SuperQuality Steroids

hi guys, any one use this sqs labs ? i want to buy it is cheep, but i don't want to take fakes. SO if any one use them please comment i need to know
Another one post wonderboy "needing" to know about AAS sources.

Try a "source board" fella.
meek who is meek

You know Meek, don't play dumb with me you dirty dog, you. He was the only "real man" on Meso, remember? The rest of us were "stupids."

Thanks to MEEK
Only he was real man

So I don't want to become in discusion with you . If meek ask me I will answer

But to meek I did not send !

im happe that Meek don't write here anymore
With so many stupids here is difficult to communicate
As you know comunication with stupids makes you stupid too
Wait soon on YouTube
Video of factory
With all productions
Machinery , documents , raw material
Filtering that no one before make it
Then I wait again your *clever * opinion again
Wait soon on YouTube
Video of factory
With all productions
Machinery , documents , raw material
Filtering that no one before make it
Then I wait again your *clever * opinion again
Nice bump now all your little furry shills will come out of the woodwork!
Guys I read your opinion and on another tags.
Everywhere you are negative
I'm here on local place I can tell you very much about Balkan and VErmodje
I can help you with real info
But you all are negative
Even don't want to speak
I repeat maybe 1000 times
That USA customs is hard to cross
What you want for me ???
I don't take your market at all
You even never see my brand in real
And all you already try it )))))
And know how it's work
It is best brand at all .i repeat again
But don't sell it to you
If you guys want to make normal conversation
I'm ok

