Test Enth, Deca, Dianabol Cycle

Ok now that all the particular are established, list your questions in non-narrative prose :)
why pct if your cruise?
Not sure of your question..I never did any PCT only because I felt I never suffered from any sides of high estrogen. ..I could've been mistaken..I never had post bloodwork done..I'm sure someone will give me the 3rd degree over it..
PCT is post cycle therapy, it for guys that go natty between cycles. If you cruise between cycles you dont PCT.
PCT is not about estrogen, we use aromatase inhibitors to prevent test from converting to estrogen.
do some reading on the main page of meso, great articles on the basics
PCT is post cycle therapy, it for guys that go natty between cycles. If you cruise between cycles you dont PCT.
PCT is not about estrogen, we use aromatase inhibitors to prevent test from converting to estrogen.
do some reading on the main page of meso, great articles on the basics
So I
I see you jumped into someone elses thread..... you are not the OP
Guilty as charged! It was same subject matter I was needing info on...if that's a shitty thing to do..my bad ..won't do it again
Ok let me try to explain my earlier post more thoroughly. THREE assumptions will be made for the purposes of simplicity and/or illustration.
1) the half life of ND is SEVEN DAYS
2) HTPA recovery can only BEGIN once a ND level of 50ng/dl is reached
3) all that is injected will be equally distributed

CYCLE ONE AT 500mg/wk requires FOUR WEEKS before a level below 50ng/dl is reached
500 ------250 ------ 125 ------62.5 ----- 31.25

CYCLE TWO at 250mg/wk requires THREE WEEKS before a level below 50ng/dl is reached
250----125----62.5 ---- 31.5

So you COULD shorten the PCT waiting interval by ONE HALF LIFE RIGHT?

Well unfortunately that's not necessarily the case with Nandrolone bc some of it's metabolites remain hormonally active, as they accumulate in adipose tissue, and may continue to suppress the HTPA for months AFTER the last injection!

This is one reason why some folk have a hard time recovering from Nandrolone cycles, their waiting interval of less then four and preferably six weeks, is just to short.

Yea I know some say they bounce back from Nandrolone cycles in "no time", and perhaps some YOUNGSTERS do, yet IME, most of those simply bounced back into another cycle :) rather than ensuring HTPA recovery was achieved thru LAB TESTING.

Considering all the above, some may be thinking "Jim is not a big fan of Nandrolone", and they would be CORRECT, but especially in those greater than age FOURTY!!!

The answer to your question? Tapering Nandrolone is of minimal benefit IMO!
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