SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Places tinfoil hat atop of head,

Many here will agree that @SymBiotics was coming in hot with testing, crazy lab, and product that looked great. Any man with half a brain would understand that he was about to affect business for a lot of labs especially with prices points being so low. Money being the key driving factor behind every illegal drug endeavor it would be easy to see the threat he posed to other ugl’s.

I looked into what dead mail meant when I had a few spare moments and it appears as though this happens with legitimate packages regularly. This tracking indicates that the address provided for shipping was undeliverable. Common reasons for this include illegible handwritten addresses, resident has a hold on mail, damage to the package rendering shipping label unreadable. As far as I could tell there were a few other reasons as well.

My thinking is that another lab was threatened by @SymBiotics being here. @Masterofron working as an agent for that lab places his order to a known undeliverable address. He then fabricates his story about the postal inspector visit and comes here to sell it. This is pure conjecture and he’s welcome to come here and prove me wrong. But it’s really the only thing that makes sense. Especially because nobody not even @balco would be stupid enough to walk away from a controlled delivery and hop on meso and thumb it in LE face. Considering meso is the only board sym is on google could only lead them one place. o_O

Now I think all of this occurred separate but at the same timing as the extortion and hacking. Not knowing up from down or wtf was happening Symbiotics panicked and closed his doors. If all of this is indeed true I think he handled the situation decently. Sure it could have been better but who makes great decisions in panic mode? He didn’t run and hide he’s now back to make customers whole.
Places tinfoil hat atop of head,

Many here will agree that @SymBiotics was coming in hot with testing, crazy lab, and product that looked great. Any man with half a brain would understand that he was about to affect business for a lot of labs especially with prices points being so low. Money being the key driving factor behind every illegal drug endeavor it would be easy to see the threat he posed to other ugl’s.

I looked into what dead mail meant when I had a few spare moments and it appears as though this happens with legitimate packages regularly. This tracking indicates that the address provided for shipping was undeliverable. Common reasons for this include illegible handwritten addresses, resident has a hold on mail, damage to the package rendering shipping label unreadable. As far as I could tell there were a few other reasons as well.

My thinking is that another lab was threatened by @SymBiotics being here. @Masterofron working as an agent for that lab places his order to a known undeliverable address. He then fabricates his story about the postal inspector visit and comes here to sell it. This is pure conjecture and he’s welcome to come here and prove me wrong. But it’s really the only thing that makes sense. Especially because nobody not even @balco would be stupid enough to walk away from a controlled delivery and hop on meso and thumb it in LE face. Considering meso is the only board sym is on google could only lead them one place. o_O

Now I think all of this occurred separate but at the same timing as the extortion and hacking. Not knowing up from down or wtf was happening Symbiotics panicked and closed his doors. If all of this is indeed true I think he handled the situation decently. Sure it could have been better but who makes great decisions in panic mode? He didn’t run and hide he’s now back to make customers whole.
To quote @DW BO - “Order up with confidence!”

I for one will take a hard pass on this guy, regardless of how he arrived at this place.

Edit - and as a harm reduction site, I would highly advise against giving any indication that this guy is safe to do business with.
Places tinfoil hat atop of head,

Many here will agree that @SymBiotics was coming in hot with testing, crazy lab, and product that looked great. Any man with half a brain would understand that he was about to affect business for a lot of labs especially with prices points being so low. Money being the key driving factor behind every illegal drug endeavor it would be easy to see the threat he posed to other ugl’s.

I looked into what dead mail meant when I had a few spare moments and it appears as though this happens with legitimate packages regularly. This tracking indicates that the address provided for shipping was undeliverable. Common reasons for this include illegible handwritten addresses, resident has a hold on mail, damage to the package rendering shipping label unreadable. As far as I could tell there were a few other reasons as well.

My thinking is that another lab was threatened by @SymBiotics being here. @Masterofron working as an agent for that lab places his order to a known undeliverable address. He then fabricates his story about the postal inspector visit and comes here to sell it. This is pure conjecture and he’s welcome to come here and prove me wrong. But it’s really the only thing that makes sense. Especially because nobody not even @balco would be stupid enough to walk away from a controlled delivery and hop on meso and thumb it in LE face. Considering meso is the only board sym is on google could only lead them one place. o_O

Now I think all of this occurred separate but at the same timing as the extortion and hacking. Not knowing up from down or wtf was happening Symbiotics panicked and closed his doors. If all of this is indeed true I think he handled the situation decently. Sure it could have been better but who makes great decisions in panic mode? He didn’t run and hide he’s now back to make customers whole.
Pretty much exactly what I deduced as well.
On this point I couldn’t agree more. I hope my post gave no indication that this source was safe. We truly have no idea what happened in this situation.

Edit - and as a harm reduction site, I would highly advise against giving any indication that this guy is safe to do business with.

I still wouldn't order from this dude right now. To much funkiness

My above post was simply me thinking aloud on the situation. I would like to have an abundance of reliable tested sources available for us all and it’s just starting to feel like someone is working against that goal.
Well, if you believe what the hacker said, he did say that he had hacked or at least had gotten Symbiotics email information but at the time, he did not realize it because Symbiotics had not opened up shop yet or something to that effect.
On this point I couldn’t agree more. I hope my post gave no indication that this source was safe. We truly have no idea what happened in this situation.
Only thing that set off a small red flag was “He didn’t run and hide he’s now back to make customers whole.” I wouldn’t want him to make me whole, knowing that he is probably on the radar. I didn’t take it that you were saying he was safe - all good bro.
You are a retard and will believe anything you are told. @Masterofron came in hot and heavy to meso. Something seemed off for a minute then the infamous pack came. But @Kim vouched for him, so what do you think Kim? Are you still confident in backing him?

She vouched for him running DNP, not for his story. There's a difference.

I will have to stick up for @Masterofron and say he’s the most unlazy man I know. I do understand what you’re saying though, but in this case not for this person. :)
Here is the entire conversation regarding Masterofron, movingiron88, and Kim for those that need context.
You cant lose 6 lbs through diet and exercise? Instead you ingest one of the most dangerous chemicals and you dont compete? I never understood lazy people like you in this lifestyle. The fun part is the struggle. You just want quick, easy and dangerous..... for a mear 6 lbs. People are idiots

It will probably be about 12-15 pounds bud, usually majority of your weight loss happens once your done with dnp.

It’s also not dangerous unless your a moron. Stop demonizing it, Jesus Christ.

No not technically demonizing it, just pointing out your lack of will power, drive and common knowledge of bodybuilding. If you need that to lose that weight then you need to focus on your diet and training. I hate lazy mf'ers.

I will have to stick up for @Masterofron and say he’s the most unlazy man I know. I do understand what you’re saying though, but in this case not for this person. :)

I appreciate the polite response. But, it is ok to have a difference of opinion. It just seems like the current bodybuilders on the forums focus to much on drugs. My personal experience and beliefs lead me to the conclusion, that I can get and stay lean without the use of drugs to aid this. If I were to ever use them it would be to touch up before a show, if needed. I dont see where the risk of dnp, and yes there is a big risk is worth the reward. Especially because it is a potent chemical and is made available through ugl suppliers. Who knows the true dosing etc. It bothers me when people are so willy Billy about the drugs they use. Afterall this forum is about harm reduction correct? I dont want the greener guys thinking it is a commonly run product.

P.s. using DNP to drop a few pounds screams LAZY!

I don’t quite think you understand. I don’t care about bodybuilding, nor will I ever care about it. I go to the gym and lift weights, and I use steroids and other PED’s to look how I want to. I would never consider myself a bodybuilder and I never have. In fact majority of us are this way. We take hormones and use these chemicals and we pick heavy shit up, then put it down.

It is very very common for guys and girls who take steroids and pick up heavy stuff then put it down, to also use other drugs like DNP. Most of us use it for a quick cut, so we can either drop down to a lower body fat and continue upwards from there, or drop down and hold that weight for awhile.

If this forum is about harm reduction, then I spoke about it perfectly. “250mgs the first 4 days to assess my tolerance, then 500mgs for a brief 10 day period”. Everyone should do their own research on the safety and proper usage of DNP before using it, but alas nobody likes to read and that becomes their problem in the end. You can consider it a lazy way to diet if you’d like and that’s fine, but you can’t expect it to not be talked about, as it is very commonly used.

Hope that makes sense.
I'll be the first to admit I rushed into buying from him when this all began because I was a dumbass and new to the game. By me sending out for testing is by no means saying I'm going to buy again, cause I will not. I'm merely wanting to make sure what I and some others did buy isn't going to hurt anyone. I chocked this one up as a lesson to not be so hasty, as I have not gotten any visits to my door yet, and hope others do the same.

Did you get the results yet?
First time ever @Seven didn’t like a post insulting mindless lmao :D:p
I am now so used to the insults some people sling at me they mean nothing to me any longer as all it is just noise that I filter out. Haters will know insults are just a waste of time that's better spent getting to know the person better as well as getting to understand their point of view.
Oh Jesus Christ here we are again! @movingiron88

Kim’s gonna laugh when she see that. Now let me go back and read “what I am doing wrong” or what I am doing that is “suspicious”.
Pretty much exactly what I deduced as well.
If anyone cares THAT much to see my goddamn address that I had @SymBiotics send my package to, I will stand outside my apartment complex, apartment door, and at the cross street holding a big “FUCK YOUR TINFOIL HAT” sign timestamped on it. Just PM me I’d love to do it. @SymBiotics can confirm the address as well!

If you dumb fucks think I’m some sort of agent, then you’ve literally hit rock bottom with your “investigating” here.


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