SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Actually was a scrawny little bitch until I was told I was a geek now I’m decent.

Well, that’s kinda cool. Congratulations on the transformation. You should participate in some of the threads here. A guy like you can provide a unique perspective here.

Hey, did you happen to see the Cakedup thread? What can you get us on that guy? He’s a Cooperating Informant and everyone’s a little worried that he’s feeding info to the Feds.

Pm me info bro I got you.. I’m new to the thread bullshit I’m from like irc days and first encounter with threads was when 4chan was running viral on there. I got locked up alittle but after.
Might be a stupid question but I have looked for about a hour and can't figure it out lol, whats the best way to take these oral suspensions? Just shake it up, draw and drink it right down, or hold it in the mouth for a bit?
Might be a stupid question but I have looked for about a hour and can't figure it out lol, whats the best way to take these oral suspensions? Just shake it up, draw and drink it right down, or hold it in the mouth for a bit?
Shake, draw and drink. People used to say to keep orals under your tongue for like 30-60 seconds to absorb, but those were also solutions, not suspensions.
No iirc was a mIRC script lol for windows users. I’m from Efnet where things were different but I was a server owner on enterthegame irc. Yeah I tried to go legit for awhile. People think of irc for casual talk I remember building exploits for sshd/ftpd remote access <=# then the script kiddies came and started mass exploiting iis for botnets, kaIden nets will always be my deal.
Man I like @SymBiotics but I gotta say it. 9 days of absence on here is just too long no matter what the circumstances are.

Too many shit sources have ruined it for the decent ones. Because of those shit sources that exit scam I don’t think it’s too much to ask sources to be active here.

I can’t think of one good reason any source can’t log on here for a few minutes every 2-3 days. Even if it’s just to say “I’m still here guys” or to just post an updated list.

@SymBiotics this just keeps speculations at bay. It can also keep you from having to defend where you’ve been...

Not trying to be a dick so @SymBiotics forgive me for being harsh, but a lot of us have family and kids and crazy shit happens to us sometimes.
But I guarantee you if we’re waiting on a pack from you and a tree falls on our house and we were hospitalized for, let’s say, covid-19, we’d be on here before 9 days asking where tf is our pack!.... lmao :p

Just my opinion... :)

Edit; normally I’d say death is the only excuse one could have here. But after a source here came back from the dead I’m not even sure that’s an excuse anymore :oops:
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