Tb500 + bpc157 combo


New Member
Hi there. I'm very new to this forum even to posting a log so i will try to do my best and try to share all information i can give you. Also i hope my English is in the best to understanding ^^

So i'm a 34y guy who is lifting some normal weights for a couple of years. I used in the past some substances. Before i went from not being a dad to being a dad, i said to my self i wanted to quit using juice.

So with my last blast, i want hardcore on weight lifting, probably due to that and bad genes i gotted some health problems. I have already undergo surgery for cpt, Triggerfingers, a shoulder operation and De Quervain.
Now i'm suffering with a herniated disc l4-l5, hernia inguinalis and a labrum tear in my hip.

I already had an infiltration for my herniated disc and today i will be getting an other infiltration for my labrum tear.

Because of all the "bad luck". My mental positivity is not optimal and i quited lifting at all. I just want my body to be pain free so i can also play with my kids in general.

I have already done a 4 month cycle of hgh of 3iu a day which i can't say i feel something different..So now to try the tb500 and bpc157.

The doses will be :
Tb500 5mg a week split in two doses.
Bpc157 two times a day dose of 250mcg.

Got today my first peptides and injected them already.

Hope i gave you guys the info to start and if there are questions feel free to ask .

Btw it will be hard to judge if the combo will work or do something because i will getting an infiltration for my labrum tear, but couple of last weeks i getting back a nagging pain in my shoulder so perhaps the pain will somewhat subdue?
Okej, so an update after one week.

Nothing really much to say actually. The pain is a bit less in my hip after the infiltration but not completely away unfortunately.

My shoulder does feel a bit better. I can move it more around without/lesser pain. Maybe it's a placebo thing or maybe because it has more rest now or maybe it are the peptides idk xd.

But it's only just the beginning and a few more weeks still to follow!

Another Update.

I have lesser pain in my hip and shoulder.

Did a low weight bench press yesterday and do still feel a bit of a nagging but can do a rep.

But the worst thing is now my left leg where i have had an infiltration, it sometimes feel numb above my knee. 13th i'm gonna do an elektromyogram scan so will see from then.
Thx, for what i read is that it mostly takes time. Offcourse we want to feel effect after one shot by a matter of speak but just use it for a couple of months. Do you also have a thread here?
bpc acts as an antidepressant and shows similar healing properties in animal models to antidepressants re tendon, fracture healing, joint healing which is mostly from animals moving less and less stress. Both of course can help pain and antidepressants are often RXd for chronic pain. side effect profile is similar stimulants work less and "flat mood" when people use either..just be careful with BPC as may FEEL healed may not actually be healed. the researchers know of the antidepressant activity of BPC so mimic studies already that AD have that show "healing".. Whats safer who knows but antidepressants are far better studied... food for thought. talking with a few people who had great results with BPC tended to have history of anxiety and depression which was an interesting anecdote. would like to talk to people BPC didn't work or very slightly to see if they have had issues with anxiety and depression...

doesn't matter where u inject BPC, just normal sub-q as it works on the brain..
Where are you guys injecting?
I Inject the bpc around my hip since i thought my pain was coming from there.

But yesterday i had an appointment with a neurosurgeon, after a couple of questions,movements, exercises, we noticed i have really weak power in my left leg (probably from my lumbal hernia). So further test are planned to do like a ct-scan,emg-scan.

About my shoulder it still feels stiff but it's moveable with the stifness/pain.

It's a big probability i would have a surgery for my hernia i guess..
bpc acts as an antidepressant and shows similar healing properties in animal models to antidepressants re tendon, fracture healing, joint healing which is mostly from animals moving less and less stress. Both of course can help pain and antidepressants are often RXd for chronic pain. side effect profile is similar stimulants work less and "flat mood" when people use either..just be careful with BPC as may FEEL healed may not actually be healed. the researchers know of the antidepressant activity of BPC so mimic studies already that AD have that show "healing".. Whats safer who knows but antidepressants are far better studied... food for thought. talking with a few people who had great results with BPC tended to have history of anxiety and depression which was an interesting anecdote. would like to talk to people BPC didn't work or very slightly to see if they have had issues with anxiety and depression...

doesn't matter where u inject BPC, just normal sub-q as it works on the brain..
Very interesting what you write here about bpc. First time i read about this!

Can't really say if it's working for me about the antidepression or anxiety. But i can say i maybe suffer from high adrenaline when i have a mouth-to-mouth action with another person. (I have a what r u looking at-attitude/aggression). But this was mostly when i was younger when i wanted to try to be alpha male or something? It's actually really weird to talk about this on a forum as it's the first time i admit this. I only hope i hopefully translate this good enough as English is not my native language xD.

So yesterday there was an incident with another guy, and i could say i was less anxiety or pumped up and could control more myself!
So this would be a big pluspoint if it would work against anxiety!

Thx clearheaded for the info! If you have more questions i would be happy to reply.
How much tb500 and bpc157 would one take alongside hgh for tendon and ligament repair? For how long?
I injected tb500 2.5mg on monday and thursday.
Bpc157 i did two times a day but depends on your body weight how much to inject. Between 2.5-3.75 mcg per kg..

You can also do a blast methode following with a cruise. Several protocols you can find in the forums.
The longer you use the better it is
I injected tb500 2.5mg on monday and thursday.
Bpc157 i did two times a day but depends on your body weight how much to inject. Between 2.5-3.75 mcg per kg..

You can also do a blast methode following with a cruise. Several protocols you can find in the forums.
The longer you use the better it is
Did they cause any swelling in joints like gh does? Is there any bad sides I should be looking out for?
Did they cause any swelling in joints like gh does? Is there any bad sides I should be looking out for?
I suggest you need to search more info about it since you don't really know what possible sides there are or even what the difference there is vs hgh..google is your friend