Test E/Mast P for first cycle

Hey guys I'm brand new to this forum and just started my test e and mast p cycle today so I figured it would be a good time to join.

I am currently 5'9 160lbs about 9-10% body fat and have been lifting pretty seriously for about 3 years now.

I am training to compete in men's physique in the spring and went with test and mast as my first cycle. I am keeping the test fairly low and using the masteron as the main aas. My goal is to stay fairly lean throughout this bulk which is why I didn't go with something like dbol.

I am taking 250mg/week test E and 450mg/week mast P with aromasin on hand and nolva for pct

What do you guys think? I'm open to any opinions/recommendations as I am quite new to aas. Thanks!

To be honest I think just test e @ 500mg a week is the best first cycle but since you've already started might as well run with it. You've got an AI and pct ready so it's smooth sailing for now.
And for the whole age thing, I feel you man. Waiting till 25 is a damn long time especially when you want to make a career off your body.
Worst case scenario you'll fuck up your hormones and be on trt for the rest of your life but if you do your research and take things slow and smart I doubt that will be the case :D
Good luck
The high point was 500 mg test e per week and 600 mg per week of Masteron E. Then I lowered in to 250 mg test e and 400 mg of masteron e and the gains kept coming. Got a little aggressive at times, but not a bad thing if you know where and when to apply it.

Awesome man. I'm thinking about upping the test to 375
To be honest I think just test e @ 500mg a week is the best first cycle but since you've already started might as well run with it. You've got an AI and pct ready so it's smooth sailing for now.
And for the whole age thing, I feel you man. Waiting till 25 is a damn long time especially when you want to make a career off your body.
Worst case scenario you'll fuck up your hormones and be on trt for the rest of your life but if you do your research and take things slow and smart I doubt that will be the case :D
Good luck

Glad you can relate man. Thanks for the advice!
This is Meso, expect to get ripped a new asshole lol I get a little nervous everytime I make a post, but I know everyone means well. I'm only 24 so it's kinda soon for me as well, but dang bro I couldn't imagine starting at 20. The research alone is kinda overwhelming plus if you have side effects it sucks dick. My advice is to wait, BUT I'd up the test if it was me. I guess keep the mast since you've already started it. If you aren't going to school I would suggest learning a trade like welding:) it's always good to have a back up plan, good luck either way buddy
This is Meso, expect to get ripped a new asshole lol I get a little nervous everytime I make a post, but I know everyone means well. I'm only 24 so it's kinda soon for me as well, but dang bro I couldn't imagine starting at 20. The research alone is kinda overwhelming plus if you have side effects it sucks dick. My advice is to wait, BUT I'd up the test if it was me. I guess keep the mast since you've already started it. If you aren't going to school I would suggest learning a trade like welding:) it's always good to have a back up plan, good luck either way buddy
This is Meso, expect to get ripped a new asshole lol I get a little nervous everytime I make a post, but I know everyone means well. I'm only 24 so it's kinda soon for me as well, but dang bro I couldn't imagine starting at 20. The research alone is kinda overwhelming plus if you have side effects it sucks dick. My advice is to wait, BUT I'd up the test if it was me. I guess keep the mast since you've already started it. If you aren't going to school I would suggest learning a trade like welding:) it's always good to have a back up plan, good luck either way buddy
Compared with eroids, i think ppl in me so are much less conservative. It's strictly prohibited for anyone under 25 to ask for cycle advice on eroids, you know..U might even get banned right away if u are under 25 and ask for cycle advice
Wow I didn't know that...I know it's bad to do them young, but if someone's going to go through with it either way; why not help them do it the best way? At least if they can make a post you have the opportunity to give them feedback
Do you guys live lifestyles that allow for AAS use. Part of my big fuck up when I was 20 was stacking finaplex with busch light.
Do you guys live lifestyles that allow for AAS use. Part of my big fuck up when I was 20 was stacking finaplex with busch light.

Mm I'm used to clubbing most weekends and if I don't drink it ruins the fun so gonna need to find some other shit to do on Friday/Saturday nights...
And since sex drive will be through the roof gotta find girls that are keen to fuck without getting wasted...struggles :(