SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Ahaha. I'll be getting bloodwork done at 4 week intervals. Just was excited the pack landed so quickly and that it seems quality and wanted to show the vendor some love. I did laugh despite the roast as it was pretty on point. Not the warmest welcome but I definitely see where you're coming from. I'll be sure to post results before making claims like that in the future, I could see how a post from a sketchy fresh acct could have the opposite effect I intended. But if anything I feel more confident that it's good gear as it's a vendor on a site with people like you here to reality check people. Cheers.
the dude was just saying he was happy man damn. was just giving his opiomion which i thought i catch myself reading from you over and over that the member’s make the community here. don’t know why you couldn’t just let him leave his review, he had a good experience with sym that’s all he was saying. i didn’t see “g2g” anywhere. dude made an account just to say he was happy with sym’s service and you gotta bash him. i don’t think every single member has to test every single product for them to be able to say they’re satisfied, as great as that’d be. sym’s obviously not the source in need of guys making accounts to leave positive feedback but he went out of his way to do that because he was happy and you give him shit for it.
The guy literally just joined and is posting a review based on feels. That can be seen as a shill and shills are not welcome here
Yes Sym is amazing and bloodwork confirms that but here at Meso bloodwork and labs speak volumes more than feels. Right now I feel like I have to take a dump.
The guy literally just joined and is posting a review based on feels. That can be seen as a shill and shills are not welcome here
Yes Sym is amazing and bloodwork confirms that but here at Meso bloodwork and labs speak volumes more than feels. Right now I feel like I have to take a dump.
he was satisfied with multiple points throughout sym’s service is what i’m saying, not only the gear. he didn’t say “g2g” or anything along the lines of that. i 100% understand the problems with shills but clearly that’s not what’s going on in this case. i feel as if someone should be able to say they had a positive experience and are happy without posting bloodwork every single time. yes that’s what’s really important here and yes no one should really make a decision from a review based off anything besides lab work but a member should without a doubt be able to leave a review without getting bashed in the case it’s obiously not a shill, i thought that’s what we encouraged here. the guy was happy and happy enough to go out of his way and leave a review. as great as it’d be not every single review based off a source’s service has labwork. it’s up to the members to make their decision. i just think reviews of any kind within reason shouldn’t be discouraged, feedback should be valued
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Ahaha. I'll be getting bloodwork done at 4 week intervals. Just was excited the pack landed so quickly and that it seems quality and wanted to show the vendor some love. I did laugh despite the roast as it was pretty on point. Not the warmest welcome but I definitely see where you're coming from. I'll be sure to post results before making claims like that in the future, I could see how a post from a sketchy fresh acct could have the opposite effect I intended. But if anything I feel more confident that it's good gear as it's a vendor on a site with people like you here to reality check people. Cheers.

That was my only point and I’m glad to see you didn’t take offense. MESO isn’t BoP or ASF or any of the other boards.

If you post bloods or product testing you’d definitely get a warm welcome.

I’m not saying you’re a bad guy at all, I’m sure you have a bunch of knowledge and experience to share with the community here. We just don’t go off of bonerzzz feellzzz and gainzzz reports no matter what UGL. There’s a lot of shitty sources that’ve passed thru here that could use the same new member 1st post tactic so nothing personal against you or Sym at all.

Testing matters way more is all! [emoji106] And welcome to MESO.
the dude was just saying he was happy man damn. was just giving his opiomion which i thought i catch myself reading from you over and over that the member’s make the community here. don’t know why you couldn’t just let him leave his review, he had a good experience with sym that’s all he was saying. i didn’t see “g2g” anywhere. dude made an account just to say he was happy with sym’s service and you gotta bash him. i don’t think every single member has to test every single product for them to be able to say they’re satisfied, as great as that’d be. sym’s obviously not the source in need of guys making accounts to leave positive feedback but he went out of his way to do that because he was happy and you give him shit for it. kinda discouraging to the whole point of members being the most important part of meso.

He got oil and some bottles that say “var” in the mail. In 3 days. That’s it so far.

He can post about the customer service and TAT. I agree with you, happy review on that.

But the other comments on QUALITY?
“from what I can tell the gear is high quality” - typical gnarly Var back pumps”

“Will update once it's been long enough to gauge the longer ester injectables' potency, but having dealt with many other sources I have little to no doubts that I'm gonna be happy with the results”

Maybe your body is more finely tune @dacadick but I’ve never been able to gauge quality or potency based on feelzzz.

So if you like reviews like this then go over to a paid board, they’re full of this. That’s not how we do it here at MESO. We don’t like BigBear (as an example) get away with it and we don’t let any other UGL get away with it.
He got oil and some bottles that say “var” in the mail. In 3 days. That’s it so far.

He can post about the customer service and TAT. I agree with you, happy review on that.

But the other comments on QUALITY?
“from what I can tell the gear is high quality” - typical gnarly Var back pumps”

“Will update once it's been long enough to gauge the longer ester injectables' potency, but having dealt with many other sources I have little to no doubts that I'm gonna be happy with the results”

Maybe your body is more finely tune @dacadick but I’ve never been able to gauge quality or potency based on feelzzz.

So if you like reviews like this then go over to a paid board, they’re full of this. That’s not how we do it here at MESO. We don’t like BigBear (as an example) get away with it and we don’t let any other UGL get away with it.
so you’re saying you’d rather him not left a review at all instead of one members can make their own judgement based off because you don’t like it. i’d rather read a review than no review. yes i’d of course appreciate bloodwork more but if 500 reviews say his gear didn’t do shit and 500 said they experienced results you’d typeiclaly expect all without bloodwork i’d take it for something. maybe that’s just me. i don’t totally disagree with you, of course i value bloods far above anything else and encourage everyone to get them but all in all i think someone’s feedback is better than no feedback if it’s clearly not a shill.
so you’re saying you’d rather him not left a review at all instead of one members can make their own judgement based off because you don’t like it. i’d rather read a review than no review. yes i’d of course appreciate bloodwork more but if 500 reviews say his gear didn’t do shit and 500 said they experienced results you’d typeiclaly expect all without bloodwork i’d take it for something. maybe that’s just me. i don’t totally disagree with you, of course i value bloods far above anything else and encourage everyone to get them but all in all i think someone’s feedback is better than no feedback if it’s clearly not a shill.

I didn’t say that. Look where I agreed with you:

“He can post about the customer service and TAT. I agree with you, happy review on that.”

There’s no way you can form an opinion on quality just by looking at it. [emoji2369] Simplest way I can make my point to you.
Ahaha. I'll be getting bloodwork done at 4 week intervals. Just was excited the pack landed so quickly and that it seems quality and wanted to show the vendor some love. I did laugh despite the roast as it was pretty on point. Not the warmest welcome but I definitely see where you're coming from. I'll be sure to post results before making claims like that in the future, I could see how a post from a sketchy fresh acct could have the opposite effect I intended. But if anything I feel more confident that it's good gear as it's a vendor on a site with people like you here to reality check people. Cheers.
You have to have a thick skin to be a part of the MESO community,if you can handle the ball breaking you will see this is the best board to be a part of
the dude was just saying he was happy man damn. was just giving his opiomion which i thought i catch myself reading from you over and over that the member’s make the community here. don’t know why you couldn’t just let him leave his review, he had a good experience with sym that’s all he was saying. i didn’t see “g2g” anywhere. dude made an account just to say he was happy with sym’s service and you gotta bash him. i don’t think every single member has to test every single product for them to be able to say they’re satisfied, as great as that’d be. sym’s obviously not the source in need of guys making accounts to leave positive feedback but he went out of his way to do that because he was happy and you give him shit for it. kinda discouraging to the whole point of members being the most important part of meso.
I, for one, thought it was fucking hilarious. Being able to tell it’s high quality anavar because of back pumps? No pip on regularly dosed gear? I like syms gear but damn this dude is eager to give non-reasons for why he thinks it’s good gear. From how he jumped on here, he likely got all of his gear yesterday. So you can expect that he ordered 4 days ago..
And by spice, I mean source lol

Heres what you do. Go back a few pages. He will have made an update. Find the email there. You’re supposed to spend more than one minute looking for it before you ask.

No no no, here’s what you do. You’re gonna want to wake up early. That’ll be new for you since you’re a lazy piece of shit :p. Head on down to the Home Depot, go to the equipment and rental center. Get yourself a wood chipper, gonna run you about 175$ for a half day. On the way out grab a couple day laborers. When you get home, have them gas it up and then throw you into it.
No no no, here’s what you do. You’re gonna want to wake up early. That’ll be new for you since you’re a lazy piece of shit :p. Head on down to the Home Depot, go to the equipment and rental center. Get yourself a wood chipper, gonna run you about 175$ for a half day. On the way out grab a couple day laborers. When you get home, have them gas it up and then throw you into it.
Now that’s pretty brutal. I like that!