SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Pharma is actually out of stock last I check both with Pharmacist and Express.

what are you using it for? Have you looked into Vitamin B6 (400-600 mg/ day) or the more bioavailable P5P (50-100 mg/day)

Caber is pretty bad for your heart. I know people love using it but you’re not really supposed to be on it week after week after week. Look around the threads, a lot of guys believe the 19-nor prolactin thing is a myth. Did you have a blood test showing that it’s elevated?
what are you using it for? Have you looked into Vitamin B6 (400-600 mg/ day) or the more bioavailable P5P (50-100 mg/day)

Caber is pretty bad for your heart. I know people love using it but you’re not really supposed to be on it week after week after week. Look around the threads, a lot of guys believe the 19-nor prolactin thing is a myth. Did you have a blood test showing that it’s elevated?
I have an excellent feelz report for P5P and highly recommend it[emoji12]
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what are you using it for? Have you looked into Vitamin B6 (400-600 mg/ day) or the more bioavailable P5P (50-100 mg/day)

Caber is pretty bad for your heart. I know people love using it but you’re not really supposed to be on it week after week after week. Look around the threads, a lot of guys believe the 19-nor prolactin thing is a myth. Did you have a blood test showing that it’s elevated?
Actually looking for someone else besides myself.
I always use, “I don’t consent to searches” and “Am I being detained?” Otherwise you are technically free to travel as a citizen with no issues. Unless you have the hooker knocking scenario as @MisterSuperGod mentioned, radially changes your outcome.
I'm in the Midwest and last year was pulled over for speeding. I'm assuming a lot more than traffic infractions come up on thier screen cause the cop asked me about a couple cases I've caught over the years. He asked if I had drugs in the car I told him no. He asked if he could search my car, I told him no. He left me to go back to his car where I assumed he was writing me a ticket for speeding. Was taking awhile and another squad pulled up. With a dog. Cop told me to get out of car, I told him again that he couldn't search the car, he told me again to leave the keys in the ignition and get out of the car. Asked me about weapons or drugs on my person I told him no. I think he patted me down ( don't remember) and brought me to the front of his squad while the other cop proceeded to walk the dog around the car. Dog did not alert so he gave me my ticket for speeding and let me go. Thank you Lord Jesus that those dogs can't pick up on anabolics.......I later researched that in my state if you refuse a search during a stop they have the option to search perimeter of car with a dog as long as the dog is on the scene in the time it takes the cop to write up the ticket. I'm sure in every case those guys take as much time writing that ticket in order to get the dog there.
I'm in the Midwest and last year was pulled over for speeding. I'm assuming a lot more than traffic infractions come up on thier screen cause the cop asked me about a couple cases I've caught over the years. He asked if I had drugs in the car I told him no. He asked if he could search my car, I told him no. He left me to go back to his car where I assumed he was writing me a ticket for speeding. Was taking awhile and another squad pulled up. With a dog. Cop told me to get out of car, I told him again that he couldn't search the car, he told me again to leave the keys in the ignition and get out of the car. Asked me about weapons or drugs on my person I told him no. I think he patted me down ( don't remember) and brought me to the front of his squad while the other cop proceeded to walk the dog around the car. Dog did not alert so he gave me my ticket for speeding and let me go. Thank you Lord Jesus that those dogs can't pick up on anabolics.......I later researched that in my state if you refuse a search during a stop they have the option to search perimeter of car with a dog as long as the dog is on the scene in the time it takes the cop to write up the ticket. I'm sure in every case those guys take as much time writing that ticket in order to get the dog there.
I'm in the Midwest and last year was pulled over for speeding. I'm assuming a lot more than traffic infractions come up on thier screen cause the cop asked me about a couple cases I've caught over the years. He asked if I had drugs in the car I told him no. He asked if he could search my car, I told him no. He left me to go back to his car where I assumed he was writing me a ticket for speeding. Was taking awhile and another squad pulled up. With a dog. Cop told me to get out of car, I told him again that he couldn't search the car, he told me again to leave the keys in the ignition and get out of the car. Asked me about weapons or drugs on my person I told him no. I think he patted me down ( don't remember) and brought me to the front of his squad while the other cop proceeded to walk the dog around the car. Dog did not alert so he gave me my ticket for speeding and let me go. Thank you Lord Jesus that those dogs can't pick up on anabolics.......I later researched that in my state if you refuse a search during a stop they have the option to search perimeter of car with a dog as long as the dog is on the scene in the time it takes the cop to write up the ticket. I'm sure in every case those guys take as much time writing that ticket in order to get the dog there.
A long long time ago, I was a 911 dispatcher and yes more than traffic infractions come up on the CAD system. By more, I mean everything lol.