SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Fuck that gives me flashbacks to when I was pouring my liquid Sdrol into an empty and unused insulin syringe to get an accurate dosage (because sym doesn't have a liquid oral dropper) and the shit spilled all over my truck and some onto the gym parking lot. That shit was heartbreaking ;(.

good avatar
anyone heard from sym? I had sent a large order in last week before friday and its been radio silence since

At one point a week or two ago one of the post offices near him was short staffed due to coronavirus. I think there are a lot of delays recently so it may be the same thing. Have you emailed him? If you do he is usually pretty good about looking into it and responding.
I’ll be the guy here that points out that Sym hasn’t logged into MESO since April 20.

Order with confidence. [emoji106]
Well then, I suppose I'll be the guy that summarizes the last 9 days of my life outside this venue:
One of my daughters had an emergency appendectomy at the beginning of this 9 day period. I'm not sure how many of you all have had the pleasure of spending the night in the hospital since the virus business began; but I can say that I have had better experiences.
Fast forwarding to the day we came home; my region experienced some pretty powerful storms that placed a 276 year old oak tree (my wife and I counted the rings----pretty cool) inside my living room and my youngest daughter's bedroom.
Oh, we also lost electricity for a couple days during that time and lost internet for a day beyond that.
I actually answered my emails from the parking lot of a fast-food place during the time I had no internet.
Other than answering emails, fixing my house, and manufacturing performance enhancing drugs; I found the time to use my chainsaw mill to cut a 54" x 84' x 4" monolithic slab from that tree and put it in a kiln. It is going to be my dining table in a year or so.

So, on behalf of my life outside of this business, please allow me to apologize for my 9 day absence from this forum.
I am certain though that no email has gone unanswered for greater than 24 hours without reply. If that has happened, I am truly sorry for my delay.

While I am typing, I would be remiss if I did not seek for clarification on the amount of time that is acceptable to pass before my last login date is announced in the thread. I feel that, since the date of my last login was important enough for an announcement, then it is important enough for me to set an alarm and reminder to prompt me to login when that predetermined time period is close to expiration.
I will be glad to help in any way I can to allay any fears or concerns that my 9 day lack of forum presence may cause.