterday or today that me saying "I PM U" was the reason people thought I got free gear. No one would even tell my why they were saying that or thought that. They gave me no reason or no proof at all just a bunch of talk. I think melly mel from hell was the first to tell me that was the reason. I forgot I even said I PM U until I read the post from whoever told me that.

SQS spilled the beans on you getting freebies. The proof is below:

To some clients I send tablets also
Soon all you will see
Thanks to MEEK
Only he was real man

I do not want to prove anything
I just want to send you free samples

I just offer you some free stuff if you want
If don't want no problem

The above comments are what got you interested in this thread. SQS' invitation amounted to ringing the dinner bell for gear whores - and you came running.

Please if you are not familiar - don't write me at all......

Price is factory
Situated in Moldova
I don't say it is end prices

The above three posts clearly show who you intended to PM.

The proof that you received freebies is there for all to see. Deny it all you want. You're still a gear whore.
SQS spilled the beans on you getting freebies. The proof is below:

The above comments are what got you interested you in this thread. That's ringing the dinner bell for gear whores and you came running.

The above three post clearly show who you intended to PM.

The proof that you received freebies is all there. Deny it all you want. You're still a gear whore.

Hopefully this shuts him up, but i doubt it. You should checkout my post over in pct shops thread.
@retpsd well I would if there was one but theres not. I showed my proof. Wheres urs? Oh wait u dont have any! So if u do I suggest u post it up or shut the fuck up with ur assuming bullshit. U have no proof and if u did u would post it. But u dont so u wont. Sucks u hate to be wrong but thats life deal with it.
@retpsd I showed my proof. Wheres urs? .
What you showed was yourself and you did that when you put on your defend'a source cap and called this forum "shitty". You want the members of Meso to be nice and "give sources a chance" here.
But you fail to realize, this forum IS NOT A SOURCE FORUM there are plenty of other sites on the net intended for sources, go to one, they will welcome you.
Your time here has passed.
And once again u post no proof haha of course. Change the subject. But where did I defend the source? I said theres no need to be disrespectful when asking questions. And yes I do think thats the one thing that makes this forum shitty. Is the way a lot people act. U being one of them. Ur a joke with no proof of shit just like the rest. Ill be here as long as I want douche bag.
What you showed was yourself and you did that when you put on your defend'a source cap and called this forum "shitty". You want the members of Meso to be nice and "give sources a chance" here.
But you fail to realize, this forum IS NOT A SOURCE FORUM there are plenty of other sites on the net intended for sources, go to one, they will welcome you.
Your time here has passed.

Seems like a good board for him
Where did I defend the source.........Ill be here as long as I want douche bag.

Defend: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)

See page 4 where you said
"@ SuperQualitySteroids just endure the bashing if u can handle it and ur product is good u will survive here. But as u can see meso has a lot of people just waiting to talk shit cause they feel it makes them big and tough."

So who are you supporting (defending) with that statement?
The source or the forum you use for your own intentions, which are in contrast to why the forum even exists?
Being here and being a part of here are two different things.
Defend: to speak or write in support of (someone or something that is being challenged or criticized)

See page 4 where you said
"@ SuperQualitySteroids just endure the bashing if u can handle it and ur product is good u will survive here. But as u can see meso has a lot of people just waiting to talk shit cause they feel it makes them big and tough."

So who are you supporting (defending) with that statement?
The source or the forum you use for your own intentions, which are in contrast to why the forum even exists?
Being here and being a part of here are two different things.
Save your brain cells menber will get through to this clown. Even with posts provided to him he takes this stance!truth.jpeg
hello .
I will try to be short
I'm tyred of all scammers and bad quality in this market AS.
Sqs is best brand in the world at moment
Every single of you who write posts up.
Will send to them free gear . Free original gear plus free shipping .
This is best ever steroids ever made .
You can make all lab test what you need .

Just look at this garbage he will never make any deals here with anyone besides meek and his free gear shill whores
i will be not able to send big posts
It's illegal there , and also have no time for new clients
So all heaters don't worry .
You will keep selling your shit stuff .
And clients will not have any change to take really best brand

