Test C, Tren A, Oxandrolone cycle log

This is my first thread creation at this site, so be easy one me.

@descnext here's my log

6 days ago I started a new 9 week cycle:

Test C @ 210 mg/wk, pin EOD, wk 1-9
Tren A @ 175 mg/wk, pin ED, wk 1-9
Oxandrolone @ 50 mg/day, wk 3-9
HCG @ 500 IU/wk, pin 2x/wk 1-9

I already know I do well with Test C and oxandrolone, so the difference will be the Tren. I wanted to keep it a relatively low dose because I want to see how I react and I don’t think it’s necessary to blast tons of gear so long as you’re not using gear to cover up poor diet, training, or recovery. but that’s just my experience.

My stats are 6'1" 247 lbs and around 19-20% BF.

I will also be supplementing with:

NAC 600 mg/day
P5P 200-300 mg/day
TUDCA 500 mg/day
omega 3’s 3000 mg/day
Vit D3 5000 IU/day
Magnesium Glycinate 450 mg/day

I usually run an AI even on TRT (.25 anastrozole 2x/wk) but I am going to let the estrogen climb a little to take advantage of its neuroprotective and cardio protective properties, as well as joint protection in hopes it helps counteract the Tren. If I feel like I am running into issues with E2, I’ll start back up at .25 mg 2x/wk and go from there as needed.

I am an amateur strongman competitor so my main goal is strength and maintaining my weight in the mid 240's (I compete U231)

All input is appreciated.
This is my first thread creation at this site, so be easy one me.

@descnext here's my log

6 days ago I started a new 9 week cycle:

Test C @ 210 mg/wk, pin EOD, wk 1-9
Tren A @ 175 mg/wk, pin ED, wk 1-9
Oxandrolone @ 50 mg/day, wk 3-9
HCG @ 500 IU/wk, pin 2x/wk 1-9

I already know I do well with Test C and oxandrolone, so the difference will be the Tren. I wanted to keep it a relatively low dose because I want to see how I react and I don’t think it’s necessary to blast tons of gear so long as you’re not using gear to cover up poor diet, training, or recovery. but that’s just my experience.

My stats are 6'1" 247 lbs and around 19-20% BF.

I will also be supplementing with:

NAC 600 mg/day
P5P 200-300 mg/day
TUDCA 500 mg/day
omega 3’s 3000 mg/day
Vit D3 5000 IU/day
Magnesium Glycinate 450 mg/day

I usually run an AI even on TRT (.25 anastrozole 2x/wk) but I am going to let the estrogen climb a little to take advantage of its neuroprotective and cardio protective properties, as well as joint protection in hopes it helps counteract the Tren. If I feel like I am running into issues with E2, I’ll start back up at .25 mg 2x/wk and go from there as needed.

I am an amateur strongman competitor so my main goal is strength and maintaining my weight in the mid 240's (I compete U231)

All input is appreciated.
Looks fine.
What is your cals and macros?
Looks fine.
What is your cals and macros?
So right now I am running right at maintenance for cals:

2800 cals

I am a bit of a bigger guy, but I am very sedentary when I am not at the gym. I work from home and sit at a computer 8-9 hours per day.
Day 7 Update:

I think I am expecting too much too quickly out of the tren. I honestly don’t really feel like I am running any extra gear. Day 1 I felt it going into my workout but haven’t really noticed it since. I have really not had any sides (maybe really mild insomnia, but I can usually roll over and go back to sleep). My blood pressure was 122/75 this morning with a RHR of 62 bpm. I don’t feel like I am getting stronger, faster, leaner, or bigger at an increased rate vs the progress I was making before this blast, but maybe I need to temper my expectations? Hopefully y’all can chime in and let me know.

The only measurable difference so far is on my viking press. 2 weeks ago I got 13 reps in 60s at 245 lbs, 1 week ago I got 11 reps in 60s at 265 and this week (yesterday) I got 17 reps in 60s at 255. I have made progress on my other lifts, but they are right in line with the progress I was making before I started this blast. The gains in viking press, I believe to be the only “non-linear” progression.

I plan to give the tren a full 4 weeks before I ditch it. If I do, I’ll drop it and run NPP. I loved that stuff and it loved me.
Day 8 Update:

Well I think I am finally starting to feel the tren just a little bit, my muscles feel tighter and more full, and I do feel like I am leaning out just a bit. My hunger is going up and I am getting the trendigestion after every meal. Luckily I generally eat super clean and quick digesting foods so the indigestion doesn’t last too long. When I eat something sugary my stomach starts to hurt, so this is just one more reason to not eat bullshit lol. I also had my first bout with tren cough this morning, but it wasn’t as bad as the two different times I had the coughs from NPP.

I’ll know for certain tonight, when I am at the gym, if it is really kicking in or not. As of right now there is a really good chance I will be cranking up the dose on test and tren next Tuesday though.
Just few quick ones. Day 8 and you are thinking of raising dosages when your gear hasn't even started to work? You will notice more gains by raising your food intake rather than your steroids. Atleast 3500+kcal clean food. Your macros seem to be right. 9 weeks is too short blast. I would do something like 12weeks minimum and leaving the tren for plateau busting.
Just few quick ones. Day 8 and you are thinking of raising dosages when your gear hasn't even started to work? You will notice more gains by raising your food intake rather than your steroids. Atleast 3500+kcal clean food. Your macros seem to be right. 9 weeks is too short blast. I would do something like 12weeks minimum and leaving the tren for plateau busting.
Well this is tren ace which reaches 90% blood concentration by around day 3 and should more or less be at full blood concentration by day 6, it is a short ester drug. This is not tren E, which take about 2.5-3 weeks to really start working. So I do not believe your statement, about the gear not yet working, to be accurate, unless I am missing something.

Also, I compete in a weight class so increasing calories and weight is not an option for me. My goal with tren is a little bit of a recomp and a lot of strength gain.

I eat very clean, I follow the vertical diet pretty strictly (somewhere in the ballpark of 95% adherence, which I believe to be incredibly strict for anyone that is not a bodybuilder).

9 weeks is a great length of cycle for the short ester drugs I am running, again, unless I am missing something. If I am, please let me know. I am open to any suggestions. If I was to run tren E my cycle would be 12+ weeks.

There was never a plateau. I was still making great, linear gains before the tren, I just expected a quicker strength gains once starting the tren. What I think is happening is that I had incredibly high expectations from tren, only for the tren to not meet my unrealistic expectations. I am only running about .85mg/lb bodyweight on the tren right now. (BW 248, current dosage 210mg/wk) and my next bump would be up to 1 mg/lb. I think the max I would run for my first cycle is 280mg/wk.
I don't have time for long writeup just wanted to give you advice. Your Test Cypionate will take 3-5weeks to fully kick in and i know that Tren Ace is short ester but you need to give your body time react. Patience is a virtue here. Up your calories slowly and you get way better results! If you see weight gain. Dop some calories few weeks before your weigh in.
I don't have time for long writeup just wanted to give you advice. Your Test Cypionate will take 3-5weeks to fully kick in and i know that Tren Ace is short ester but you need to give your body time react. Patience is a virtue here. Up your calories slowly and you get way better results! If you see weight gain. Dop some calories few weeks before your weigh in.
Thanks again for the response. One thing I didn't mention is that I was already on 180 mg/wk of test c for TRT, so bumping it up to 210 isn't really all that much.

Also, I will be dropping calories. I am 247-248 and I compete under 231.5. I plan to be about 242 before my water cut and I am only about 8 weeks out from competition.

When I was running NPP, which has more or less the same half-life, I felt it for sure after 3 days. However I was running 525 test and 245 NPP.

I still plan to give it a minimum of another 6 days before increasing anything, my main concern is whether or not I should temper my expectations or am I running to low of a dose.to be fair, I did feel it more today than I have since starting, so maybe it is just starting to finally kick in. I guess I thought I would've felt more, sooner, like with the NPP. I do agree that it's likely I need to exercise more patience though.
My favorite cycle was my first tren run. It was pretty fucking fun. I was going to suggest you wait at least another week to up your tren dose but it seems like you are already going to do that. Especially, it being your first time with tren.

There are horror stories all over the internet regarding tren and it seems like it can always be pinpointed to an increase in tren too fast and they just can’t or have a difficult time dealing with the bad sides. It may also be a reason why they got the bad sides in the first place. In two weeks you should absolutely feel/know you are on tren.

I know you stated that you will weigh in at 242, what are your goals, numbers wise, for the meet?
Thanks again for the response. One thing I didn't mention is that I was already on 180 mg/wk of test c for TRT, so bumping it up to 210 isn't really all that much.

Also, I will be dropping calories. I am 247-248 and I compete under 231.5. I plan to be about 242 before my water cut and I am only about 8 weeks out from competition.

When I was running NPP, which has more or less the same half-life, I felt it for sure after 3 days. However I was running 525 test and 245 NPP.

I still plan to give it a minimum of another 6 days before increasing anything, my main concern is whether or not I should temper my expectations or am I running to low of a dose.to be fair, I did feel it more today than I have since starting, so maybe it is just starting to finally kick in. I guess I thought I would've felt more, sooner, like with the NPP. I do agree that it's likely I need to exercise more patience though.
210 mg of tren is a low dose, but it will do something. Also usually you dont realize the tren is working until you look in the mirror or unti you up it and realize, i should of not upper it. For me i feel it at week 2, at 500 mg. So wait another week, then up it.

also running a trt dose with 210 tren is nothing. So be patient, the sides can sometimes hit really hard, or something will come up and you will get twice as aggressive over something stupid, and then you realize, crap it is in my system.
Well this is tren ace which reaches 90% blood concentration by around day 3 and should more or less be at full blood concentration by day 6, it is a short ester drug. This is not tren E, which take about 2.5-3 weeks to really start working. So I do not believe your statement, about the gear not yet working, to be accurate, unless I am missing something.

Also, I compete in a weight class so increasing calories and weight is not an option for me. My goal with tren is a little bit of a recomp and a lot of strength gain.

I eat very clean, I follow the vertical diet pretty strictly (somewhere in the ballpark of 95% adherence, which I believe to be incredibly strict for anyone that is not a bodybuilder).

9 weeks is a great length of cycle for the short ester drugs I am running, again, unless I am missing something. If I am, please let me know. I am open to any suggestions. If I was to run tren E my cycle would be 12+ weeks.

There was never a plateau. I was still making great, linear gains before the tren, I just expected a quicker strength gains once starting the tren. What I think is happening is that I had incredibly high expectations from tren, only for the tren to not meet my unrealistic expectations. I am only running about .85mg/lb bodyweight on the tren right now. (BW 248, current dosage 210mg/wk) and my next bump would be up to 1 mg/lb. I think the max I would run for my first cycle is 280mg/wk.
You will not feel it in less than 14-21 days unless you take 500+ mg. Then youll feel it in less
My favorite cycle was my first tren run. It was pretty fucking fun. I was going to suggest you wait at least another week to up your tren dose but it seems like you are already going to do that. Especially, it being your first time with tren.

There are horror stories all over the internet regarding tren and it seems like it can always be pinpointed to an increase in tren too fast and they just can’t or have a difficult time dealing with the bad sides. It may also be a reason why they got the bad sides in the first place. In two weeks you should absolutely feel/know you are on tren.

I know you stated that you will weigh in at 242, what are your goals, numbers wise, for the meet?
Thanks for that response. So the consensus is that I am expecting too much out of the gate. That's fair.

So I compete in strongman and I compete under 231.5 lbs. I plan to cut about 6 lbs of fat to get down to 242 before I start my water cut down to 231.5 lbs is what I was saying. I am not sure how much you know about strongman, so don't take the explanation as an insult, but the weights are predetermined and I basically have to go and hit max reps or move the weight a certain distance as fast as possible.
I must have misread. I initially thought you were competing at the 242 class for powerlifting. My apologies. I know next to nothing in regards to strongman.
No worries, if you care to read a semi-long post, I'll explain how the show is going to work.

In most amateur strongman competitions there are 5 events all in one day. The events I have are:

1) Viking press, max reps in 60s at 300 lbs
2) 700 lb yoke run for 100' (go down 50', drop yoke, turn, pick it up and run back 50'). Fastest time wins, 60 seconds to complete the course
3) max axle deadlift. This opens at 435, I plan to hit mid to high 500's. Deadlifting with an axle is much harder than a deadlift bar or even power bar
4) sandbag, keg, sandbag medley. run a 220 sandbag 50' and load over a 50" bar. run back and grab a 250 lb keg, take is 25' and load over same 50" bar. 308 lb sandbag, take 10 ft and load over same 50" bar
5) 320 lb atlas stone over 50" bar for max reps in 60s. I think I can get 8-10 reps.

This is considered a pretty heavy amateur show, and the winner in each weigh class gets a bid to the Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships. These are all middle weight weights, middle weight is from 176-231 lbs. Heavy weights (anyone over 231.5) has heavier weights.
Thanks again for the response. One thing I didn't mention is that I was already on 180 mg/wk of test c for TRT, so bumping it up to 210 isn't really all that much.

Also, I will be dropping calories. I am 247-248 and I compete under 231.5. I plan to be about 242 before my water cut and I am only about 8 weeks out from competition.

When I was running NPP, which has more or less the same half-life, I felt it for sure after 3 days. However I was running 525 test and 245 NPP.

I still plan to give it a minimum of another 6 days before increasing anything, my main concern is whether or not I should temper my expectations or am I running to low of a dose.to be fair, I did feel it more today than I have since starting, so maybe it is just starting to finally kick in. I guess I thought I would've felt more, sooner, like with the NPP. I do agree that it's likely I need to exercise more patience though.
Ok. Makes sense now. On a general note you have the dosage dialed in when you dont have side effects but you can see the positive effects and results. It's a bit counter intuitive among the steroid users which almost always judge the coumpounds working or not by the side effects. It's like when you have headache and go to the pharmacy and buy a drug and now your leg hurts also so it must be working;)

Good luck to you in your competition!
Ok. Makes sense now. On a general note you have the dosage dialed in when you dont have side effects but you can see the positive effects and results. It's a bit counter intuitive among the steroid users which almost always judge the coumpounds working or not by the side effects. It's like when you have headache and go to the pharmacy and buy a drug and now your leg hurts also so it must be working;)

Good luck to you in your competition!

Yea my goal with this is to have the minimum effective dosage to prevent sides but still get gains. That's why I started so low. Thanks for all of your input
Day 9 Update:

Last nights workout was pretty good. No PR’s or anything crazy, but with the amount of work I did, and I didn’t leave the gym feeling wiped out, I think that means the tren is starting to work. Normally on just my TRT, Wednesday’s just destroy me because I am doing a ton of event work.

I am starting my mini-cut today. I weighed in at about 248.5 this morning and I need to get down to 241-242 before I start my water cut. I cut about 700 kcals per day out of my diet. I went from about 250p 90f 300c (actual values not known but this is a close guesstimate) to 300p 75f 130c (this is known and calculated. I have a spreadsheet I do my diet plan on). I know that is a big deficit, but I want to make this cut as quick as possible to establish my new baseline and give myself at least 4 weeks at my new weight for my body to become accustomed to it. This is also about how many calories I dropped on my last cut and that lasted 12 weeks. So I know I can handle it, but I don’t fucking like it one bit.