New Member
Only thing my girlfriend uses AAS against me for is when I'm not in the mood for sex and she'll tell me "you better be in the mood with all that test in you"
It's the same shit. When people know you are on steroids, they want to start using that knowledge and attribute different things to it. I wasn't any more of an asshole than usual tonight but now all of a sudden it's the steroids.
Just as an experiment, go tell your mother (who knows your behavior well) and tell her you are using coke. Even if it's not true, I bet you she will start attributing things that you are doing to coke. Tell her a month later that money is a little tight due to some extra bills. Her first thought is going to be that it must be the coke and you have a coke problem.
This is normal. It is how the human brain operates. It likes to fit things in nice little boxes. If somebodies wife falls down the stairs by accident and dies, then people find out the husband is on steroids, do people think it still was an accident or do they think he had roid rage and killed her??