SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Yeah man I can see it now in the email.
Yo sym I need some drugs man just send it here. Nobody's gonna know.
Seriously though it was a good catch on Syms part. Not all government addresses are obvious?, but obvious or not he did the right thing. Makes me feel more comfortable ordering from him.

Facts. Symbiotics is on point.
There is an order that I am unable to ship and I need the customer to contact me for a refund please. I do not associate orders and emails and emails are deleted after I make my shipping list; so I have no idea of the email address.
I have given it much thought and I cannot ship to a US government owned address. This should be enough information for the customer to recognize the need to contact me.
Thank you.
I'm repulsed by this. Who the hell is stupid enough to order straight on to a military base (or whatever other governmental address)? How hard is it to get a private mailbox independent from the Post office? This is how domestic packs get caught.
Some people should not get involved with this sport what so ever. I mean COME ONE lol. You have a brain, use it
trump might as well be like "shit.. people in white house got covid, fuck that i need to juice on some tren, sym!!" actually now that i think of his behavior, it kinda makes sense.
Sym's Diamond Cutter (DC) is the real deal. At half dosage, DC is superior to similar products from other sources and at a higher dose. Service exceeded my expectations from the beginning and straight through to completion...

Five Stars.png
this DNP gives me a lot of bowel movements, i sit down on the toilet pondering about life by the time i get up i need to shit again