New Member
Hey guys I'm brand new to this forum and just started my test e and mast p cycle today so I figured it would be a good time to join.
I am currently 5'9 160lbs about 9-10% body fat and have been lifting pretty seriously for about 3 years now.
I am training to compete in men's physique in the spring and went with test and mast as my first cycle. I am keeping the test fairly low and using the masteron as the main aas. My goal is to stay fairly lean throughout this bulk which is why I didn't go with something like dbol.
I am taking 250mg/week test E and 450mg/week mast P with aromasin on hand and nolva for pct
What do you guys think? I'm open to any opinions/recommendations as I am quite new to aas. Thanks!
To be honest I think just test e @ 500mg a week is the best first cycle but since you've already started might as well run with it. You've got an AI and pct ready so it's smooth sailing for now.
And for the whole age thing, I feel you man. Waiting till 25 is a damn long time especially when you want to make a career off your body.
Worst case scenario you'll fuck up your hormones and be on trt for the rest of your life but if you do your research and take things slow and smart I doubt that will be the case

Good luck