Terrible cholesterol , need help

but that’s a prescription right? Or how would one go about obtaining this statin?

Also I could just look it up but I like forum interactions because people explain and it’s more personal. Can you elaborate on why people are so scared of statins?
PCT vendors. Looks like some have rosuvastatin (crestor) and others have atorvastatin (lipitor). Shipping times means it might make more sense to go to your doc to get it. Don't have to tell them why. Or could just say your parents were talking about having to take statins or something and it got you curious so you got a test.
Never knew statins can cause rhabdo? How does this happen and how common is it?
Unfortunately they do. But the risk is very low according to the mayo clinic. Fewer than 2 in every 100k people. But I don't think the population they pull that statistic from reflects athletes who tax their muscles heavily.

In any event, the older I get the mosre cautious I become even about small things. So @SenorSuperdrol experience helps put things into perspective for me.
I think people are most scared of rhabdomyolysis. Myself included. I like that you're micro dosing it @ 5mg eod. I'll be starting this drug shortly, and your experience gives me high hopes. Thanks for sharing.
I do 2.5 ED now same weekly load. I know there’s other guys who’s lipids look impeccable with just ezetimbe, im not that fortunate.

I haven’t read any studies on it since last year before I started it but, I think the reported sides for anything was 5%. The Rhabdo would be significantly lower I’d assume. Plus our AAS use should midigate that too shouldn’t it.

I do see the other side of the argument tho. The people getting on the statin in the studies are probably very untrained and not training to failure.
I have had bad luck with lipids all through this year. After this prep (which will destroy my lipids even more) I’m going to talk to my coach about rosuvastatin too
I think people are most scared of rhabdomyolysis. Myself included. I like that you're micro dosing it @ 5mg eod. I'll be starting this drug shortly, and your experience gives me high hopes. Thanks for sharing.
I will never use statins every again. Rhabdomyolysis 4 times and my doc still didn't believe me. I told her statins are a no go. It would happen to both my legs where I couldn't get out of bed without help and in extreme pain. Had to use a wheel chair. Getting off the toilet was a nightmare. Without so much as a leg day before. Also had it in my chest and arms after just a regular workout. Couldn't move my arms period.

Now i know what it is and to get to ER immediately. Especially if your pee turns the color of cola or a dark tea. It can cause your kidneys to shut down.
Fuck statins!!
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I have fought bad genetics when it comes to lipids for a few years. Got put on rosuvastatin about a year ago and it’s kept ldl in the 70’s. Creeps up on blast to 110-120, 30 days after I stop my blast it’s back down in the 70’s.
I will never use statins every again. Rhabdomyolysis 4 times and my doc still didn't believe me. I told her statins are a no go. It would happen to both my legs where I couldn't get out of bed without help and in extreme pain. Without so much as a leg day before. Also had it in my chest and arms after just a regular workout. Couldn't move my arms period.

Now i know what it is and to get to ER immediately. Especially if your pee turns the color of cola or a dark tea. It can cause your kidneys to shut down.
Fuck statins!!
That sucks. If I had rhabdo 4 times, I would just be dead I think. What dosage/drug and for how long were you taking it?
I will never use statins every again. Rhabdomyolysis 4 times and my doc still didn't believe me. I told her statins are a no go. It would happen to both my legs where I couldn't get out of bed without help and in extreme pain. Without so much as a leg day before. Also had it in my chest and arms after just a regular workout. Couldn't move my arms period.

Now i know what it is and to get to ER immediately. Especially if your pee turns the color of cola or a dark tea. It can cause your kidneys to shut down.
Fuck statins!!
lol holy fuck actually you know what now that you mention this, i did have one incident while working in a hot factory I came down off a ladder and my quads and hamstrings on both legs cramped at the same time for about 2 minutes. That's a comically shitty situation to be in especially in an industrial work setting. Back then I blamed it on the statins because muscle issues can be a thing. I forgot all about that until I read your comment. I figured in all fairness I should share it. That's the only problem I've had so far though. A big problem but luckily it only happened once.
lol holy fuck actually you know what now that you mention this, i did have one incident while working in a hot factory I came down off a ladder and my quads and hamstrings on both legs cramped at the same time for about 2 minutes. That's a comically shitty situation to be in especially in an industrial work setting. Back then I blamed it on the statins because muscle issues can be a thing. I forgot all about that until I read your comment. I figured in all fairness I should share it. That's the only problem I've had so far though. A big problem but luckily it only happened once.
When I'd get rhabdomyolysis it would last at least a week. No walking unassisted. I mean my wife had to lift my legs over to the edge of the bed. Then help me stand while I was whaling in pain. Then I'd put both my hands on her shoulders and take baby steps with her to the toilet. Then I'd whale again while trying to sit. She'd have to come in when I was down and help me off the toilet.
All because of fucking statins. Called my doc multiple times. When this would happen she'd just blame it on my neurological issues flaring up. But zero problems since I quit the statins after doing my own research.
When I'd get rhabdomyolysis it would last at least a week. No walking unassisted. I mean my wife had to lift my legs over to the edge of the bed. Then help me stand while I was whaling in pain. Then I'd put both my hands on her shoulders and take baby steps with her to the toilet. Then I'd whale again while trying to sit. She'd have to come in when I was down and help me off the toilet.
All because of fucking statins. Called my doc multiple times. When this would happen she'd just blame it on my neurological issues flaring up. But zero problems since I quit the statins after doing my own research.
That's crazy. If that ever happened to me I'd stop taking them too.
That sucks. If I had rhabdo 4 times, I would just be dead I think. What dosage/drug and for how long were you taking it?
I think It was pravistatin 40mg or something simular. I Had probably been on it a few years at least. Rhabdo isn't a joke. I'd been in pain for so long that I just assumed this was something else I was going to have to deal with. All of it was painful shit.
I'm on 10mg Crestor (rosuvastatin) and it has done wonders for my lipids. I am someone who has chronically had high cholesterol due to genetics. No amount of diet or exercise would drop it below 220ish with LDL always 150 or higher. Since starting Crestor a few years ago my total cholesterol is consistently below 170 with my LDL 70 or lower and my HDL 55-65.
I don't notice any side effects from the Crestor.
Man im glad that it works for u, only statin ive tried and it caused me to get a clot… my ldl is always 177… took some pretty in depth blood work and i need to try zetia soon to see if it works as the docs now say i cant touch statins from the first go around and clotting
Man im glad that it works for u, only statin ive tried and it caused me to get a clot… my ldl is always 177… took some pretty in depth blood work and i need to try zetia soon to see if it works as the docs now say i cant touch statins from the first go around and clotting
that must have been scary man. Blood clots are no joke.
but that’s a prescription right? Or how would one go about obtaining this statin?

Also I could just look it up but I like forum interactions because people explain and it’s more personal. Can you elaborate on why people are so scared of statins?
correct, my primary care doctor prescribed it to me. The brand name is Crestor.
I think It was pravistatin 40mg or something simular. I Had probably been on it a few years at least. Rhabdo isn't a joke. I'd been in pain for so long that I just assumed this was something else I was going to have to deal with. All of it was painful shit.
Sorry you had to go through that, dude. And thanks for the info.
but that’s a prescription right? Or how would one go about obtaining this statin?

Also I could just look it up but I like forum interactions because people explain and it’s more personal. Can you elaborate on why people are so scared of statins?

Are scared because 1 out of every 5, thats the number it helps… doing the math that aint shit… also they have not been proven to actually save lives, stop heart attacks, blood clots (which ive gotten from taking statin) and a slue of other horribly unhealthy things…

There are so many reports and studies that show the bad sides…

But i will say some do well but again 1 out of every 5….
I’m pro statin. Some people say 20% chance of sides many say 5% (we’ll never know since the studies are paid for by drug companies). Those #’s are any side effect reported not Rhabdo which is probably extremely rare (sorry to hear you guys had negative experiences). Plaque build up is almost inevitable on cycle, you’d be naive to think we don’t do any damage at all. So anything to lower the chance is worth it to me. None of the people in these studies are blasting gear so take that into consideration too.I think having in range lipids is my best chance at harm reduction for that part? If you could take something and do mid cycle bloods and your LDL C and APO B are in range why wouldn’t you try it. The alternative is doing a cycle and just knowing yes I’m 100% doing damage and I haven’t tried to mitigate it.

Unless your like the guys that did get sides and fellas that sucks I’m glad your ok now.
There's so much bullshit going around about statins these days. They are wonderful drugs. Unfortunately, the way they are typically prescribed is idiotic and leads to a greater prevalence of side effects than would otherwise be necessary. All of the clinical trials were oriented toward prevention of MACE (major adverse cardiac events) i.e. folks that already had ASCVD and were likely to die from it. The problem being that MACE is a symptom and if one were prescribing it as a means to prevent ASCVD the doses would be at a much more reasonable spot on the dose response curve.

At higher doses, statins can cause fibromyalgia and insulin resistance. Folks on atorvastatin 80mg (max dose) have a 1 in 3 chance of developing type 2 diabetes. It really is nuts.

In any case, there are a couple classes of statin, lipophilic and hydrophilic. The former has a more systemic response and has a greater chance of side effects. The later is more targeted and has a smaller chance of side effects. The most popular of these are atorvastatin and rosuvastatin respectively. Typically rosuvastatin at low doses has a smaller incidence of side effects, but some folks do switch from rosuvastatin to atorvastatin with success.

For rosuvastatin, 85% of the maximal effectiveness occurs around 10mg though prescribing information suggests doses up to 40mg. A google image search for "statin dose response curve" will yield some interesting results. A 5mg dose is surprisingly effective. Some even run it EOD with success.

Personally, I run 10mg rosuvastatin, 10mg ezetimibe, and 180mg bempedoic acid. I have no side effects and have the lipid profile of a health high school student. I'm doing all this because I had a CT-CAC a few years back and discovered some calcified plaque. If I keep lipids very low for some years, it may regress. I've recently added repatha to the mix to see how that works as well.

Even on cycle, my lipids are golden. My HDL goes down some, but I supplement 4g EPA daily plus 1000mg citrus bergamot, aged garlic extract, and so on.