SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Hello all.
I hope this week is going well so far for you all.
I was able to get back to business yesterday and all should be back to 'normal' by this time tomorrow (I hope). Things will probably still move a bit more slowly than usual in my part of the world, at least for a couple of months I would guess. Sadly, I still think the viral infection rate has not yet peaked.
DNP is out of stock. It will be minimum of 1 week before I can make more since I have to put away everything else before starting that; and I have a few things to stock up on before getting to it.

I believe I will be phasing out the anavar capsules after the current ones are gone. I will begin offering anavar in 20mg and 50mg suspensions. I have not yet decided on the price for the 50mg suspension.
Winstrol and anadrol capsules will be phased out in favor of suspension. The liquid sales were always better than the capsules; and the supply problems with capsule bottles just help it to make sense.
Lipo-B is available now.

The list is current and I do not anticipate any shortages for the near future, other than DNP.
Thank you to all who have ordered.

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I’m disappointed :oops: I never came at anyone here. I have just tried contributing like I thought I was supposed to. An at every turn of the road dudes are lashing out. :confused: A pedo gets more clout around here than I do. I stay away and mostly just read because dudes jump on my shit.

I figured my issues were valid as a member here. Guess not.
I’m disappointed :oops: I never came at anyone here. I have just tried contributing like I thought I was supposed to. An at every turn of the road dudes are lashing out. :confused: A pedo gets more clout around here than I do. I stay away and mostly just read because dudes jump on my shit.

I figured my issues were valid as a member here. Guess not.
You’re referring to @MindlessWork i suppose? Sure would like to see some proof seeing as how everyone and their mom jumps on the bandwagon accusing him of this shit. You have a whole 60 posts in 5-6 months, most of which were probably in this thread ;)
I’m disappointed :oops: I never came at anyone here. I have just tried contributing like I thought I was supposed to. An at every turn of the road dudes are lashing out. :confused: A pedo gets more clout around here than I do. I stay away and mostly just read because dudes jump on my shit.

I figured my issues were valid as a member here. Guess not.
Post up your blood work.
I’m disappointed :oops: I never came at anyone here. I have just tried contributing like I thought I was supposed to. An at every turn of the road dudes are lashing out. :confused: A pedo gets more clout around here than I do. I stay away and mostly just read because dudes jump on my shit.

I figured my issues were valid as a member here. Guess not.
You come in here insinuating there's issues with symbiotics products, but refuse to provide proof when push comes to shove. And now you're playing the victim? Come on man.
I’m disappointed :oops: I never came at anyone here. I have just tried contributing like I thought I was supposed to. An at every turn of the road dudes are lashing out. :confused: A pedo gets more clout around here than I do. I stay away and mostly just read because dudes jump on my shit.

I figured my issues were valid as a member here. Guess not.
Respect is earned not given.

And fuck that pedo
Hello all.
I hope this week is going well so far for you all.
I was able to get back to business yesterday and all should be back to 'normal' by this time tomorrow (I hope). Things will probably still move a bit more slowly than usual in my part of the world, at least for a couple of months I would guess. Sadly, I still think the viral infection rate has not yet peaked.
DNP is out of stock. It will be minimum of 1 week before I can make more since I have to put away everything else before starting that; and I have a few things to stock up on before getting to it.

I believe I will be phasing out the anavar capsules after the current ones are gone. I will begin offering anavar in 20mg and 50mg suspensions. I have not yet decided on the price for the 50mg suspension.
Winstrol and anadrol capsules will be phased out in favor of suspension. The liquid sales were always better than the capsules; and the supply problems with capsule bottles just help it to make sense.
Lipo-B is available now.

The list is current and I do not anticipate any shortages for the near future, other than DNP.
Thank you to all who have ordered.

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people ordered more liquid winstrol, anadrol & anavar than capsules? thought people prefer capsules for convenience, am i missing something?
i know it's easier to stock on liquid than capping capsules, especially considering you're out of capsule bottles, but is there practical use of liquid over capsules?

i know making DNP is a pain in the ass but it's worth dedicating time to it, few sources offer it so it'll sell quick, im gonna try urs as soon as the pack lands.
I’m disappointed :oops: I never came at anyone here. I have just tried contributing like I thought I was supposed to. An at every turn of the road dudes are lashing out. :confused: A pedo gets more clout around here than I do. I stay away and mostly just read because dudes jump on my shit.

I figured my issues were valid as a member here. Guess not.

Your issues would be valid but you’re a liar, Elroy. We’ve been over this before. You can’t be an imaginary special agent, with imaginary muscles, doing imaginary steroids, to get the imaginary girls without putting the imaginary work in.

Take your meds and go get your mop bucket.

Btw. Post your bloodwork up to support your arimidex claim. You said you have it, post it up. There’s a lot of guys on here that would be able to tell right away why your dick isn’t working.
people ordered more liquid winstrol, anadrol & anavar than capsules? thought people prefer capsules for convenience, am i missing something?
i know it's easier to stock on liquid than capping capsules, especially considering you're out of capsule bottles, but is there practical use of liquid over capsules?

i know making DNP is a pain in the ass but it's worth dedicating time to it, few sources offer it so it'll sell quick, im gonna try urs as soon as the pack lands.

I also fail to see why people would prefer to purchase orals as a suspension. Highly inconvenient to shake the fucking thing so you can pull a well mixed/evenly spread dose. Plus you have to measure it EVERY time you take it. Solutions are slightly better, not as much worry about the uniformity of the compound throughout the liquid. But if you're taking it every day most guys usually just eyeball their doses to save time and just squirt whatever they think is enough into their mouths. Which is stupid if that habit carries over to your AI dosing and you fuck around too much with your estrogen. Not to mention the potential shelf life losses some compounds will procure sitting around in a slightly acidic liquid like bacardi 151 lol

No thanks, I'll stick with my 3 year supply of clomid tablets in a mini fridge and know good and well that in 5 years I can pull them out and pop a dose that's still stable. Just my opinion though. Liquids are sure easier to produce than caps, and hey, if the convenience the source gets from preparing liquid suspensions/solution helps drive down the cost a little, that's still a good upside for liquids.
I also fail to see why people would prefer to purchase orals as a suspension. Highly inconvenient to shake the fucking thing so you can pull a well mixed/evenly spread dose. Plus you have to measure it EVERY time you take it. Solutions are slightly better, not as much worry about the uniformity of the compound throughout the liquid. But if you're taking it every day most guys usually just eyeball their doses to save time and just squirt whatever they think is enough into their mouths. Which is stupid if that habit carries over to your AI dosing and you fuck around too much with your estrogen. Not to mention the potential shelf life losses some compounds will procure sitting around in a slightly acidic liquid like bacardi 151 lol

No thanks, I'll stick with my 3 year supply of clomid tablets in a mini fridge and know good and well that in 5 years I can pull them out and pop a dose that's still stable. Just my opinion though. Liquids are sure easier to produce than caps, and hey, if the convenience the source gets from preparing liquid suspensions/solution helps drive down the cost a little, that's still a good upside for liquids.
that's my thoughts
I'd dump DNP. If you ever get caught they're gonna nail your ass to the wall when they find out your selling that shit.

It attracts attention, it reinforces the idea that AAS use is dangerous or deadly and that it all has to be outlawed to protect the public, when it's really just a few compounds that are the problem and most of us are smart enough to avoid.
I also fail to see why people would prefer to purchase orals as a suspension. Highly inconvenient to shake the fucking thing so you can pull a well mixed/evenly spread dose. Plus you have to measure it EVERY time you take it. Solutions are slightly better, not as much worry about the uniformity of the compound throughout the liquid. But if you're taking it every day most guys usually just eyeball their doses to save time and just squirt whatever they think is enough into their mouths. Which is stupid if that habit carries over to your AI dosing and you fuck around too much with your estrogen. Not to mention the potential shelf life losses some compounds will procure sitting around in a slightly acidic liquid like bacardi 151 lol

No thanks, I'll stick with my 3 year supply of clomid tablets in a mini fridge and know good and well that in 5 years I can pull them out and pop a dose that's still stable. Just my opinion though. Liquids are sure easier to produce than caps, and hey, if the convenience the source gets from preparing liquid suspensions/solution helps drive down the cost a little, that's still a good upside for liquids.
I'v always preferred capsules over liquid.
I'd dump DNP. If you ever get caught they're gonna nail your ass to the wall when they find out your selling that shit.

It attracts attention, it reinforces the idea that AAS use is dangerous or deadly and that it all has to be outlawed to protect the public, when it's really just a few compounds that are the problem and most of us are smart enough to avoid.
You come to a DNP source thread to discourage both buyers and sellers, LMAO. You don't think most people are aware of the risks?
TD! Even with the slight delay Sym had end of last week, still super quick turnaround. Packaging was even more secure than last time, if that’s possible [emoji23]
You come to a DNP source thread to discourage both buyers and sellers, LMAO. You don't think most people are aware of the risks?

Probably not aware of the risks of DNP.

I don't think DNP defines this source. It looks to me that he's doing an excellent job getting his raws tested, you're not seeing customers complaints. His prices are good. He's obviously a whole lot more than just a DNP source.

Besides if you want to get rid of fat we already have gear that is thermogenic that can accelerate the process without the risk of something like eye damaging cataracts.
i know sources who been selling ONLY DNP for years and been making great profit without any issues yet i know sources who only sold Test, Anadrol & Masteron and got busted.
it's purely how u handle ur operation.
ur knowledge how it works is flawed, please don't spin it and give wrong info that can negatively impact sources & customers.