Test At 56 After Pct, Please Help.

Ok obviously it is your LH/FSH is near what it was precycle. So If LH/FSH is good, lets rule out the problem is in your pituitary. It's your balls!
Don't listen to that desensitization bullshit and "oh that is too much, that is too little" go for hard facts. What were your tT from the bloods 2 months ago?

Start back on the HCG only and ramp it up, get labs done while on the hCG to see how high you can get your tT. You might have needed more hCG during the cycle/before PCT. Truth are in labs, unfortunately that costs money but it is worth it.
I am not going to tell you what is too much and what is too little bloodworks tells its own tale. A good starting point is Scally's power PCT*I know you did this before but you probably should have continued longer*, blast the hCG for a short period and get bloodwork to see what your testes can produce from the hCG alone. Once your total T is up at a reasonable level 500ish you can stop the hCG and go to SERM treatment. Hard to get your tT much higher than 500 though considering it was below precycle if I read correctly..
Consider TRT also, at your age it may be beneficial to be on TRT. Something to consider.. My 2 cents :)
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Ok obviously it is your LH/FSH is near what it was precycle. So If LH/FSH is good, lets rule out the problem is in your pituitary. It's your balls!
Don't listen to that desensitization bullshit and "oh that is too much, that is too little" go for hard facts. What were your tT from the bloods 2 months ago?

Start back on the HCG only and ramp it up, get labs done while on the hCG to see how high you can get your tT. You might have needed more hCG during the cycle/before PCT. Truth are in labs, unfortunately that costs money but it is worth it.
I am not going to tell you what is too much and what is too little bloodworks tells its own tale. A good starting point is Scally's power PCT*I know you did this before but you probably should have continued longer*, blast the hCG for a short period and get bloodwork to see what your testes can produce from the hCG alone. Once your total T is up at a reasonable level 500ish you can stop the hCG and go to SERM treatment. Hard to get your tT much higher than 500 though considering it was below precycle if I read correctly..
Consider TRT also, at your age it may be beneficial to be on TRT. Something to consider.. My 2 cents :)

My test about two years ago naturally was in the 600's, did my first cycle and came back to mid 500's. Did another cycle and came back to mid 300's, (didn't do PCT long enough). Then this cycle and in upper 100's after 5 months. I will be taking your advice if my endo doesn't do something for me. My appointment is coming up soon.

I'm torn if I should try to get it back naturally or push for trt. Just the idea of doing trt for the remainder of my life is taxing on one side an exciting on the other. However I can't live like this anymore, I feel like shit.
My test about two years ago naturally was in the 600's, did my first cycle and came back to mid 500's. Did another cycle and came back to mid 300's, (didn't do PCT long enough). Then this cycle and in upper 100's after 5 months. I will be taking your advice if my endo doesn't do something for me. My appointment is coming up soon.

I'm torn if I should try to get it back naturally or push for trt. Just the idea of doing trt for the remainder of my life is taxing on one side an exciting on the other. However I can't live like this anymore, I feel like shit.

Endos typically don't do shit for people because they don't know about TRT in general. I would hand him your blood work and have him give you a diagnosis. He should say primary hypogonadism, however you actually have as Scally would call it Androgen induced hypogonadism. Also, in the future too, go by symptoms and how you feel. Numbers on a paper don't mean shit if you are miserable.

Honestly, if it were my situation. I would probably just go with TRT, the idea of being able to adjust your testosterone levels to where you want them is a god send. Many people see it as "TRT is for the rest of your life" but also "low t symptoms for the rest of your life" is the other option. You seem to want to avoid the TRT, try getting it back with hCG + Serm treatment. If all else fails, you always have TRT as a viable option, whether it is through a pharmacy

It's a shame that "people on a internet forum" actually give much better medical advice in regards to TRT than professionals in the field of endocrinology or oncology or even gynecology(yes, some men get their TRT from gynos.) However there are professionals out there that know their stuff like Scally. Budget can come to play as well and many choose to self medicate TRT with UGL test + research chems. A one year supply without insurance of hcg/test/anastrozole will cost about $6000 a year, from UGL/research chem about $1400. Those numbers may vary esp with insurance, however you can get a prescription bottle and refill with UGL to avoid it being "illegal." Not saying you should, just stating some of the options out there.

My best advice is to find a good and experienced TRT doc to monitor and prescribe needed medications. Unfortunately that is hard to find and is pricey.

Stick on the board and many people will help. Amazing how this forum can provide much better information than many docs with 10+years schooling..
The more I think about it the more I would like to just get on TRT and have the options to adjust as you said. I can't deal with the way I feel now. I just wanted to get a doctor to help me do it the legal way. If that doesn't happen then I need to take matters into my own hands.

Any advice you can give me on what to say or how to handle the appointment in order to hopefully get on TRT?
It's gonna be up to the endo unfortunately, you are already below the normal range so it is justified to prescribe injectable testosterone to you. Even if you were above range @ approximately 450ng/dl and you have all these low testosterone symptoms that alone establishes "a clinical need" and that will cover their ass to why they prescribed it.

Each doc has different ways to deal with these issues.
A. "it will get better soon, maybe you need an anti-depressant"
B. "Sorry, aging and getting lower testosterone levels is part of it, suck it up"
C. "Let's start with a transdermal testosterone"
D. "You can get 1 200mg testosterone cypionate shot every 4 weeks and you need to come in each time and pay the fee for the visit"
E. "Here you go, start on 200mg Testosterone cypionate/week, inject 100mg twice a week. I prescribed hCG as well to prevent testicular atrophy and keep you testes producing testosterone as your Pit is shutdown, I also have prescribed anastrozole, keep it on hand if start getting high e2 symptoms use as needed and come back in 4 weeks for some blood work"

That's some of the most common options, you want option E :)

For situation A. some actually start on the anti-depressant because their doc told them to. Doctor knows best of course... Then it doesn't get better and you have started an anti-depressant that you didnt need....

Let's hope for option E, if not you can always go. Fuck you I am gonna self-administer, or fuck you lemme go to the next doc and hope he has experience with TRT..

Good luck.

In conclusion, your current testosterone levels indicate subnormal levels testosterone, you have a lot of low t symptoms... It's like if you go to the doc cuz you have back pain and ask for vicodin, they may say no because they think you are drug seeking.. Even if the drug that you are seeking is actually going to help you and its intended purpose is for these issues...
Thank you so much, I feel more prepared for my appointment and have a better understanding of what to expect. I'll find out soon and let you know.
One question, if I get any of the options above that don't involve trt as an option how do I respond to the doctor or request to get to someone who can help?
So met with the endo, he told me wait six months and come back, wouldn't do anything for me. So incredibly disappointing.