Test ethanate/dbol 10 week (first cycle)


New Member
HEY guys,

I have been thinking about starting a cycle and have been researching it for the past two years. Considering this will be my first cycle I want to use 300mg test EW and see how my body reacts to it.

Stats: 5'10" 205lbs BF %14, 25 years old training for 9 years on and off been serious for past 3.

Diet: Eat 3200calories(on days) and 2800 calories(off days) 40%protein,40%carbs,and 20%fat
Starting to eat way cleaner taking all processed foods out of diet for past month and will continue when on AAS, as well as eating WAY MORE.

Goals: Increase strength and size

I am thinking of starting my cycle of AAS in June,
Week 1-10 Test ethanate 300mg/wk Mon/Thurs
Week 1-4 Dbol 30mg ed
Arimidex .25mg e2d (will get blood work done about 4 weeks into cycle to see if adjustments are necessary + gonna get blood work before cycle and 4 weeks after PCT)
PCT- 4 weeks after last pin
Week 11-14 HCG 500iu e3d
Week 15-19 Clomid Day 1 200mg Wk1-100/100/50/50
Week 15-19 Nolvadex 20/20/20/20

I really want my PCT to be on point and am curious a bit more about HCG and if the amount will be enough, I have read a lot of controversy on this. I have also read differing statements about using Arimidex while on HCG. From my own logic I would consider Arimidex to contribute positively while taking HCG and aid in the recovery phase, but what do I know thats why I have come here to ask the pros.

Thank you for your time and help guys,

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First off I would just run the HCG from the beginning to end of cycle. I would take 250iu twice a week. Also I would stop it a week before I start PCT. Run the Adex up till you start your Clomid and Nolvadex. And your Clomid I would run 100mg a day for the first week or two then drop down to 50mg a day for a couple more weeks. 4 weeks total. I would do the same thing with the Nolvadex except it would be 40mg for the first couple weeks then 20mg for the last two. You might find out that running .25mg/eod of Adex might not be enough when your on the dbol but everyone is different. Another thing I would start your PCT at 3 weeks after last pin of enanthate. Talking about the enanthate I would up that dose to 500mg or 600mg a week instead of 300mg. This is your first cycle and I understand that but you don't want to waste it brother. It's definitely nice to see you talking about getting bloodwork done so I don't have to say anything about that.
You have done some homework so I commend you on that. Good luck on your first cycle.
By the way I'm no Pro so maybe some others will chime in here in a little bit [emoji6]
My small input.

I've always run my orals at the end of my cycle.
I find that once I've peaked with my long esters, I like to finish out with orals, so during PCT my weight loss ends up being lower than kickstarting with orals.

Mind you, I only do this with prohormones...used to.
i would not use an oral at all on my first cycle , just do 500 mg of test for 12 weeks you will be happy with that , the problem with dbol is that you get stronger and bigger quickly but it goes away just as fast if your not a seasoned AAS user,
Hey Boiler ya I hear you on the running HCG during cycle and I will look more into this and and keep that into great consideration. Did you see Scullys post about AAS and its role in reduction with prostate cancer. In a way the shut down of your natural test is not necessarily bad but helpful but this still isn't 100% proven with prostate cancer. But I could definitely see how many people would think it to be better to keep your natural test supply flowing and not shut it down for health and recovery purposes.

Hey IronWill thanks for the input and after talking to more experienced users I am going to be getting rid of Dbol and run test for 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. Ill still keep on the arimidex and stick with the same PCT.

I am still really curious with HCG and the two scenarios I have laid out for myself is 500iu e3d for 3 weeks before PCT. Or as Boilermech pointed out 250iu twice a week throughout cycle.
Hey Boiler ya I hear you on the running HCG during cycle and I will look more into this and and keep that into great consideration. Did you see Scullys post about AAS and its role in reduction with prostate cancer. In a way the shut down of your natural test is not necessarily bad but helpful but this still isn't 100% proven with prostate cancer. But I could definitely see how many people would think it to be better to keep your natural test supply flowing and not shut it down for health and recovery purposes.

Hey IronWill thanks for the input and after talking to more experienced users I am going to be getting rid of Dbol and run test for 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. Ill still keep on the arimidex and stick with the same PCT.

I am still really curious with HCG and the two scenarios I have laid out for myself is 500iu e3d for 3 weeks before PCT. Or as Boilermech pointed out 250iu twice a week throughout cycle.

I haven't seen the article from Scally and I also know people that run HCG the way you are talking about. Which one would actually be the most beneficial I'm not sure. I do know that I ran HCG starting week 6 of my last cycle all the way to PCT at 250iu twice a week and my PCT went very smooth. If you decide to run it just at the end let me know how it goes. As for taking out the dbol like ironwill suggested I think that's a smart move. The fact that your listening and taking advice shows me that you are heading down the right path brother.
Never stop researching and learning and you will go far.
Once again good luck with your first cycle and enjoy it.
Thanks BM and yes I will keep you posted if I go down that road and give you the results. It seems like HCG is one of those drugs that reacts differently with certain people and maybe something I will have to "play" with.

I haven't seen the article from Scally and I also know people that run HCG the way you are talking about. Which one would actually be the most beneficial I'm not sure. I do know that I ran HCG starting week 6 of my last cycle all the way to PCT at 250iu twice a week and my PCT went very smooth. If you decide to run it just at the end let me know how it goes. As for taking out the dbol like ironwill suggested I think that's a smart move. The fact that your listening and taking advice shows me that you are heading down the right path brother.
Never stop researching and learning and you will go far.
Once again good luck with your first cycle and enjoy it.
Just watched an interesting video on test and HCG usage I think and I am going to run 250iu Thursday and 250iu Friday of HCG throughout cycle 2-4 weeks in. HCG topic comes in at 19mins 15secs if you wanna check it out. The whole videos really good if you got the time i'd watch it all.

I really enjoyed that video , good post. Nothing else to add though , boilermech pretty much covered it and i would take his advice of 250iu 2x per week.
Also ironwills advice of no orals first cycle i agree , don't need them.
Enjoy your cycle bro !!!