Terrible shin splints


New Member
Stupid, stupid question, but figured here would be the best place to ask.

I sometimes run a mile to get cardio in and clear my head.

In the past 15 months, I’ve gone from 140 to 219. I get fucking terrible shin splints that’ll last for 2-3 days after. I understand the added weight, coming down hard on my feet, etc. But is this something that will subside on its own, relearn to land softer or is my body just weak af.

Thanks guys
It sounds like you've made a big change in your weight over the past 15 months, which definitely affects how your body handles impact during running. Shin splints are pretty common, especially if your body is adjusting to carrying more weight or if you’re not used to the increased impact. For most people it will go away over time.

Order I would look for help: Running Surface (Trails over Roads), Shoes (Nike Invincible). Best wishes.
It sounds like you've made a big change in your weight over the past 15 months, which definitely affects how your body handles impact during running. Shin splints are pretty common, especially if your body is adjusting to carrying more weight or if you’re not used to the increased impact. For most people it will go away over time.

Order I would look for help: Running Surface (Trails over Roads), Shoes (Nike Invincible). Best wishes.
Yeah not something I’ve ever experienced. Thanks
I used to get them when adding volume or speed to my runs. They always went away with time. I did get to a point where I could feel the coming on and I would back off the training. This obviously helps ease into increased workload, in your case a bit more weight.

