Test At 56 After Pct, Please Help.

Unfortunately many of us end up at a dead end when attempting to locate an educated doc who has TRT experience or at least open to the idea of HRT. When this happens we are left alone to determine our own fate and future health. And its during these times we branch out for information on how best to treat our symptoms. This is my reasoning for suggestion you reboot your HPTA first, and go from there if you feel you are on your own. But if you feel that you can make progress with a health professional, then that's the route to take. Its better to be cared for by a health professional than a group of bb'rs, even if our intentions are in your best interest.
have you tried to pm MD Scally regarding maybe giving a referral?

Good idea, my friend went to one and they were a dick to him. They knew he was on aas and blew him of basically. So getting a good referral would be key.
Unfortunately many of us end up at a dead end when attempting to locate an educated doc who has TRT experience or at least open to the idea of HRT. When this happens we are left alone to determine our own fate and future health. And its during these times we branch out for information on how best to treat our symptoms. This is my reasoning for suggestion you reboot your HPTA first, and go from there if you feel you are on your own. But if you feel that you can make progress with a health professional, then that's the route to take. Its better to be cared for by a health professional than a group of bb'rs, even if our intentions are in your best interest.

I'm taking your suggestion and I started 250 hcg every other day, and also I'm going to try to see a doctor in the meantime that is more proactive. Would doing more hcg per day or for a longer time than 2 weeks be of any benefit?
I would have only waited 14 days for the Enth to clear my system. IMO 4 weeks is 14 days too long. You basically had 4 weeks with a crashed system and no help getting it restarted. Some guys might not agree with me but I would do a power pct and... This is where some might not agree, I would use no hcg and use aromasin to avoid the estrogen rebound you are almost certain to get after the heavy, and lengthy Nolvadex run. If you wanted to use HCG to bounce back quick (which does work, and I have done successfully) Blast it at 500-1000 EOD for a week only, as it is HPTA suppressive. I hope this helps
@cobra500 any updates?? If you need help getting a clomid script, get with a urologist and play for pity. Tell him you bought some Xtreme DMZ off of Amazon. It's basically methylated Anadrol and it would destroy your "natural #'s) Had this happen to a friend and his T#'s came back at 105. I did some research for him and found this out. Your just a guy feeling his age and took some bad advise from guys in the gym about a "Legal test booster"that in fact really hurt you.
@cobra500 any updates?? If you need help getting a clomid script, get with a urologist and play for pity. Tell him you bought some Xtreme DMZ off of Amazon. It's basically methylated Anadrol and it would destroy your "natural #'s) Had this happen to a friend and his T#'s came back at 105. I did some research for him and found this out. Your just a guy feeling his age and took some bad advise from guys in the gym about a "Legal test booster"that in fact really hurt you.

Great idea for a story, this is what I needed to hopefully get things moving again when I meet with a urologist. Thanks!
Yeah man play it dumb and say you been using legal supps (prohormones/designer steroids) and didn't know it was steroids. You didn't think legal supps can cause these problems and you have shutty friends that got you involved. When in doubt blame peer pressure
Kinda sounds like you had some bunk pct, sorry to hear that. Good luck bro, wishing you a speedy recovery also.
My 2 cents on this topic and to the OP. Do not stop thentestosterone. Get back on the horse by doing a simple trt@ 200mg a week until you can get pharma grade hcg and novaldex. As long as your body has some test to work with you will feel better and can focus on recovery with proper meds. Plus it is far cheaper and easir to find test than anything else. Your primary doctor has no clue how to approach this issue unless you admit AAS use then say good bye to insurance. Get good pct first and continue low dose test in the mean time your pcp will fumble back and forth and you will feel like a nuettered bull. Good luck.
So wanted to update my situation. Retested in Dec and test was barely above 200. Dr said retest in two months, can take up to a year to get back to normal. Tested two months later test was down below 200. Told him I feel like crap and want on something, even if it was Clomid. Wouldn't do it and sent me to endo, have appointment next month. If they don't do something for me I'm getting back on.
This is unreal, really makes me realize that real, pharm grade pct items are so important for recovery, imo. I went with ugl and it screwed me. Not saying they can't get real thing but you better trust them.
Skimmed through, first thing I saw was precycle bloods, please tell me you got LH and FSH done at that time as well and you just forgot to post them?:D
Skimmed through, first thing I saw was precycle bloods, please tell me you got LH and FSH done at that time as well and you just forgot to post them?:D

Correct I did, precycle was LH-2.4, FSH-2.2. Last bloods done a month ago was LH-2.7, FSH-1.7.