SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

At no way was I coming at symbiotics maybe it was a mistake on my part and like the other dude said maybe I’m losing oil loading the pins or something. I just was wondering it it happened to someone else. Reason for loading them is I work in the medical field and am going to be driving a few hours to NYC to help with the covid crisis and I didn’t wanna drive with vials only loaded pins with my other medications.
At no way was I coming at symbiotics maybe it was a mistake on my part and like the other dude said maybe I’m losing oil loading the pins or something. I just was wondering it it happened to someone else. Reason for loading them is I work in the medical field and am going to be driving a few hours to NYC to help with the covid crisis and I didn’t wanna drive with vials only loaded pins with my other medications.
Anyone else’s vials only 10ml when they are clearly labeled 12ml?

yea I preloaded my 1ML syringes. First thought it was a fluke with my test p then did it with my test e and both came out to 10ml, but labels say 12ml...

Ok if he’s cutting corners on something as simple as cheap labels is he cutting corners on raws...
Didn't sound to me like a question, sounded like you were implying he was selling 10ml vials labeled as 12ml. But glad you're ok with it now.
Didn't sound to me like a question, sounded like you were implying he was selling 10ml vials labeled as 12ml. But glad you're ok with it now.

Being completely honest I thought they were 10ml vials bc of my syringes. I counted them twice so I posted seeing if it happened to anybody else. Symbiotics did his part and went above and beyond with the pictures proving to me that the mistake was on my part and not his. are going to be driving with medications, which I'm assuming will be labeled and legal given your statement and reason? Am I correct in assuming this is a safety precaution for law enforcement? I'm just confused I suppose. If you are questioned by authorities and have medications that are labeled, it will be the needles filled with an unknown substance that is going to set off alarms for further questioning. are going to be driving with medications, which I'm assuming will be labeled and legal given your statement and reason? Am I correct in assuming this is a safety precaution for law enforcement? I'm just confused I suppose. If you are questioned by authorities and have medications that are labeled, it will be the needles filled with an unknown substance that is going to set off alarms for further questioning.

Yes, I have a travel bag that I keep my pills in along with my blood glucose meter all legit from my doctor. Only thing is I’m not prescribed Testosterone for HRT. I figured it would be safer to pre load syringes and keep them in the same bag just Incase I get pulled over I’ll tell them that it’s my testosterone and working in the medical field and the reason why I’m traveling out of state that the cop would more than likely not look into it. Especially when he see my stethoscope and other medical supplies that I’m being with me.
Yes, I have a travel bag that I keep my pills in along with my blood glucose meter all legit from my doctor. Only thing is I’m not prescribed Testosterone for HRT. I figured it would be safer to pre load syringes and keep them in the same bag just Incase I get pulled over I’ll tell them that it’s my testosterone and working in the medical field and the reason why I’m traveling out of state that the cop would more than likely not look into it. Especially when he see my stethoscope and other medical supplies that I’m being with me.
Regardless of how you conceal your steroids your smart for doing so in the first place. I was questioning why anyone would preload a whole vial but your reasoning is legitimate in my opinion. Your car is the least safest place to have any sort of illegal substance regardless of who you are, what you look like, what type of job you hold, where your going, etc, etc. “probable cause” can be just looking at a cop the wrong way..
Regardless of how you conceal your steroids your smart for doing so in the first place. I was questioning why anyone would preload a whole vial but your reasoning is legitimate in my opinion. Your car is the least safest place to have any sort of illegal substance regardless of who you are, what you look like, what type of job you hold, where your going, etc, etc. “probable cause” can be just looking at a cop the wrong way..

Yes I’m definitely taking a risk, but I don’t wanna come off test especially working crazy long shifts I need the energy lol