Test only Cycle PCT questions


New Member
About to finish my Test T500 cycle (200mg test e, 200mg test c, 100mg test p) taking .75mg twice a week for about 13 weeks. Last pin should be next Tuesday. I have nolva and clomid ready for my PCT. How long should I wait to start my PCT? I've read a lot of people saying 3-4 days where as I've also heard 2-3 weeks. I plan on running it as such but not set in stone on it. I ran out of arimidex for a couple weeks which caused some bloating but managed to get some liquidex to finish off my cycle with. Should I stop running the liquidex after my last pin as well or should I continue taking it until I start my PCT?
Nolva: 20/20/10/10
All this info can be found if u look. If u were only doing test prop pct will start 4 days after last pin. Since yours is a mix..base it off the longer acting esters test e/c. Start it two weeks after last pin. Leave the liquidex out of your pct. During the last two weeks when you're waiting for the stuff to clear u can use it if u need to, I wouldn't.
All this info can be found if u look. If u were only doing test prop pct will start 4 days after last pin. Since yours is a mix..base it off the longer acting esters test e/c. Start it two weeks after last pin. Leave the liquidex out of your pct. During the last two weeks when you're waiting for the stuff to clear u can use it if u need to, I wouldn't.
Yeah the mix was my main concern, that's why I wanted to ask when to start it. I couldn't find anything based off of the kind of test I was taking. Guessing T500 isnt commonly used. Didn't know that since it was a blend if I would have to start sooner or later. Good to know that's its based off of the the ester type.
About to finish my Test T500 cycle (200mg test e, 200mg test c, 100mg test p) taking .75mg twice a week for about 13 weeks. Last pin should be next Tuesday. I have nolva and clomid ready for my PCT. How long should I wait to start my PCT? I've read a lot of people saying 3-4 days where as I've also heard 2-3 weeks. I plan on running it as such but not set in stone on it. I ran out of arimidex for a couple weeks which caused some bloating but managed to get some liquidex to finish off my cycle with. Should I stop running the liquidex after my last pin as well or should I continue taking it until I start my PCT?
Nolva: 20/20/10/10

If I understand you correctly your using 150mg of TT weekly. If that is indeed the case PCT is simply NOT NEEDED as it will not enhance your HTPA recovery.

This is relatively easy to prove with pre and post AAS (TT) labs.

Of course my suggestion is predicated on the notion your HTPA function was WNL before you began this TT supplement run and that still requires baseline blood work to KNOW for sure.
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If I understand you correctly your using 150mg of TT weekly. If that is indeed the case PCT is simply NOT NEEDED as it will not enhance your HTPA recovery.

This is relatively easy to prove with pre and post AAS (TT) labs.

Of course my suggestion is predicated on the notion your HTPA function was WNL before you began this TT supplement run and that still requires baseline blood work to KNOW for sure.
Sorry I ment .75ml/cc's twice a week I just realized what I had typed.. My mistake, So I'd be running 750mg a week
Suffice it to say bc your only cycling TT and are young one SERM should be sufficient, IME

The rest of your questions are thoroughly addressed on this thread.

Finally KNOWING whether PCT has done its job and fully recovered your HTPA will prove very difficult in the absence of PRE-AAS labs!

Good luck