SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I worry about this from time to time. I haven't ordered a ton, but even so. I remember a few weeks ago placed an order and a few days later I left to go to the store. I come back and my street was lined with cop cars. One on each end and several bunched up in the middle. Right in front of my house coincidentally. I thought well damn the jig is up. I ordered a few bottles of test and some adex, I'm right F@#$Ed now aren't I. Long story short some dude they were chasing was hiding in the bushes across from my house. They yoked him right out with the quickness. It was comical. My pack landed 3 days later. On the international side a friend of mine had a pack worth 6k seized and cant order crap anymore.. every time he tried he would get a visit. He gave up and lost his lucrative side business. I personally have no experience with INT.
Oh fuck man [emoji23][emoji23] I know the feeling. You turn white and your heart comes to a stop for a few seconds until you realize it's not for you LOL
Eo is thin af but gives me softball pip. I’m glad he started brewing it without it
At firstvi was hesitant to order primo with EO since I never tried EO and from all the bad experiences ppl had with the mix,however I started with 1/2cc through an insulin syringe in the quad no pain/pip, but I do understand where you coming from, like every drug out there some ppl can have undesirable sides from a compound.
Man I like @SymBiotics but I gotta say it. 9 days of absence on here is just too long no matter what the circumstances are.

Too many shit sources have ruined it for the decent ones. Because of those shit sources that exit scam I don’t think it’s too much to ask sources to be active here.

I can’t think of one good reason any source can’t log on here for a few minutes every 2-3 days. Even if it’s just to say “I’m still here guys” or to just post an updated list.

@SymBiotics this just keeps speculations at bay. It can also keep you from having to defend where you’ve been...

Not trying to be a dick so @SymBiotics forgive me for being harsh, but a lot of us have family and kids and crazy shit happens to us sometimes.
But I guarantee you if we’re waiting on a pack from you and a tree falls on our house and we were hospitalized for, let’s say, covid-19, we’d be on here before 9 days asking where tf is our pack!.... lmao :p

Just my opinion... :)

Edit; normally I’d say death is the only excuse one could have here. But after a source here came back from the dead I’m not even sure that’s an excuse anymore :oops:

I always appreciate your posts and the civility in which you convey your messages.
The problem with logging into MESO is with the TOR browser.
More often than not, I am not permitted to log in. I changed VPNs thinking that was the cause of my issues; but it is not.
There was a thread made by someone in the fairly recent past, I believe it was @iamnightowl ; and it touched on this very same matter. I think the problem resolved for him though; but it remains for me.
I have a way around it; but I have to drive pretty far to use a facility where the use of the ethernet cable is not logged or monitored. That is more than I am willing to do on many days.
All of this is to say that the "want to" is there; but internet security always comes first.
I will not be scamming anyone out of their money or anything of the sort.
I already gave refunds to every person involved when my email was hacked last year. I'm sure some folks would have kept it and never returned; but I am actually proud of this thing I made here. So I want to do it right and keep customers happy.
Heck it's Saturday and I'm on the internet :eek:
I completely understand the anxiety involved with sending money to someone that you have no recourse with if the deal goes bad. You have to remember that I am a customer too and I know very well how it feels to have many thousands of dollars taken with no delivery; or the delivery of substandard products. It is unpleasant and the anxiety over internet transactions, such as this, is completely warranted.
I will continue to do what I can to post more often here. But I will do no more than what I am able to do while keeping my priorities in their order----God, family, internet security, and then everything else. I hope you all can understand that.
I think that at least part of the reason I am still free and married is because I don't allow my wants to govern my actions. I want to log in here much more often; but I don't because doing so would sacrifice one or more of my priorities. I'm nothing without my rules:D
All good, but like [mention]William Dee Calrissian [/mention] pointed out, it’s almost a daily thing where a new guy comes in looking for the email address. That’s why I assumed you were brand new. Sorry about the assumption man.

What’s up ... [mention]BigBaldBeardGuy [/mention] just a thought , any way for [mention]Millard Baker [/mention] to remove that first Sym email , may save some years off ppls lives for getting fired up lol . Idk thinking out loud I guess .
The vials have more than 12ml actually. They are filled with high end bottle top dispensers with a very small error rate. I, in fact, spent over $7000 alone in just dispensers that are accurate, autoclavable, and compatible with the solvents and oils.
View attachment 128872
A media bottle and dispenser ready to dispense. View attachment 128873
A few vials of NPP that I started labeling. Please note the consistent fill levels.View attachment 128874 View attachment 128875
BD syringes in 10ml and 3ml with 18gs x 1.5 needles. A random vial pulled from the lot.View attachment 128876
The 10ml syringe filled to 10ml with oil remaining in the vial.
View attachment 128884 Four of 10 oil dispensers and one for aqueous solutions.View attachment 128877
Greater than 12ml pulled from the vial. View attachment 128879 View attachment 128880
Error limit literature from the manual that came with the dispensers. View attachment 128881 View attachment 128882 View attachment 128883

Damn bro you are on your GAME!! I love it very nice to have someone like you to count on and make my go to for my gear needs! I appreciate you bro I’ve been more than happy with my orders from you and the whole process easiest I’ve ever had!
I always appreciate your posts and the civility in which you convey your messages.
The problem with logging into MESO is with the TOR browser.
More often than not, I am not permitted to log in. I changed VPNs thinking that was the cause of my issues; but it is not.
There was a thread made by someone in the fairly recent past, I believe it was @iamnightowl ; and it touched on this very same matter. I think the problem resolved for him though; but it remains for me.
I have a way around it; but I have to drive pretty far to use a facility where the use of the ethernet cable is not logged or monitored. That is more than I am willing to do on many days.
All of this is to say that the "want to" is there; but internet security always comes first.
I will not be scamming anyone out of their money or anything of the sort.
I already gave refunds to every person involved when my email was hacked last year. I'm sure some folks would have kept it and never returned; but I am actually proud of this thing I made here. So I want to do it right and keep customers happy.
Heck it's Saturday and I'm on the internet :eek:
I completely understand the anxiety involved with sending money to someone that you have no recourse with if the deal goes bad. You have to remember that I am a customer too and I know very well how it feels to have many thousands of dollars taken with no delivery; or the delivery of substandard products. It is unpleasant and the anxiety over internet transactions, such as this, is completely warranted.
I will continue to do what I can to post more often here. But I will do no more than what I am able to do while keeping my priorities in their order----God, family, internet security, and then everything else. I hope you all can understand that.
I think that at least part of the reason I am still free and married is because I don't allow my wants to govern my actions. I want to log in here much more often; but I don't because doing so would sacrifice one or more of my priorities. I'm nothing without my rules:D

Very very well said brother thanks for staying in contact with everyone as much as you can!
Just wanted to say I had ordered again with Sym and I shit you not I payed for my order and the very next day I about shit when it was already here! One damn day idk how that happens that’s incredible! I’m very happy ordering with Sym very easy process. I just grabbed a few more bottles to add to my next upcoming run! Disregard the amp of test that was from another source IMG_5311.jpg
He’s a drug dealer, you don’t have to ride his dick that hard.

You are right but honestly I don’t look at it the same way. I mean I wouldn’t rob a gas station or pawn my flatscreen to get what he offers. I just like keeping good rapport. It’s all to often that you see sources having issues one way or another. It’s just nice knowing he gives a shit about his customers and not just making money like a true “Drug Dealer”.
Reminds me of the 1000 word essay fake eRoids reviews [emoji23]

Yeah it took me some time to put all the dick riding comments together I put a lot of thought into it LMAO. Reminds me of the old days when I hardly knew a thing and actually tried to order shit from sources I found on Eroids. I still don’t know a lot but I do know I don’t use Eroids anymore. At least I’m actually discussing customer service and gear not bulshitting and talking about completely random shit like giving to much praise when I have a good experience with a source!
Three posts in a row a bit too much???

Yeah went overboard didn’t realize till I had already done it. Im gonna catch SOME SHIT for it I already know. Should have just made one post I’m OCD and do weird shit. I’m just thankful to be on Meso and have good experiences now I came from the shit show BOP and I’m just glad I’m away from that cluster fuck! YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT DICK RIDING! that’s all BOP is. You post a bad review and you get either banned or they warn you that you will be shown the door.
More so the “ I love it very nice to have someone like you to count on”

edit**Somehow sounds like “I’d eat your ass after running a marathon”

EVERYONE here is just so friendly I honestly feel like part of a very close family! So glad to be welcomed with open arms and sarcasm lol. Fucking love MESO! At least it’s somewhat entertaining to read all the jabs taken when someone does something kinda dumb or silly!