Test E 350mg / Anavar 50mg Cutting cycle log ( first cycle )


New Member
12 week test e / Anavar cycle ( first cycle (

Weight 162.0lbs
Height 5ft 8
Bf: 18%

Opinions and suggestions alterations would be helpful.

Will be pinning once a week on a Tuesday
& bloods will be uploaded in the next coming week and mid cycle and also post cycle.

Ai- will be on hand if sides do occur. Suggested dosage?

Aim: (recomp) get the bodyfat down as much as possible to around 12% while retaining or gaining as much muscle as I can

Nutrition based on heavy exercise 5-6 days week / TDEE Calculation

500 deficit - 2400kcal
I will be dropping the calories / carbs every week around 150kcals

Starting Macros - protein 241g carbs 261g fats 40g

Protein drink / 200ml egg whites & oats
Meal 2
Chicken and rice
Meal 3
Chicken and rice
Meal 4
Protein drink / 200ml egg whites & oats Meal 5
Steak or fish & sweet potato & broccoli

Split weight sessions 5x a week
Cardio 7 days a week 45 minutes

Week 1 test e - 350mg
Week 2 test e - 350mg
Week 3 test e - 350mg
Week 4 test e - 350mg
Week 5 test e - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 6 test e - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 7 test e - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 8 test e - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 9 test e - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 10 test e - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 11 test 3 - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 12 test e - 350mg / 50mg anavar ed
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17 nolvadex 40mg
Week 18 nolvadex 40mg
Week 19 nolvadex 20mg
Week 20 nolvadex 20mg
Is there a benefit of pinning twice a week? It was just out of convenience. I presumed the more cardio the better outcome of the recomp?
Is there a benefit of pinning twice a week? It was just out of convenience. I presumed the more cardio the better outcome of the recomp?
1. Yeah. Steady blood levels. 1x week might be convenient but youre over 1 half life of enanthate by the end of the week. 2x minimum.
2. Yeah, except if you jump to 45m 7 days a week from the start the only place you can go is up….this is how people end up doing 90m of cardio a day and not losing fat.
Why are you dropping cals every week? You’re going to be down to around 750 calories on week 12. Why not keep calories the same until weight stalls? Better yet take pictures and video in the same lighting first thing in the morning 2x a week to assess your physique instead of focusing purely on scale weight. The faster you lose weight the less muscle you’ll retain. You don’t really have a lot of muscle to begin with, you’re pretty much still in the beginner stages.
Cardio is a tool to push you into a further deficit it burns calories not fat.
Start with less cardio so you have room to increase it throughout the cut. Same with Cals, don’t drop them by 150 every week if you are losing weight. Increase the cardio/cut some food when you aren’t dropping weight. All about making minor adjustments along the way.
FINALLY a properly dosed first cycle :cool: Thank you!

As far as pinning long esters once a week vs twice/three times per week you won't know the difference is my opinion. I take my hrt once a week and even Dorian himself said long esters are fine when done once a week. Try for yourself and see what you like brother, best wishes ;)
Can't help you on the gear yet as I will start my first cycle next month only.

Training and nutrition considered, I can help as I study sport sciences and understand a bit of sport physiology and nutrition.

Testosterone and AAS in general will help with the body's anabolic processes and recovery so if you want to get the most out of your first cycle I would advise you to be in a caloric surplus or at least maintenance so as to maximize nutrient partioning and muscle building that is favored by the testosterone and the oxandrolone.

You will recomp regardless if you're on a deficit or not, hell, your current maintenance will probably be a deficit by the end of your cycle.

Train hard, eat at maintenance.
Or better yet, do as I did and drop down from 18 to at least 14-15% bf before starting your cycle.
I was 205 when I decided I wanted to come to the dark side, currently sitting comfortably at 5'9/190lbs/15-16% feeling primed and hyped af to get my shit delivered.

Stay strong brother.
Can't help you on the gear yet as I will start my first cycle next month only.

Training and nutrition considered, I can help as I study sport sciences and understand a bit of sport physiology and nutrition.

Testosterone and AAS in general will help with the body's anabolic processes and recovery so if you want to get the most out of your first cycle I would advise you to be in a caloric surplus or at least maintenance so as to maximize nutrient partioning and muscle building that is favored by the testosterone and the oxandrolone.

You will recomp regardless if you're on a deficit or not, hell, your current maintenance will probably be a deficit by the end of your cycle.

Train hard, eat at maintenance.
Or better yet, do as I did and drop down from 18 to at least 14-15% bf before starting your cycle.
I was 205 when I decided I wanted to come to the dark side, currently sitting comfortably at 5'9/190lbs/15-16% feeling primed and hyped af to get my shit delivered.

Stay strong brother

he’s skinny fat he won’t recomp at maintenance. Steroids aren’t magic.
he’s skinny fat he won’t recomp at maintenance. Steroids aren’t magic.
If he's skinny fat why not go on a lean bulk then? Or just do an 8-week cut and shed the extra 3% body fat? It's not rocket science and it will only potentiate his cycle.

Steroids aren't magic but they do help in increasing the metabolism and NEAT by aiding in nutrient partioning and increasing muscle mass so, indirectly, they help in fat loss because you're inherently burning more energy.
If to that you add a 500kcal deficit and 45min of cardio everyday... I mean, why not just do that and then start your cycle?

Like you said, steroids aren't magic they speed up metabolic processes that depend on nutrients being fueled to the body.
If he's skinny fat why not go on a lean bulk then? Or just do an 8-week cut and shed the extra 3% body fat? It's not rocket science and it will only potentiate his cycle.

Steroids aren't magic but they do help in increasing the metabolism and NEAT by aiding in nutrient partioning and increasing muscle mass so, indirectly, they help in fat loss because you're inherently burning more energy.
If to that you add a 500kcal deficit and 45min of cardio everyday... I mean, why not just do that and then start your cycle?

Like you said, steroids aren't magic they speed up metabolic processes that depend on nutrients being fueled to the body.
Lean bulk? He’s fat. That’s probably why. He’s cutting that’s what he posted here about. You’d have to ask him why he’s not doing something else like getting lean and then starting. I’m not his coach. I’m well aware what these drugs do and how they work. You’ve never done a cycle so you don’t have experience other than reading. If he does it in 8 weeks he will look like like shit because hed have to starve himself. It’s not rocket science in fact it’s a little real world experience and a basic understanding.
Lean bulk? He’s fat. That’s probably why. He’s cutting that’s what he posted here about. You’d have to ask him why he’s not doing something else like getting lean and then starting. I’m not his coach. I’m well aware what these drugs do and how they work. You’ve never done a cycle so you don’t have experience other than reading. If he does it in 8 weeks he will look like like shit because hed have to starve himself. It’s not rocket science in fact it’s a little real world experience and a basic understanding.

I think you're getting a bit salty for no reason.
What does it matter what compounds I have or have not used?
Physiology is physiology.

I understand you are not his coach and I wish him the best of luck for his endeavour, I am only giving my opinion.

I have experience training consistently for sometime and with some pretty good results. I have also coached other people.
He would not need to "starve himself"... Going by his stats and info he could do his regular routine, 30min cardio ED and probably eat around 2400-2500kcal and still recomp without gear.

I think you're misinterpretaing my advice for judgement. It is not.
I wish him the best of results, I do think that considering his stats a recomp would not be that hard to achieve without gear and it would only potentiate his cycle tho.
I understand he wants a fast recomp, I'm not judging but I do think there are better ways to use your gear.

All that said, I'm subbing for a reasonable mild first cycle similar to what I'll be running in the future.
Keep us posted @Jamesw94
Appreciate the info guys. Will pin 2x a week on a Monday & Thursday. Will keep the kcal the same until weight stalls and then start to drop. I will continue the cardio ED after weight sessions but will only do 20mins each session. Diet will be strict so let's see how this goes. Does anyone have any recommendation on AI ( arimdex ) dosage as there as a few mixed views to only start when seeing sides and others say start E3D from the beginning of the cycle?
At 350 it’s possible you need none. Do NOT start arimidex just because. You will crash if starting from day 1. Prefer aromasin. If you’re not running bloodwork, base AI usage on sides, though bloodwork on your first cycle (5-6 weeks in) should be a priority.
Pre bloods will be in shortly and will be done again 5 weeks in to cycle. But I will leave the AI for now.
Pre bloods will be in shortly and will be done again 5 weeks in to cycle. But I will leave the AI for now.
Smart choice, go by blood's and sides, do not risk crashing your Estradiol into the ground with cookie cutter AI protocols.

Also I've heard some reports and read some studies on Calcium D-Glucarate as a mild aromatase inhibitor.
It's cheap and has virtually no effect on your lipid panel, worth looking into if you only need to get your estrogen down a couple picograms, you can get it at iHerb for like 15 bucks or less.
Smart choice, go by blood's and sides, do not risk crashing your Estradiol into the ground with cookie cutter AI protocols.

Also I've heard some reports and read some studies on Calcium D-Glucarate as a mild aromatase inhibitor.
It's cheap and has virtually no effect on your lipid panel, worth looking into if you only need to get your estrogen down a couple picograms, you can get it at iHerb for like 15 bucks or less.
Cheers man will take a look into this
Watching this thread. Currently took trt/hcg for 10 weeks. Pinning 200 test into two weekly 100mg doses. Pre trt bloods had estridol at 41. After taking .5 mg of arimidex twice a week my test was 1291 and estridol was 48. I feel great though. No sides.Sex drive through the roof.Im 46 and have a slow thyroid but take levothyroxine. It's hard for me to loose weight even eating below maintenance and doing starting strength 3 times a week with 15 mile bike rides 3 times a week at a fast pace. My strength didn't increase much on the trt but a month ago I started to do a small blast and increased my test to 400 mg a week and 50 mg of anivar.Strength has went up by doubling my test but I've only been taking the anavar for 13 days and I do notice it but I haven't really seen any change yet in my body. I think I need to tighten up my diet a little more cuz I do cheat on the weekends but my exercise routine has been pretty solid. The only sides I have noticed from starting the anavar is my face is a lot more greasy and my sex drive is even more through the roof LOL. I would say my strength is only increased slightly like maybe adding 20 lbs to all my lifts. I could use some advice as well so I will continue to watch this thread. I do see more gains if I increase calories but I have trouble gaining weight in the midsection when I do that LOL. That's why I'm really trying to cut first because I could stand to lose 30 lb