Damn it
Floaters are just about the kiss of death. What’s the point of properly doses gear if it’s got foreign matter in it?
There are a couple things here that are concerning in your admission of wrongdoing. For one, why have a flow hood if the fucking autoclave trays don’t fit inside. It’s not exactly a flow hood then is it? You got too big and can’t handle the demand so you’ve been cutting corners filling vials outside of the flow hood for how long now? Tsk tsk
Then, you notice inferior wrappings. You pull that one out and notice lint-like shit gets dispersed. You tossed a few trays as a precaution but you didn’t toss ALL. That’s another shortcut. All of this because you got too big and couldn’t keep up.
We warned you of that back in your intro and vetting process. We tell every source that comes here that if they do things the correct way they will be overwhelmingly busy. And look what happened.
You had an out less than two weeks ago too. The “return to shipper” pack should have sent you private. But you’re not doing gods work here, friend, you’re raking in the bitcoins. That announcement of maybe going private of maybe taking only XMR sent demand skyrocketing. One final BIG haul and then you promised yourself you’d take it easy. How’d that go?
Sources are good until they go bad. You fucked up and cut corners. That’s how it usually goes. Now this was floaters in vials. But imagine if you cut corners on your drops. Hit the close ones a couple too many times. You could have been facing something worse for you than dirty gear.
This is over and done with. Read the Sasquatch thread. They found floaters, shut-down, refiltered everything and came back to hang on for a couple more months before disappearing permanently.
Make everyone whole and think about your next move. You could go out honest and free or you could continue on, make a couple costly mistakes and lose a lot more than you are prepared to lose.