SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Im down with that shit. Leaves more bitches for the straight dudes. Just beware of lady boys if it doesn't float your boat. Personally doesn't float mine, but you know what? It might the next guy which in return leaves another one for us! lol

And all of this feminization of men, fucking hell yeah dude! Itll be easier to climb up any work latter if you work with a bunch of pussies. More money for me! Just saying, might be looking at this all wrong.
Sad thing is, it’s become the in thing. Masculinity is called toxic so these women love these little bitches that are called “men.” Genuine, masculine men are blacklisted and they’re considered intimidating. Very few real women out there who love a real man, but there’s an abundance of man haters out there who love these little wussy piles of bloody tampons called men so they can push them around. These are probably the same “men” who fall for this polyamory bullshit and will raise another man’s child as he’s nailing his wife and living with them. Fucking pathetic.
Sad thing is, it’s become the in thing. Masculinity is called toxic so these women love these little bitches that are called “men.” Genuine, masculine men are blacklisted and they’re considered intimidating. Very few real women out there who love a real man, but there’s an abundance of man haters out there who love these little wussy piles of bloody tampons called men so they can push them around. These are probably the same “men” who fall for this polyamory bullshit and will raise another man’s child as he’s nailing his wife and living with them. Fucking pathetic.

Yeah but shell never be happy with that puss bag. If a man establishes respectable dominance in a relationship even if the leaves you shell call you for seconds while with the other dude. Thats just insanity though, dont be with some crazy fucking bitch. LMFAO You may pay for it later! What sucks is that they are the best in bed. lol
But you just got to pump them and dump them if you cant make it work.

And who cares if anyone of us gets hate? Just a bunch of bitter salty people. Sure there is male oppression but if you're not doing that shit why claim the guilt? Nah, you got the wrong guy fuck face.
Yeah but shell never be happy with that puss bag. If a man establishes respectable dominance in a relationship even if the leaves you shell call you for seconds while with the other dude. Thats just insanity though, dont be with some crazy fucking bitch. LMFAO You may pay for it later! What sucks is that they are the best in bed. lol
But you just got to pump them and dump them if you cant make it work.

And who cares if anyone of us gets hate? Just a bunch of bitter salty people. Sure there is male oppression but if you're not doing that shit why claim the guilt? Nah, you got the wrong guy fuck face.
For the most part, Archie had it right, even from the theme song alone.

Hey, all.

I am curious if anyone here has tried Sym's liquid anavar and to know if you liked your results. I see in his list he's currently out of the capsule version. Also, when you do the math it seems like the liquid version is a better deal.

I ran a 6 week cycle of his capsule Var. It’s my only time on Var so I can’t compare to much but I enjoyed it. Zero sides, lipids weren’t trashed too bad, and it hardened me up like a MF. Ran it along side 600 Test E
Order placed a few days ago arrived in perfect condition. again, his pack was sealed like a vault! no floaters in any of the vials and they are all accounted for. thanks again.
Checking in on Sym’s Tren E. Only in week 3 so can’t speak to a whole lot but I would pretty much fuck anything that walks in front of me so I think it’s working pretty well. It hasn’t turned me into a cuck yet so give me a few more weeks and I’ll check back in. ;)

What is it with Tren that makes your libido go through the roof?
Will try injecting slower... kinda hard to pin the cheeks while looking in the mirror
So true bro, and when switching sides is worse [emoji23][emoji1787]

Ive been pinning West Ward Cyp with cottonseed for years and get zero PIP. I tried another TRT clinic and not sure what they use I get PIP every time. I threw it away. Back on WestWard cottonseed.
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So true bro, and when switching sides is worse [emoji23][emoji1787]

Ive been pinning West Ward Cyp with cottonseed for years and get zero PIP. I tried another TRT clinic and not sure what they use I get PIP every time. I threw it away. Back on WestWard cottonseed.

never had a script for trt but I blast cruise pull bloods 2x. Usually keep it mild and simple. The worst I had was pcom 500mg and I used to put a cc and half right into my deltoid. And uhhhh yea not a good idea I learned real fast...
Do all things liquid find their way up your ass?
It's an internet forum. Your anonymity is fairly secure. Its obvious there most likely is a laundry list of items that have wound up going in the out door.
What's the first thing that pops into your head when you remember using your ass for your mouth? Just curious..I'm serious.
It’s obvious? Enlighten me, the first thing that pops up is ecstasy, man the good ol days. What about you MR. Ben maybe the ol lady pluck you a couple times? Nothing wrong with that
I also added bacteriostatic sterile water that I made in preparation for HCG and hGH if the analyses return favorable results.

So one of the most anticipated items has finally arrived. Looks like the analysis for his HGH came back good, I have never seen a purity level report come back 99.9999% pure and I just picked up 3 kits from Sym.

T/A was exceptional as always, took about three days from email until delivery which is great to say the least in the middle of all the issues USPS is still experiencing.

I just pinned 2.5iu of this HGH and let me tell you, I have been on HGH for about 6months now but the second I pinned this, I could immediately feel the difference. Almost as if it was from the hand of God himself.

I know Meso doesn’t really appreciate Feelz reports but I’m telling you, hands down the best HGH possibly in the entire market.

I quickly noticed I was slightly more vascular, my v-taper much more visible and the anti-aging properties are unreal, I honestly look a year or two younger.

For the majority of you that are skeptical I have attached a picture of the kits for your review. I will def be picking up a few more kits after I post, these are going to go quick I can tell you that .
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So one of the most anticipated items has finally arrived. Looks like the analysis for his HGH came back good, I have never seen a purity level report come back 99.9999% pure and I just picked up 3 kits from Sym.

T/A was exceptional as always, took about three days from email until delivery which is great to say the least in the middle of all the issues USPS is still experiencing.

I just pinned 2.5iu of this HGH and let me tell you, I have been on HGH for about 6months now but the second I pinned this, I could immediately feel the difference. Almost as if it was from the hand of God himself.

I know Meso doesn’t really appreciate Feelz reports but I’m telling you, hands down the best HGH possibly in the entire market.

I quickly noticed I was slightly more vascular, my v-taper much more visible and the anti-aging properties are unreal, I honestly look a year or two younger.

For the majority of you that are skeptical I have attached a picture of the kits for your review. I will def be picking up a few more kits after I post, these are going to go quick I can tell you that .

[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] love the new labels
So one of the most anticipated items has finally arrived. Looks like the analysis for his HGH came back good, I have never seen a purity level report come back 99.9999% pure and I just picked up 3 kits from Sym.

T/A was exceptional as always, took about three days from email until delivery which is great to say the least in the middle of all the issues USPS is still experiencing.

I just pinned 2.5iu of this HGH and let me tell you, I have been on HGH for about 6months now but the second I pinned this, I could immediately feel the difference. Almost as if it was from the hand of God himself.

I know Meso doesn’t really appreciate Feelz reports but I’m telling you, hands down the best HGH possibly in the entire market.

I quickly noticed I was slightly more vascular, my v-taper much more visible and the anti-aging properties are unreal, I honestly look a year or two younger.

For the majority of you that are skeptical I have attached a picture of the kits for your review. I will def be picking up a few more kits after I post, these are going to go quick I can tell you that .

why am I not seeing this on his list??