SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

I would like to get some opinions on a potential offering:

I compounded a transdermal testosterone cream in PLO base for a friend a few weeks ago. Serum testosterone was done and resulted this week; and the results were very encouraging.

Is transdermal testosterone cream an item of significant interest in this group? I personally do not mind injections; but I know many people who have anxiety over the action. It would be a considerable expense for me initially; but it would be something I would consider if there is adequate interest.

Additionally, I am working on a transdermal, non-narcotic, analgesic cream. I'd also appreciate any input on the demand for a topically applied pain reliever.

I don't know how many would vote for a transdermal T cream but I for one am all about it.

I don't mind pinning at all but the advantage of not having to pin larger quantities of oil running different compounds together with Test, large amounts of oil from a single vial of Test, or deal with pip from a high dose vial (Test-E 400mgs/ml) seems very favorable to me.

I don't know if others would want to part ways with what's familiar for something they haven't tried though. There is, however, at least one gentleman on this board that uses raws with DMSO for the administering many different AAS and stands by it.

You would be the first that I personally know of to offer an AAS transdermal cream as a UG manufacturer which would be huge if your market was big enough. Of course others would have to be on board but I see absolutely no reason why anyone who knows about Test base cream to give a good argument as to why they shouldn't use it over pinning an oil based version of T.

A couple questions:
Would this be a versabase or other lipoderm based cream. Specifically, what would be the carrier?
Would it require scrotal application?
What would the strength of the cream be and how would it be measured out accurately by user?

For what it's worth, my hats off to you for innovation regardless of what the members of this board decide.
No not technically demonizing it, just pointing out your lack of will power, drive and common knowledge of bodybuilding. If you need that to lose that weight then you need to focus on your diet and training. I hate lazy mf'ers.
I will have to stick up for @Masterofron and say he’s the most unlazy man I know. I do understand what you’re saying though, but in this case not for this person. :)
I will have to stick up for @Masterofron and say he’s the most unlazy man I know. I do understand what you’re saying though, but in this case not for this person. :)
I appreciate the polite response. But, it is ok to have a difference of opinion. It just seems like the current bodybuilders on the forums focus to much on drugs. My personal experience and beliefs lead me to the conclusion, that I can get and stay lean without the use of drugs to aid this. If I were to ever use them it would be to touch up before a show, if needed. I dont see where the risk of dnp, and yes there is a big risk is worth the reward. Especially because it is a potent chemical and is made available through ugl suppliers. Who knows the true dosing etc. It bothers me when people are so willy Billy about the drugs they use. Afterall this forum is about harm reduction correct? I dont want the greener guys thinking it is a commonly run product.

P.s. using DNP to drop a few pounds screams LAZY!
Shit got weird since I last posted in here..

14 days of SymBiotics DNP done. Lost 6 pounds and way tighter in the morning, but as soon as I eat a damn apple I blow the fuck up (DNP bloat). I’ll update total weight loss with pics once I spend a week off of it finally losing all this water weight.

I also started his winstrol a week ago and I'm very veiny right now despite being flat as fuck and decrepit. Anecdotal opinion on both of his products = they do exactly what they are supposed to do, which is what we should all hope for when we buy hormones and chemicals online.

Lol, haha @Oldschool

You prob already stated bud but not sure if I seen it , what was your length of Dnp and dosage ?
I would like to get some opinions on a potential offering:

I compounded a transdermal testosterone cream in PLO base for a friend a few weeks ago. Serum testosterone was done and resulted this week; and the results were very encouraging.

Is transdermal testosterone cream an item of significant interest in this group? I personally do not mind injections; but I know many people who have anxiety over the action. It would be a considerable expense for me initially; but it would be something I would consider if there is adequate interest.

Additionally, I am working on a transdermal, non-narcotic, analgesic cream. I'd also appreciate any input on the demand for a topically applied pain reliever.

I would be in for some but not as my main source. My long term dream is Test-U every 14d for a baseline and some cream to help out with recovery on hard training days.
I appreciate the polite response. But, it is ok to have a difference of opinion. It just seems like the current bodybuilders on the forums focus to much on drugs. My personal experience and beliefs lead me to the conclusion, that I can get and stay lean without the use of drugs to aid this. If I were to ever use them it would be to touch up before a show, if needed. I dont see where the risk of dnp, and yes there is a big risk is worth the reward. Especially because it is a potent chemical and is made available through ugl suppliers. Who knows the true dosing etc. It bothers me when people are so willy Billy about the drugs they use. Afterall this forum is about harm reduction correct? I dont want the greener guys thinking it is a commonly run product.

P.s. using DNP to drop a few pounds screams LAZY!

If someone already has a good diet in place DNP can help them accomplish in two weeks what they would in 6 or more. That is not lazy.

If someone is using it because they have a trash diet and need something to significantly increase their TDEE just to lose weight, THAT, is lazy.
I appreciate the polite response. But, it is ok to have a difference of opinion. It just seems like the current bodybuilders on the forums focus to much on drugs. My personal experience and beliefs lead me to the conclusion, that I can get and stay lean without the use of drugs to aid this. If I were to ever use them it would be to touch up before a show, if needed. I dont see where the risk of dnp, and yes there is a big risk is worth the reward. Especially because it is a potent chemical and is made available through ugl suppliers. Who knows the true dosing etc. It bothers me when people are so willy Billy about the drugs they use. Afterall this forum is about harm reduction correct? I dont want the greener guys thinking it is a commonly run product.

P.s. using DNP to drop a few pounds screams LAZY!
I don’t quite think you understand. I don’t care about bodybuilding, nor will I ever care about it. I go to the gym and lift weights, and I use steroids and other PED’s to look how I want to. I would never consider myself a bodybuilder and I never have. In fact majority of us are this way. We take hormones and use these chemicals and we pick heavy shit up, then put it down.

It is very very common for guys and girls who take steroids and pick up heavy stuff then put it down, to also use other drugs like DNP. Most of us use it for a quick cut, so we can either drop down to a lower body fat and continue upwards from there, or drop down and hold that weight for awhile.

If this forum is about harm reduction, then I spoke about it perfectly. “250mgs the first 4 days to assess my tolerance, then 500mgs for a brief 10 day period”. Everyone should do their own research on the safety and proper usage of DNP before using it, but alas nobody likes to read and that becomes their problem in the end. You can consider it a lazy way to diet if you’d like and that’s fine, but you can’t expect it to not be talked about, as it is very commonly used.

Hope that makes sense.
I don’t quite think you understand. I don’t care about bodybuilding, nor will I ever care about it. I go to the gym and lift weights, and I use steroids and other PED’s to look how I want to. I would never consider myself a bodybuilder and I never have. In fact majority of us are this way. We take hormones and use these chemicals and we pick heavy shit up, then put it down.

It is very very common for guys and girls who take steroids and pick up heavy stuff then put it down, to also use other drugs like DNP. Most of us use it for a quick cut, so we can either drop down to a lower body fat and continue upwards from there, or drop down and hold that weight for awhile.

If this forum is about harm reduction, then I spoke about it perfectly. “250mgs the first 4 days to assess my tolerance, then 500mgs for a brief 10 day period”. Everyone should do their own research on the safety and proper usage of DNP before using it, but alas nobody likes to read and that becomes their problem in the end. You can consider it a lazy way to diet if you’d like and that’s fine, but you can’t expect it to not be talked about, as it is very commonly used.

Hope that makes sense.

Good on ya for not getting angry and defensive. I don’t know anything about DNP, nor do I want to. However, I would love to be less reactive and emotional with my responses when someone comes at me.
I would like to get some opinions on a potential offering:

I compounded a transdermal testosterone cream in PLO base for a friend a few weeks ago. Serum testosterone was done and resulted this week; and the results were very encouraging.

Is transdermal testosterone cream an item of significant interest in this group? I personally do not mind injections; but I know many people who have anxiety over the action. It would be a considerable expense for me initially; but it would be something I would consider if there is adequate interest.

Additionally, I am working on a transdermal, non-narcotic, analgesic cream. I'd also appreciate any input on the demand for a topically applied pain reliever.
Any idea how many mg of test he applied and what his bloodwork showed? Most guys will probably compare those results against injections unless their just using it on recovery days or preworkout. I knew one other guy selling transdermal test but never saw bloods from it.
I don't know how many would vote for a transdermal T cream but I for one am all about it.

I don't mind pinning at all but the advantage of not having to pin larger quantities of oil running different compounds together with Test, large amounts of oil from a single vial of Test, or deal with pip from a high dose vial (Test-E 400mgs/ml) seems very favorable to me.

I don't know if others would want to part ways with what's familiar for something they haven't tried though. There is, however, at least one gentleman on this board that uses raws with DMSO for the administering many different AAS and stands by it.

You would be the first that I personally know of to offer an AAS transdermal cream as a UG manufacturer which would be huge if your market was big enough. Of course others would have to be on board but I see absolutely no reason why anyone who knows about Test base cream to give a good argument as to why they shouldn't use it over pinning an oil based version of T.

A couple questions:
Would this be a versabase or other lipoderm based cream. Specifically, what would be the carrier?
Would it require scrotal application?
What would the strength of the cream be and how would it be measured out accurately by user?

For what it's worth, my hats off to you for innovation regardless of what the members of this board decide.
The only argument I could make for it not being a good idea for someone to use it would be if they have children, I would be worried about it transferring to them or my wife.
There has been some interesting reading regarding the scammer/hacker activity lately. Maybe I am just too old, and I oversimplify things; but it seems that this person is likely a MESO loyal patron in order for him to exclude MESO from his list of targets.
It is all probably irrelevant anyway because I believe these things have a way of working themselves out.

I received an email from Steroid Forums, 2 days ago, that contained a hyperlink to registration. I did not open that; but I wonder if it is common for a forum to invite someone in this fashion. This occurred on the same day as the tntline bitcoin theft attempts.

I really have no intentions of entertaining other forums at the present; but does anyone have any insight on the practice of soliciting someone to join the forum?

I wish you all a good night and a good weekend.
My list is available by clicking the spoiler button here.
Thank you all.
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I remember a couple months ago a couple guys her including myself received that same email. I was also hesitant and just deleted it. Very weird and how the hell did they Have my email.
Good on ya for not getting angry and defensive. I don’t know anything about DNP, nor do I want to. However, I would love to be less reactive and emotional with my responses when someone comes at me.

I’ve competed a few times and never have had a desire to take dnp. I prefer albuterol, tren, winny and anavar and a good diet for 10-12 weeks.
There is no good reason why I should have searched this online; yet I did it anyway.
It cannot be undone.
I was sure not to click on the images part of the search result.
I would like to get some opinions on a potential offering:

I compounded a transdermal testosterone cream in PLO base for a friend a few weeks ago. Serum testosterone was done and resulted this week; and the results were very encouraging.

Is transdermal testosterone cream an item of significant interest in this group? I personally do not mind injections; but I know many people who have anxiety over the action. It would be a considerable expense for me initially; but it would be something I would consider if there is adequate interest.

Additionally, I am working on a transdermal, non-narcotic, analgesic cream. I'd also appreciate any input on the demand for a topically applied pain reliever.
I think youll be hard pressed to find anyone on meso who uses, or wants to use transdermal testosterone. Injecting is so easy and if its trt they are after sub q inj 2x a week are very simple
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I appreciate the polite response. But, it is ok to have a difference of opinion. It just seems like the current bodybuilders on the forums focus to much on drugs. My personal experience and beliefs lead me to the conclusion, that I can get and stay lean without the use of drugs to aid this. If I were to ever use them it would be to touch up before a show, if needed. I dont see where the risk of dnp, and yes there is a big risk is worth the reward. Especially because it is a potent chemical and is made available through ugl suppliers. Who knows the true dosing etc. It bothers me when people are so willy Billy about the drugs they use. Afterall this forum is about harm reduction correct? I dont want the greener guys thinking it is a commonly run product.

P.s. using DNP to drop a few pounds screams LAZY!
While there are definitely a lot of guys/gals out there who are guilty of over reliance on peds to achieve their goals dont assume everyone is in this category. Some of us have been screwing around with the jooze for decades and dont rely on it for anything more than competition prep, busting through plateaus, or very calculated parts of their program(specific to goals). People born after 2000 might be another story.