Test E/Mast P for first cycle

James Canyon

New Member
Hey guys I'm brand new to this forum and just started my test e and mast p cycle today so I figured it would be a good time to join.

I am currently 5'9 160lbs about 9-10% body fat and have been lifting pretty seriously for about 3 years now.

I am training to compete in men's physique in the spring and went with test and mast as my first cycle. I am keeping the test fairly low and using the masteron as the main aas. My goal is to stay fairly lean throughout this bulk which is why I didn't go with something like dbol.

I am taking 250mg/week test E and 450mg/week mast P with aromasin on hand and nolva for pct

What do you guys think? I'm open to any opinions/recommendations as I am quite new to aas. Thanks!
I think you are on the right track. If you want to bulk the right diet is the most important factor. With the stats you have given, I would say that the wrong diet has been the limiting factor. Honestly, you could put on another 20-30 with the proper diet alone.

Btw what is your age?
Hey guys I'm brand new to this forum and just started my test e and mast p cycle today so I figured it would be a good time to join.

I am currently 5'9 160lbs about 9-10% body fat and have been lifting pretty seriously for about 3 years now.

I am training to compete in men's physique in the spring and went with test and mast as my first cycle. I am keeping the test fairly low and using the masteron as the main aas. My goal is to stay fairly lean throughout this bulk which is why I didn't go with something like dbol.

I am taking 250mg/week test E and 450mg/week mast P with aromasin on hand and nolva for pct

What do you guys think? I'm open to any opinions/recommendations as I am quite new to aas. Thanks!

Your mast is only a cosmetic drug. With the small dose of test you shouldn't need the aromesin, but like you said.. Keep on hand.

Here is my thoughts, many are going to tell you to up the dosage of both because it's your first cycle and get the most from it. But, I would suggest just keeping with what you have and possibly just dropping the mast. Unless you realize that it is purely for cosmetic reasons and are ok with this.

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I think you are on the right track. If you want to bulk the right diet is the most important factor. With the stats you have given, I would say that the wrong diet has been the limiting factor. Honestly, you could put on another 20-30 with the proper diet alone.

Btw what is your age?

I know I'm going to be told I shouldn't be touching these for quite a few more years but I am 20. Also I would say my diet has been pretty good. I am definitely getting more than enough protein and constantly eating. Unfortunately I am a hard gainer. When I started lifting I was around 120lbs soaking wet so I'd say I've had a fairly decent diet so far but there can definitely be some improvements made. Thanks for your input!
I know I'm going to be told I shouldn't be touching these for quite a few more years but I am 20. Also I would say my diet has been pretty good. I am definitely getting more than enough protein and constantly eating. Unfortunately I am a hard gainer. When I started lifting I was around 120lbs soaking wet so I'd say I've had a fairly decent diet so far but there can definitely be some improvements made. Thanks for your input!
You have that right. I'm not going to talk you out of your decision. You are a grown man by my reckoning.
Glad to har it! What were your results like?
like Big Paul said you can do what you want but your still a dumb ass. 3 years of lifting?? Wow! 20 years old. Your test and mast are way low doses. First cycle you should be running just one compound but you won't listen so fuk it. Getting really sick of you young kids coming on here doing stupid shit to your bodies. It will all come back to bite you in the ass one day. And for men's physique? Give me a fukin break.
like Big Paul said you can do what you want but your still a dumb ass. 3 years of lifting?? Wow! 20 years old. Your test and mast are way low doses. First cycle you should be running just one compound but you won't listen so fuk it. Getting really sick of you young kids coming on here doing stupid shit to your bodies. It will all come back to bite you in the ass one day. And for men's physique? Give me a fukin break.

Maybe I should've rephrased this. Any opinions/recommendations are welcome. Any negativity is not. It's my body I can do what I want. Yes I am doing men's physique to start off but I am not going to stop there, maybe move onto classic physique eventually. I am planning on making a career out of this and I've made my decision. Quit hating bro you're not my dad haha
Maybe I should've rephrased this. Any opinions/recommendations are welcome. Any negativity is not. It's my body I can do what I want. Yes I am doing men's physique to start off but I am not going to stop there, maybe move onto classic physique eventually. I am planning on making a career out of this and I've made my decision. Quit hating bro you're not my dad haha
Don't fukin post stupid shit then. Your cycle sucks dick. There's my advice. Which I already said. What part of your doses are way low didn't you fukin understand? Maybe you need a father figure to bitch slap you into reality. This is your career huh? Let us know how that goes. There are about 5 men's physique guys in the world who actually make enough to do it full time. If you can't handle a little tough love how you gonna handle losing shows? Grow the fuk up kid. And yes your a kid.
Don't fukin post stupid shit then. Your cycle sucks dick. There's my advice. Which I already said. What part of your doses are way low didn't you fukin understand? Maybe you need a father figure to bitch slap you into reality. This is your career huh? Let us know how that goes. There are about 5 men's physique guys in the world who actually make enough to do it full time. If you can't handle a little tough love how you gonna handle losing shows? Grow the fuk up kid. And yes your a kid.

Don't know why you're so angry. Keep on hating bro that'll get you far.
Don't know why you're so angry. Keep on hating bro that'll get you far.
Angry because kids your age do stupid shit and don't look at the bigger picture. What if you don't make it?? Do you ever want a family? Why not get an education while pursuing this? What's your backup plan? See your young and don't realize I'm trying to help you not fuk up your life. I'm a happy guy with a great family, a career where I have seen the world serving my country. Your 20 and have blinders on. AAS use is not something to take lightly and supporting a 20 year old to do it is something I won't do. Dreams are great, but you need to plan for reality.
I know a few 20 year olds who cycle and are just fine and cycle properly and pct and use AI so I'm not gonna judge. And anyway I was shooting heroin at 16 so I can't talk.
You may not need an AI as mast can prevent conversion to estrogen and since your test is at a low dose it may be enough.
I would up the mast dose to 100mg every day though to get noticeable results and since mast doesn't aromatise it should be ok.
I would up the test dose but then you may need to consider an AI.
Angry because kids your age do stupid shit and don't look at the bigger picture. What if you don't make it?? Do you ever want a family? Why not get an education while pursuing this? What's your backup plan? See your young and don't realize I'm trying to help you not fuk up your life. I'm a happy guy with a great family, a career where I have seen the world serving my country. Your 20 and have blinders on. AAS use is not something to take lightly and supporting a 20 year old to do it is something I won't do. Dreams are great, but you need to plan for reality.

I appreciate your concern man. I've tried school and that is not for me. I'm not saying my career in this is going to solely depend on winning shows. Social media is a very powerful thing and I am already offering online personal training. That's awesome that you serve for your country where are you from? I'm considering doing the same myself but in Canada our military is not quite what it is in the states. Still something to consider for sure though.
I'm considering doing the same myself but in Canada our military is not quite what it is in the states. Still something to consider for sure though.

The Canadian military pays very well, has amazing benefits and is a very rewarding career. If you're feeling like you need some direction in your life, a stint (or a career) in the military will set you straight.

Another plus is that there's a strong bodybuilding community within the Canadian Forces.

I'd give it some serious consideration.
I know a few 20 year olds who cycle and are just fine and cycle properly and pct and use AI so I'm not gonna judge. And anyway I was shooting heroin at 16 so I can't talk.
You may not need an AI as mast can prevent conversion to estrogen and since your test is at a low dose it may be enough.
I would up the mast dose to 100mg every day though to get noticeable results and since mast doesn't aromatise it should be ok.
I would up the test dose but then you may need to consider an AI.
I appreciate your concern man. I've tried school and that is not for me. I'm not saying my career in this is going to solely depend on winning shows. Social media is a very powerful thing and I am already offering online personal training. That's awesome that you serve for your country where are you from? I'm considering doing the same myself but in Canada our military is not quite what it is in the states. Still something to consider for sure though.
I'm in the states. And that's fine that school isn't your thing. There are other options. I just don't want
I appreciate your concern man. I've tried school and that is not for me. I'm not saying my career in this is going to solely depend on winning shows. Social media is a very powerful thing and I am already offering online personal training. That's awesome that you serve for your country where are you from? I'm considering doing the same myself but in Canada our military is not quite what it is in the states. Still something to consider for sure though.
When I got out of high school the college route wasn't for me. I was way to immature. I'm in the states by the way. I'm just saying your 20 years old and have your whole life ahead of you. Having just one option in life can end up closing the door on many other great opportunities. Pursue your dreams. I would never say otherwise. But why not compete in a natural show at 20. See how you stack up. Putting all your eggs in one basket can end in disaster. Don't ruin your life before it begins. If competing works out fantastic. If it doesn't? Some military advice. For every rep you do, the enemy does two. Work harder before the battle not during battle. Bust your ass and leave yourself options. Good luck.
The high point was 500 mg test e per week and 600 mg per week of Masteron E. Then I lowered in to 250 mg test e and 400 mg of masteron e and the gains kept coming. Got a little aggressive at times, but not a bad thing if you know where and when to apply it.


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