SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I am greatly appreciative to all who have ordered from me. Shipping is still mind-boggling to me. Some people get their packages in 3 days while others wait 9. I canot make any sense of it.
I am still able to send out everything within 72 hours from payment confirmation, with the exception of the ones I lose in my toolbox (it has happened more than once). Hopefully things will normalize soon.
It has been a while since I posted my list, so please see below.
Goodnight to you all; and again, I really appreciate your business and your patience.

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I am greatly appreciative to all who have ordered from me. Shipping is still mind-boggling to me. Some people get their packages in 3 days while others wait 9. I canot make any sense of it.
I am still able to send out everything within 72 hours from payment confirmation, with the exception of the ones I lose in my toolbox (it has happened more than once). Hopefully things will normalize soon.
It has been a while since I posted my list, so please see below.
Goodnight to you all; and again, I really appreciate your business and your patience.

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you get me hard when you explain things
Well then, I suppose I'll be the guy that summarizes the last 9 days of my life outside this venue:
One of my daughters had an emergency appendectomy at the beginning of this 9 day period. I'm not sure how many of you all have had the pleasure of spending the night in the hospital since the virus business began; but I can say that I have had better experiences.
Fast forwarding to the day we came home; my region experienced some pretty powerful storms that placed a 276 year old oak tree (my wife and I counted the rings----pretty cool) inside my living room and my youngest daughter's bedroom.
Oh, we also lost electricity for a couple days during that time and lost internet for a day beyond that.
I actually answered my emails from the parking lot of a fast-food place during the time I had no internet.
Other than answering emails, fixing my house, and manufacturing performance enhancing drugs; I found the time to use my chainsaw mill to cut a 54" x 84' x 4" monolithic slab from that tree and put it in a kiln. It is going to be my dining table in a year or so.

So, on behalf of my life outside of this business, please allow me to apologize for my 9 day absence from this forum.
I am certain though that no email has gone unanswered for greater than 24 hours without reply. If that has happened, I am truly sorry for my delay.

While I am typing, I would be remiss if I did not seek for clarification on the amount of time that is acceptable to pass before my last login date is announced in the thread. I feel that, since the date of my last login was important enough for an announcement, then it is important enough for me to set an alarm and reminder to prompt me to login when that predetermined time period is close to expiration.
I will be glad to help in any way I can to allay any fears or concerns that my 9 day lack of forum presence may cause.
Hey, sorry to hear about the daughter. From what I understand, you’re very fortunate that you were able to stay at the hospital or even enter into it because of Hoaxvid-19 and you not being the patient.

I’d really like a piece of that wood also, cut to a similar size as yours. Seriously though, what a great idea and taking a negative experience while having vision for something nice for the future is really cool. Hope things get back to normal in the Sym household.
Well then, I suppose I'll be the guy that summarizes the last 9 days of my life outside this venue:
One of my daughters had an emergency appendectomy at the beginning of this 9 day period. I'm not sure how many of you all have had the pleasure of spending the night in the hospital since the virus business began; but I can say that I have had better experiences.
Fast forwarding to the day we came home; my region experienced some pretty powerful storms that placed a 276 year old oak tree (my wife and I counted the rings----pretty cool) inside my living room and my youngest daughter's bedroom.
Oh, we also lost electricity for a couple days during that time and lost internet for a day beyond that.
I actually answered my emails from the parking lot of a fast-food place during the time I had no internet.
Other than answering emails, fixing my house, and manufacturing performance enhancing drugs; I found the time to use my chainsaw mill to cut a 54" x 84' x 4" monolithic slab from that tree and put it in a kiln. It is going to be my dining table in a year or so.

So, on behalf of my life outside of this business, please allow me to apologize for my 9 day absence from this forum.
I am certain though that no email has gone unanswered for greater than 24 hours without reply. If that has happened, I am truly sorry for my delay.

While I am typing, I would be remiss if I did not seek for clarification on the amount of time that is acceptable to pass before my last login date is announced in the thread. I feel that, since the date of my last login was important enough for an announcement, then it is important enough for me to set an alarm and reminder to prompt me to login when that predetermined time period is close to expiration.
I will be glad to help in any way I can to allay any fears or concerns that my 9 day lack of forum presence may cause.

Oomph. You had a bad week.

We do expect sources to be present here on the board. We’ve had some before that would disappear for weeks because they lost their laptop, forgot the password, locked their key in the raws room, got arrested on an outstanding bench warrant, oh and tried to die as an excuse. We’ve also had sources that “answer all questions thru email” which is less than transparent. Sasquatch would go MIA for weeks then drag himself out of whatever crack house he binged at and return as if nothing happened.

UGLs use a few tactics to more or less “disappear” here. Lulling customers into a new status quo. Gone 9 days here, 5 days there, 2 weeks, then stretching to 3 weeks. That way when no ones heard from them the dickriders come to his defense “dude, all good, he’s always busy outside of MESO” until one day the dude just leaves with a stack of bitcoins after taking a bunch of orders.

It’s up to you how often you want/need to be on. This is your business. Participate or not. But you should know we’ve seen a lot of messed up shit here before which is why we get concerned. Being on MESO shouldn’t be a chore.

I also get that you’re the only domestic right now so you don’t have to listen to anything. Who knows when the next good one will show up. One of these fuckups that keeps rebranding might actually get their shit together and you don’t want to lose your segment of the market.
Great product took package 3 days, easy to communicate quick response times absolutely a smooth experience. Thank you Sym! Will be reordering.

Spoke to him Friday. Same email.

Not always confirmed and it’s always handled. He’s still doing his thing just not logging on here obviously.

Shits always gtg, response or not keep the family healthy and keep it mind it’s a side hustle.

Welcome to MESO. You might want to participate in the threads a little more because no one gives a fuck about your ooey-gooey feelings for sources here. You’re opinion doesn’t matter.

Stop panting so much and quit humping Sym’s leg. If you think for a second that cozying up to the UGLs here and giving them virtual handjobs will get you special favor, you’re wrong. You’ll just piss every other member off and you’ll be tossed off to the side just like your girl does faced with sweaty hard dicks when she goes out with the rest of the Moo Crew.
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I second what BBBG said. I use sym religiously and have spent way too much money with him - but that’s not a “good to go.” I’ve delt with tens of sources that were top notch in their prime, (POTG, AA, TGI, PLL, etc) but where are they now? Up and gone. Always be aware and prepared. Sym seems like a good dude. I respect him for having the balls to deal with all of us assholes and taking time to explain shit that he’s went through that actually sounds logical compared to others - but in this game you never know.
Welcome to MESO. You might want to participate in the threads a little more because no one gives a fuck about your ooey-gooey feelings for sources here. You’re opinion doesn’t matter.

Stop panting so much and quit humping Sym’s leg. If you think for a second that cozying up to the UGLs here and giving them virtual handjobs will get you special favor, you’re wrong. You’ll just piss every other member off and you’ll be tossed off to the side just like your girl does faced with sweaty hard dicks when she goes out with the rest of the Moo Crew.

Bahahaha I don’t ask for favors or anything else. Just put my 2 cents in if you can’t handle that then that’s your problem. If any member has a problem I have tlo and 10 gbs send dicks to doors and make sure their internet experience is fantastic. Other then that I’m here for the lulz.
I second what BBBG said. I use sym religiously and have spent way too much money with him - but that’s not a “good to go.” I’ve delt with tens of sources that were top notch in their prime, (POTG, AA, TGI, PLL, etc) but where are they now? Up and gone. Always be aware and prepared. Sym seems like a good dude. I respect him for having the balls to deal with all of us assholes and taking time to explain shit that he’s went through that actually sounds logical compared to others - but in this game you never know.

Okay I guess my statement is from local sourcing, it’s a term we used so I can respect that used the same guy until 2 months ago when he passed. I guess there probably is fly by night people. I just respected how easily it was to communicate and the quickness. I come from a completely different part of the internet.
Bahahaha I don’t ask for favors or anything else. Just put my 2 cents in if you can’t handle that then that’s your problem. If any member has a problem I have tlo and 10 gbs send dicks to doors and make sure their internet experience is fantastic. Other then that I’m here for the lulz.

What’s “tlo and 10 gbs”. Me and my dick might be interested and could be at your doors depending on what it is.
Some people think im cheap, others think im a fool for more shots on goal with more packs. I only order just enough above min to get a pack and never have more than one coming at a time. That practice has saved me who know how much in lost $$ as ive been on the receiving end of 3 exit scams.
Oh tlo is federal access to information on people and 10 tbps is the upload rate for my net dunno why it said gbs

Dude, shut the fuck up. You do not have access to people's information and even if you did why would you openly threaten that on this site? You clearly are new to this so just go back to your mom's basement and leave this site to the adults.
Dude, shut the fuck up. You do not have access to people's information and even if you did why would you openly threaten that on this site? You clearly are new to this so just go back to your mom's basement and leave this site to the adults.

Cause who gives a fuck did my years probably fucked a few of you in prison. IMG_5995.png
Oh tlo is federal access to information on people and 10 tbps is the upload rate for my net dunno why it said gbs

So you’re saying if anyone picks on you then you have federal access to information and you can send feds to our doors?

You just made yourself real popular here sweetheart. What is daddy a Congressman or something? You’re a funny little man there @exemptz.
Bahahaha no I’m saying I’m exempt from lulsec and also complex from global Hell I use to code for b4b0 core and 2600 sorry wrong side of the line you have me. Might wanna do some research. [emoji2369]
I second what BBBG said. I use sym religiously and have spent way too much money with him - but that’s not a “good to go.” I’ve delt with tens of sources that were top notch in their prime, (POTG, AA, TGI, PLL, etc) but where are they now? Up and gone. Always be aware and prepared. Sym seems like a good dude. I respect him for having the balls to deal with all of us assholes and taking time to explain shit that he’s went through that actually sounds logical compared to others - but in this game you never know.
I miss POTG’s CIM. Gear was always thin too.
Bahahaha no I’m saying I’m exempt from lulsec and also complex from global Hell I use to code for b4b0 core and 2600 sorry wrong side of the line you have me. Might wanna do some research. [emoji2369]

All a different language and I could give zero fucks about it. Do what you gotta do there. You wanna go to all that effort to protect your feelings then go right ahead.