SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Man I like @SymBiotics but I gotta say it. 9 days of absence on here is just too long no matter what the circumstances are.

Too many shit sources have ruined it for the decent ones. Because of those shit sources that exit scam I don’t think it’s too much to ask sources to be active here.

I can’t think of one good reason any source can’t log on here for a few minutes every 2-3 days. Even if it’s just to say “I’m still here guys” or to just post an updated list.

@SymBiotics this just keeps speculations at bay. It can also keep you from having to defend where you’ve been...

Not trying to be a dick so @SymBiotics forgive me for being harsh, but a lot of us have family and kids and crazy shit happens to us sometimes.
But I guarantee you if we’re waiting on a pack from you and a tree falls on our house and we were hospitalized for, let’s say, covid-19, we’d be on here before 9 days asking where tf is our pack!.... lmao :p

Just my opinion... :)

Edit; normally I’d say death is the only excuse one could have here. But after a source here came back from the dead I’m not even sure that’s an excuse anymore :oops:
9 days is too long? Opti goes weeks sometimes and no complaints from buyers as he stays on top of customer service, as apparently Sym has as well. I think his recent post warrants a delayed absence from him, its not like he was taking orders and not fulfilling them.
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9 days is too long? Opti goes weeks sometimes and no complaints from buyers as he stays on top of customer service, as apparently Sym has as well. I think his recent post warrants a delayed absence from him, its not like he was taking orders and not fulfilling them.
All I’m sayin is that I think ALL sources should be active on here. It just keeps speculations and scenarios down. A couple times per week isn’t too much to ask for.

Sources come here to make money from members. They start their own thread to engage those members and just because they become successful doesn’t mean they no longer need to have a presence here anymore.
If we encourage sources to stay somewhat active it’s another way we can keep them accountable.
Although I don’t like the idea of reps coming in, it does help sources when they’re unable to stay active for whatever reasons.

It’s just a bad habit they could fall into. Like @BigBaldBeardGuy said previously, one week here being inactive turns into two, then when it becomes their ‘normal’ way and members start accepting it, it makes it easier for them to slip away with a few weeks worth of orders before everyone catches on that they got scammed.
Like I said, it’s another way to keep them accountable. And to hopefully keep a larger amount of members being scammed IF a source tries to exit scam.

I’m speaking in general here about ALL sources. Im not aiming it directly at @SymBiotics

JMO :)
9 days is too long? Opti goes weeks sometimes and no complaints from buyers as he stays on top of customer service, as apparently Sym has as well. I think his recent post warrants a delayed absence from him, its not like he was taking orders and not fulfilling them.

Defending sources again

When did Opti become the gold standard? I don’t know, how about we demand more from the guys that source here for free?
All I’m sayin is that I think ALL sources should be active on here. It just keeps speculations and scenarios down. A couple times per week isn’t too much to ask for.

Sources come here to make money from members. They start their own thread to engage those members and just because they become successful doesn’t mean they no longer need to have a presence here anymore.
If we encourage sources to stay somewhat active it’s another way we can keep them accountable.
Although I don’t like the idea of reps coming in, it does help sources when they’re unable to stay active for whatever reasons.

It’s just a bad habit they could fall into. Like @BigBaldBeardGuy said previously, one week here being inactive turns into two, then when it becomes their ‘normal’ way and members start accepting it, it makes it easier for them to slip away with a few weeks worth of orders before everyone catches on that they got scammed.
Like I said, it’s another way to keep them accountable. And to hopefully keep a larger amount of members being scammed IF a source tries to exit scam.

I’m speaking in general here about ALL sources. Im not aiming it directly at @SymBiotics

JMO :)
I like this post and @BigBaldBeardGuy few posts he made on same subject. Like @bolder said they came to us and made whatever statements they made to instill thier trust in us. The truth is not if they ghost but when they ghost. And it can be 100% thier fault or something beyond thier control that factors into sources blowing in the wind. 9 days is a long time for radio silence IMO and if it was me using this source for the first time I would be fretting a bit. Really does not take but a minute or 2 flash a reply every couple days. Sym appears to have his head on good and I do hope he is able to provide his service to.MESO for a long time. The members here at MESO appear to be more than satisfied with his products and services....giddy !!
Defending sources again

When did Opti become the gold standard? I don’t know, how about we demand more from the guys that source here for free?
You kidding me? When's the last time i defended a source? Last i checked, my home and kids would come before checking in on fucking meso. Lmao.
You kidding me? When's the last time i defended a source? Last i checked, my home and kids would come before checking in on fucking meso. Lmao.

You validate their excuses. Yes, they have a life outside of MESO. But never forget THEY chose to source here, we never begged them. We owe them nothing.

Any source that thinks spending a minute to check-in on MESO is some arduous task should recheck themselves. This is their business. They should WANT to check-in here.

The money he makes here will go to supporting his home and his kids. Like any other job.

Checking emails on the wi-fi at McDonalds and he coulda popped in on MESO... “Hey guys, had to take kid to hospital. We lost power and cable at home. And now a tree fell on my house. FML.” - that took me 33 seconds.

He had time to get a 52” slab of wood cut and put in the kiln. His life isn’t that wrecked. Check in at MESO. Be accountable.

It’s just like Pristine, get more and more scarce, orders still come in, and we know how that ended.
I can sort of vouch for his alleged hospital visit. I made an order with him to be paid with XMR that same evening. He sent me the BTC address by mistake. When asked for the XMR address and apologized for the mistake due to being in the hospital for the aforementioned reason.
Well then, I suppose I'll be the guy that summarizes the last 9 days of my life outside this venue:
One of my daughters had an emergency appendectomy at the beginning of this 9 day period. I'm not sure how many of you all have had the pleasure of spending the night in the hospital since the virus business began; but I can say that I have had better experiences.
Fast forwarding to the day we came home; my region experienced some pretty powerful storms that placed a 276 year old oak tree (my wife and I counted the rings----pretty cool) inside my living room and my youngest daughter's bedroom.
Oh, we also lost electricity for a couple days during that time and lost internet for a day beyond that.
I actually answered my emails from the parking lot of a fast-food place during the time I had no internet.
Other than answering emails, fixing my house, and manufacturing performance enhancing drugs; I found the time to use my chainsaw mill to cut a 54" x 84' x 4" monolithic slab from that tree and put it in a kiln. It is going to be my dining table in a year or so.

So, on behalf of my life outside of this business, please allow me to apologize for my 9 day absence from this forum.
I am certain though that no email has gone unanswered for greater than 24 hours without reply. If that has happened, I am truly sorry for my delay.

While I am typing, I would be remiss if I did not seek for clarification on the amount of time that is acceptable to pass before my last login date is announced in the thread. I feel that, since the date of my last login was important enough for an announcement, then it is important enough for me to set an alarm and reminder to prompt me to login when that predetermined time period is close to expiration.
I will be glad to help in any way I can to allay any fears or concerns that my 9 day lack of forum presence may cause.

First time logging in after quite some time. Late to the party on this post from you but damn, how fucking horrific to have a tree like that crash into your home. Particularly into your daughters room! And while dealing with a recent hospital visit. When it rains it pours. Glad you're all safe.
I can sort of vouch for his alleged hospital visit. I made an order with him to be paid with XMR that same evening. He sent me the BTC address by mistake. When asked for the XMR address and apologized for the mistake due to being in the hospital for the aforementioned reason.
I’m not doubting Sym’s story at all. He seems to me as a straight forward, good dude (over the Internet).
It just proves the point that he could have just as easily posted something here for his current and potential customers as well.

I’m not implying it’s the very first thing he should have done. But in between the chaos, when things were calm, a quick post would have been better than nothing imo.

I think we’re all reasonable here. I mean we let him have the weekends off... :p:D:p:D
I second what BBBG said. I use sym religiously and have spent way too much money with him - but that’s not a “good to go.” I’ve delt with tens of sources that were top notch in their prime, (POTG, AA, TGI, PLL, etc) but where are they now? Up and gone. Always be aware and prepared. Sym seems like a good dude. I respect him for having the balls to deal with all of us assholes and taking time to explain shit that he’s went through that actually sounds logical compared to others - but in this game you never know.
Word ‘potg’
hey all, just checking in here
order placed and money sent to sym on thursday last week

just got my pack today
20 vials of primo and some dbol

i was worried but mine came through. gonna take some dick pics and track gains, will keep you updated

thank you @SymBiotics

hey all, just checking in here
order placed and money sent to sym on thursday last week

just got my pack today
20 vials of primo and some dbol

i was worried but mine came through. gonna take some dick pics and track gains, will keep you updated

thank you @SymBiotics


Thanks for the beautiful picture lol. Damn and I was thinking about just picking up 4 or 5 vials of primo. I’m jealous lol.