SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

So gotta question. Sent sym an email securely of course but was returned non deliverable. Is still the address?

That’s because that’s the wrong address. But congratulations, you’re the 100th new member to ask that question. Sym has been running that contest for a while. Hit him up in his email to see what you won!
That’s because that’s the wrong address. But congratulations, you’re the 100th new member to ask that question. Sym has been running that contest for a while. Hit him up in his email to see what you won!

Aight I’m online after a busy day let’s get back to slanging dick to Fuckboy’s gimme a few to research [emoji1787]
Been a member since 2015 playa, good shot douche.
That being said, you should know where to look. I used to think to myself, man why is everyone so harsh, but then I realized they've put in the time and did their homework. Try not to take it too personal, but even I, a professional sideliner get frustrated seeing a 'what's wrong with his email post?" Ever few days.
That being said, you should know where to look. I used to think to myself, man why is everyone so harsh, but then I realized they've put in the time and did their homework. Try not to take it too personal, but even I, a professional sideliner get frustrated seeing a 'what's wrong with his email post?" Ever few days.

Thanks for the solid Will (If you allow the cavalier monicker). I found the email in the pastebin but it was daunting when the posts accumulate in the 7000 +.
Pardon the momentary lapse in sensitive bitchiness - meant no ill will. Don’t deal well with being called a newb.

All good, but like [mention]William Dee Calrissian [/mention] pointed out, it’s almost a daily thing where a new guy comes in looking for the email address. That’s why I assumed you were brand new. Sorry about the assumption man.
All good, but like [mention]William Dee Calrissian [/mention] pointed out, it’s almost a daily thing where a new guy comes in looking for the email address. That’s why I assumed you were brand new. Sorry about the assumption man.

No worries man, just lazy in the readin game and the 7000 + posts were more that j was willing to sift through. So I asked the question… went from 1 to 2600-ish and Down to 7200-ish.
Sym, when will your lady var be back in stock? Trying to find my wife a new var source since her last one is no longer around.

Id just have her use the var he has now in a smaller dose till its back. Its the same stuff just in 5mg. Liquid is easy to measure out a smaller dose.
I just used the search function. It was the 13th post down on the list. I do understand though 7000 posts can be a challenging read.

I'll recap. Sym came in strong and impressive. Pics, methods, and testing. No boobs though, guy respects his wife. I personally find that admirable.

Packs were landing all seemed great and then a postal inspector visit followed by someone extorting sym made him go dark. He spent several months off the grid and I almost bought from prissy's exit scam sale.

Sym returns, everyone of course is leary AF. A few guys pull the trigger and nobody went to jail. All seems G2G. BUT THEN there was a test sent out that had deca mixed with EQ. Strangley a few of us remembered a very similar test in another thread, but thats not all. Another guy got a nasty infection in his butt off some test e, but when pressured for proof he faded away.

TGI shot some rounds off at 7 in the morning. Sym does a flash sale with limited inventory. He caught a bunch of flack for that one. Out of stock everywhere.

Spent some time in the lab compounding. Packs dropping, more packs dropping. Noah compiled a list of testing (thanks Noah). More packs dropping. Got a pack or three myself. More packs dropping. New compounds hit the list. Sym tests, members test, primo seems on point.

Sym gets accused of only have 10 MLS in his 12 ML bottles. He came back with photos galore and abundant explanation of how this can't be. Not shilling but suck it Demigod. Dude took half a week and still didn't deliver what he was asked for. THE BOTTLES AREN'T EMPTY I SWEAR.

This brings us to today. Sym spent 9 days off the map and people are naturally upset. Life happens we all know this, but people demand accountability from their drug dealers and rightly so.

G2G absolutely not. The risk is always there. I must admit after almost getting boned by prissy, if Sym disappear for more than 3 days I get a little edgy.

Also somewhere in the middle of all this a ladder tried to send Sym straight to Jesus and he built a new lab. There. We are all caught up.
I just used the search function. It was the 13th post down on the list. I do understand though 7000 posts can be a challenging read.

I'll recap. Sym came in strong and impressive. Pics, methods, and testing. No boobs though, guy respects his wife. I personally find that admirable.

Packs were landing all seemed great and then a postal inspector visit followed by someone extorting sym made him go dark. He spent several months off the grid and I almost bought from prissy's exit scam sale.

Sym returns, everyone of course is leary AF. A few guys pull the trigger and nobody went to jail. All seems G2G. BUT THEN there was a test sent out that had deca mixed with EQ. Strangley a few of us remembered a very similar test in another thread, but thats not all. Another guy got a nasty infection in his butt off some test e, but when pressured for proof he faded away.

TGI shot some rounds off at 7 in the morning. Sym does a flash sale with limited inventory. He caught a bunch of flack for that one. Out of stock everywhere.

Spent some time in the lab compounding. Packs dropping, more packs dropping. Noah compiled a list of testing (thanks Noah). More packs dropping. Got a pack or three myself. More packs dropping. New compounds hit the list. Sym tests, members test, primo seems on point.

Sym gets accused of only have 10 MLS in his 12 ML bottles. He came back with photos galore and abundant explanation of how this can't be. Not shilling but suck it Demigod. Dude took half a week and still didn't deliver what he was asked for. THE BOTTLES AREN'T EMPTY I SWEAR.

This brings us to today. Sym spent 9 days off the map and people are naturally upset. Life happens we all know this, but people demand accountability from their drug dealers and rightly so.

G2G absolutely not. The risk is always there. I must admit after almost getting boned by prissy, if Sym disappear for more than 3 days I get a little edgy.

Also somewhere in the middle of all this a ladder tried to send Sym straight to Jesus and he built a new lab. There. We are all caught up.
Awesome synopsis bro.

So reading all of that and understanding the risks involved. I always debate with myself if Domestic is worth the price to not deal with customs. (Although Sym prices look decent).

See if a lab is taken offline by LE domestically, potentially you could be embroiled in the whole thing. If something happens to some Chinaman in China, another tree falls in the forest.

I do both int and Dom, but I always think about that. What are y'alls take?
hey all, just checking in here
order placed and money sent to sym on thursday last week

just got my pack today
20 vials of primo and some dbol

i was worried but mine came through. gonna take some dick pics and track gains, will keep you updated

thank you @SymBiotics

Let us know how the pip is on the primo please. Seems he’s One of the few brewing it at 200 without eo.
I worry about this from time to time. I haven't ordered a ton, but even so. I remember a few weeks ago placed an order and a few days later I left to go to the store. I come back and my street was lined with cop cars. One on each end and several bunched up in the middle. Right in front of my house coincidentally. I thought well damn the jig is up. I ordered a few bottles of test and some adex, I'm right F@#$Ed now aren't I. Long story short some dude they were chasing was hiding in the bushes across from my house. They yoked him right out with the quickness. It was comical. My pack landed 3 days later. On the international side a friend of mine had a pack worth 6k seized and cant order crap anymore.. every time he tried he would get a visit. He gave up and lost his lucrative side business. I personally have no experience with INT.
Hello everyone,

I placed my order on the 25th of April (sunday), and I received my package today! Must say I am impressed with SymBiotics communications and prioritize shipping.

Doing a simple one compound blast getting back to the groove of things, and will be ramping up things as the months go by. Will also be posting mid cycle bloods.

Products ordered: Testosterone C,Cialis, and liquid superdrol.


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I worry about this from time to time. I haven't ordered a ton, but even so. I remember a few weeks ago placed an order and a few days later I left to go to the store. I come back and my street was lined with cop cars. One on each end and several bunched up in the middle. Right in front of my house coincidentally. I thought well damn the jig is up. I ordered a few bottles of test and some adex, I'm right F@#$Ed now aren't I. Long story short some dude they were chasing was hiding in the bushes across from my house. They yoked him right out with the quickness. It was comical. My pack landed 3 days later. On the international side a friend of mine had a pack worth 6k seized and cant order crap anymore.. every time he tried he would get a visit. He gave up and lost his lucrative side business. I personally have no experience with INT.
If they ever seize a package they tend to flag the address being sent to, they usually send a seizure letter to the recipient (never heard of visits, but maybe cause he kept trying).I had one experience with customs before I knew they flag address.