I would like to get some opinions on a potential offering:
I compounded a transdermal testosterone cream in PLO base for a friend a few weeks ago. Serum testosterone was done and resulted this week; and the results were very encouraging.
Is transdermal testosterone cream an item of significant interest in this group? I personally do not mind injections; but I know many people who have anxiety over the action. It would be a considerable expense for me initially; but it would be something I would consider if there is adequate interest.
Additionally, I am working on a transdermal, non-narcotic, analgesic cream. I'd also appreciate any input on the demand for a topically applied pain reliever.
I don't know how many would vote for a transdermal T cream but I for one am all about it.
I don't mind pinning at all but the advantage of not having to pin larger quantities of oil running different compounds together with Test, large amounts of oil from a single vial of Test, or deal with pip from a high dose vial (Test-E 400mgs/ml) seems very favorable to me.
I don't know if others would want to part ways with what's familiar for something they haven't tried though. There is, however, at least one gentleman on this board that uses raws with DMSO for the administering many different AAS and stands by it.
You would be the first that I personally know of to offer an AAS transdermal cream as a UG manufacturer which would be huge if your market was big enough. Of course others would have to be on board but I see absolutely no reason why anyone who knows about Test base cream to give a good argument as to why they shouldn't use it over pinning an oil based version of T.
A couple questions:
Would this be a versabase or other lipoderm based cream. Specifically, what would be the carrier?
Would it require scrotal application?
What would the strength of the cream be and how would it be measured out accurately by user?
For what it's worth, my hats off to you for innovation regardless of what the members of this board decide.