

What do you know, my off cycle time just flies by! Looks like it's time for another go at little Sworder's physique. Hanging myself out in the open for this one, let's not keep any dirty secrets ;)

Starting stats:

5'9" or 5'10"
Focus this cycle: Arms and wheels

Cycle consists of:
600mg Test E/week
400mg Tren E/week
300mg Deca/week(use it only because I have bad tendonitis and if I run a cycle without EQ/Deca it's unbearable)
750IU hcg/week
and gonna start ramping the GHRP-6 very soon @ 100mcg 2-3 times/day
Have some MG(arbage)F I am using bilaterally 100mcg post workout I need to get rid of.

Gear is powerpharma, still have his 400mg/test E, PIP is annoying from it but mixed with the Tren and Deca it's no problemo!

I am actually on week 3 on Monday. Tipping the scale at 203 now.

Quick summary:
Day one: Frontloaded 600mg Tren E 1000mg Test E 900mg Deca.
Been rotating calves, biceps, triceps and chest. Want to rest my quads and glutes, shoulders will pin every now and then.
Felt like shit first two weeks, no energy head has been throbbing . Damn tren! Been doing monday/thursday injects switched it last week to monday/tuesday and thursday/friday seems to have helped my headaches a lot. Diet has been shitty as fuck so that's why I haven't been growing like I should. Work out yesterday was very good, feeling the full effect now! Going to bump my diet and start on the GHRP-6 to aid my hunger.
Other drugs/supplements:
Sleep aids: 10mg Melatonin and 100mg Diphenhydramine
Pain killers: Ibuprofen does wonders for me!
Protein: ON Casein, ON Gold standard Whey, Serious Mass gainer
Preworkout: Jack3d 3 scoops
During workout: Cell tech 2 scoops
Cialis when I know I have lady friends coming over for pointing to the sky fun!
AI usage: 1mg letro/day got some adex as well but letro is cheaper also use, started @ 0.5mg ED but the aromatase is getting the best of me and been getting swelling and a small lump so I 120mg frontloaded Nolva and bumped letro to 1mg/day(kinda expected that to happen but didn't want to start off @ 1mg/day as the test needs some time to do it's magic. Caber 0.5mg/week

Ok so that's where I am at right now! Will keep this diary as it will immortalize my mistakes :) Planning on going 8-9 weeks so I have a good 5-6 weeks left and I am feeling great right now. Going to increase my diet A LOT these next days and I should see great results from that. Just been feeling like shit lately so my eating has suffered and the 90degree weather and humidity sucks. Wish me luck :)
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With 400mg of tren what is the point of taking 600mg testosterone? Why would you not want more of the steroid that aromatizes and is much weaker?

everything testosterone does tren does better, you only need a maintenance dose of testosterone with this cycle.
I was thinking about using just hCG for my testosterone. Only thing I would be scared of is losing the well-being effect produced. If you would agree that it even has that effect. Are you suggesting I drop the testosterone and use the hCG for my maintenance dose of testosterone? 750-1000IU/week hCG?

Created a thread for it: https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/134325071
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I was thinking about using just hCG for my testosterone. Only thing I would be scared of is losing the well-being effect produced. If you would agree that it even has that effect. Are you suggesting I drop the testosterone and use the hCG for my maintenance dose of testosterone? 750-1000IU/week hCG?

Created a thread for it: https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/134325071

from your post's it seems you have a tendency to aromatize right? Wouldn't HCG be risky since it not only stimulates aroma but also can directly aromatize?
I am adamant in using hCG whether its susceptibility to aromatase is higher or not. At least 500IU/week. If you recommend 500IU hCG and 200mg Test E/week which would be maintenance dose I will take it under consideration! Only problem is that I wouldn't want to bump the Tren, I like it at 400 and I will be losing of the power testosterone is giving me @ 600 compared to 200.
The type of drugs I do isn't really that important to me honestly. I chose these compounds because I like them and they do their job really well. The Deca I could exchange with EQ, the Tren with Mast or how ever you want to do it. The ARs will get activated and I will grow, drug of choice not the most important to me. Diet is.
Diet was a lot better today, my day off so I was at home eating a lot and took a 1 hour nap as well. Tipping scale @ 205 now. 9% BF Triceps last night, Abs and Calves tonight.
One of these days I will count out macros of what I consumed! I try to eat every other hour, if I can't force something down I resort to shakes :S Get around 250-300grams of protein, think I am getting too much protein right now because when I squeeze on my chest I get these little white protein strings coming out. :confused: I just add them to my shakes, can't let it go to waste.
Face always greasy, back breaking out trying to keep it under control. Sleeping like a king, don't really get night sweats. Feeling on top of the world am where I want to be now. It's all gonna be beautiful gains from here on. Pumps feeling amazing can stay in the gym all day. 11:13PM here now gonna pop my sleep aids take a 50gram protein shake and 2 scoops of oats. Prepare another shake for when I wake up in the middle of the night as well consisting of 50grams Casein and a scoop of oats.
Diet was alright today, labor day so no work or college. Was trying to eat as much as I could today but I need to go grocery shopping. Morning shake with oats keeps me full for too long, gonna skip the oats in the morning to create more of a spike and hopefully get hungrier earlier.
Did back today 300lb pulldowns felt easy 6 repper. Was getting some weird looks at the later sets, must have been my two fold vascularity.. End of cycle hopefully I am at 215lbs. Just gotta eat big to get big.

My arms need a lot of improvement, calves are growing fine just damn arms.. Am so self-conscious about my arms. Forearms are like 2 inches shy of my upper arms. Feels like upper arms should be around 3 inches bigger at least. Kinda sad today, baby Sworder doesn't know how am gonna eat all that food. Usually stress out about my diet.
Did full injection today hopefully it won't hit my dome, split it in my biceps and calves. Trying to keep volume down to avoid PIP.
Lunch now, diet going ok. Woke up 50gram protein 2 scoops oats and 3 eggs. Need to go grocery shopping.. at 10 I had a gainer shake 75 carbs 25 protein. Lunch consists of brown rice steak avacado and some mild salsa. Trying not to work too hard. Gotta conserve calories.
Got some PIP in right delt from a 1.5ml injection Thursday or was it Friday, glad I have only 4 vials left of Powertrips 400mg test. Anyway kinda weird that it is hurting now didn't hurt before. Maybe it's an infection but doubt it. Am always super careful and use 5-6 alcohol swabs. Don't leave the needle out for long just load and pin. Besides dropping it in the toilet I was very careful this time too.
I'll be following.
BTW that cycle is screaming "add a dht component" to me ..... for several reasons. Just a thought.
Managed to squeeze down another 2 shakes after lunch. Well not really shakes, it's ABB Blue thunder 40gr carbs 30grams protein. Fruit punch tastes like shit but goes down pretty easy with a lot of ice. Just got home and am ready to eat, gonna pin some GHRP-6 and get some salmon going!!

Client whom I haven't seen since I started my cycle said
"you look like you have gotten more buff"
I replied nervously "Trembolone"
She said "What?"
Me being confused replied "What?"
And I used that moment of dual confusion to think of something to say. Was thinking in my head frontloaded test/tren/deca and water weight but instead I said "shake weight"
She said again "What?"
"You know from the infomercials, I bought one of those shake weights. 10 minutes a day and you will get great results provided your diet is on point."
She nodded "Ah" and seemed thoroughly convinced.

Jimmy, what do you think I should add?
What do you know, my off cycle time just flies by! Looks like it's time for another go at little Sworder's physique. Hanging myself out in the open for this one, let's not keep any dirty secrets ;)

Starting stats:

5'9" or 5'10"
Focus this cycle: Arms and wheels

Cycle consists of:
600mg Test E/week
400mg Tren E/week
300mg Deca/week(use it only because I have bad tendonitis and if I run a cycle without EQ/Deca it's unbearable)
750IU hcg/week
and gonna start ramping the GHRP-6 very soon @ 100mcg 2-3 times/day
Have some MG(arbage)F I am using bilaterally 100mcg post workout I need to get rid of.

Gear is powerpharma, still have his 400mg/test E, PIP is annoying from it but mixed with the Tren and Deca it's no problemo!

I am actually on week 3 on Monday. Tipping the scale at 203 now.

Quick summary:
Day one: Frontloaded 600mg Tren E 1000mg Test E 900mg Deca.
Been rotating calves, biceps, triceps and chest. Want to rest my quads and glutes, shoulders will pin every now and then.
Felt like shit first two weeks, no energy head has been throbbing . Damn tren! Been doing monday/thursday injects switched it last week to monday/tuesday and thursday/friday seems to have helped my headaches a lot. Diet has been shitty as fuck so that's why I haven't been growing like I should. Work out yesterday was very good, feeling the full effect now! Going to bump my diet and start on the GHRP-6 to aid my hunger.
Other drugs/supplements:
Sleep aids: 10mg Melatonin and 100mg Diphenhydramine
Pain killers: Ibuprofen does wonders for me!
Protein: ON Casein, ON Gold standard Whey, Serious Mass gainer
Preworkout: Jack3d 3 scoops
During workout: Cell tech 2 scoops
Cialis when I know I have lady friends coming over for pointing to the sky fun!
AI usage: 1mg letro/day got some adex as well but letro is cheaper also use, started @ 0.5mg ED but the aromatase is getting the best of me and been getting swelling and a small lump so I 120mg frontloaded Nolva and bumped letro to 1mg/day(kinda expected that to happen but didn't want to start off @ 1mg/day as the test needs some time to do it's magic. Caber 0.5mg/week

Ok so that's where I am at right now! Will keep this diary as it will immortalize my mistakes :) Planning on going 8-9 weeks so I have a good 5-6 weeks left and I am feeling great right now. Going to increase my diet A LOT these next days and I should see great results from that. Just been feeling like shit lately so my eating has suffered and the 90degree weather and humidity sucks. Wish me luck :)

Excellent choice of protein powders. Try some Nitro NCG, its 2 steps above Jack3d....or anything else. I can't keep it on my shelves. No prpare yourself from the idiotic one claiming I am trying to sell supplements. He does not even know that Texas and CA are more than 1k miles apart.
Will do, honestly though I feel that tren stimulates the CNS somehow and dulls the pre-workout supps. Didn't get full 8 hours today tried to but couldn't get knocked out. I still woke up super-energized. Tren power.
So you don't do shipping?:( Just kidding, not trying to antagonize, I like that word vituperate.. In finnish vittu means p**sy. I don't speak finnish in Sweden there are many Finnish people. They say vittu... Ok, I am rambling now, good night!
Jimmy, what do you think I should add?
Winny or Mast would be my choices. Winny has great synergy with 19 nors and typical dht effects re minimizing e related sides. Also good effect on shbg. Winny is a love hate - you love it or hate it. I wont take it without deca in the mix...but deca is always in the mix for me even a low dose for joint relief such as you are doing.
Msasteron is great for minimizing e sides and if u get enanthate ester no need for frequent injections.
Either one would make a very nice addition.
maybe some dbol would be good to add for some non AR activity... and to newbie's comment, test also exhibits some non AR effects so how does tren do EVERYTHING that test does?
Structurally they are different and will exhibit different effects on various tissues and receptors. Often that is why compounds are stacked so you get a variety. Too much of one thing isn't always good.

Androgens make your brain grow, lol am referring to the study showing the difference in male and female brains. Remember them "unwinding" the brain and measuring it to be I think 15% longer. Was thinking about the effects of androgens on the brain, if they express any permanent change. :)
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maybe some dbol would be good to add for some non AR activity... and to newbie's comment, test also exhibits some non AR effects so how does tren do EVERYTHING that test does?

Here we go again, I must be doing something right because my post's seem to get a lot of attention :D


Now to answer your question, the non AR activity is not relevant to this discussion, since a maintenance dose of test was advised, he will have plenty to cover those areas. In regards to this discussion, what the OP wants out of his cycle, everything test will do for him, building muscle, increase stamina etc, tren is superior with no aromatization, less chance to effect hemo and prostate. After all he is taking a mg a day of letro, so its obvious another goal of his is low aroma.

Which brings me to my next question, why and the hell would he add dbol?

Furthermore, how do you know tren doesn't have the same capabilities of test? In the following study you will see that it out performed testosterone mg for mg in regards to TRT. Tren is the absolute least studied androgen still widely used.

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) now under development can protect against muscle and bone loss without causing prostate growth or polycythemia. 17?-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone), a potent testosterone analog, may have SARM-like actions because, unlike testosterone, trenbolone does not undergo tissue-specific 5?-reduction to form more potent androgens. We tested the hypothesis that trenbolone-enanthate (TREN) might prevent orchiectomy-induced losses in muscle and bone and visceral fat accumulation without increasing prostate mass or resulting in adverse hemoglobin elevations.

http://ajpendo.physiology.org/content/300/4/E650.long (17?-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone) exhibits tissue selective anabolic activity: effects on muscle, bone, adiposity, hemoglobin, and prostate)

As painstaking as it is for me to say, Jimmy is 100% correct, winstrol, due to its effects on lowering PGR, is the right combo for this cycle, although since I am not of fan of big and brittle joints, I would only take 10-15mg ED orally, this will more than cover the inhibition side, while keeping the achey joint side low :cool:

If he were not using deca, I would say Masteron is the way to go, even though it could possibly inhibit PGR as well due to an increase in DHT.
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Diet been good today. Almost 4 I'll clock forcing down this salmon. Think am gonna puke. Have consumed about 250grams carbs and 180 grams of protein 60grams fat so far.
Gonna go home and get some gainer and still have celltech left during workout post workout shake bedtime shake and 2 more meals.
Yeah, I will start adding some winny and see how it goes. Thanks jimmy will keep you posted on it.
Here we go again, I must be doing something right because my post's seem to get a lot of attention :D

Now to answer your question, the non AR activity is not relevant to this discussion, since a maintenance dose of test was advised, he will have plenty to cover those areas. In regards to this discussion, what the OP wants out of his cycle, everything test will do for him, building muscle, increase stamina etc, tren is superior with no aromatization, less chance to effect hemo and prostate. After all he is taking a mg a day of letro, so its obvious another goal of his is low aroma.

Which brings me to my next question, why and the hell would he add dbol?

Furthermore, how do you know tren doesn't have the same capabilities of test? In the following study you will see that it out performed testosterone mg for mg in regards to TRT. Tren is the absolute least studied androgen still widely used.

http://ajpendo.physiology.org/content/300/4/E650.long (17?-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one (trenbolone) exhibits tissue selective anabolic activity: effects on muscle, bone, adiposity, hemoglobin, and prostate)

As painstaking as it is for me to say, Jimmy is 100% correct, winstrol, due to its effects on lowering PGR, is the right combo for this cycle, although since I am not of fan of big and brittle joints, I would only take 10-15mg ED orally, this will more than cover the inhibition side, while keeping the achey joint side low :cool:

If he were not using deca, I would say Masteron is the way to go, even though it could possibly inhibit PGR as well due to an increase in DHT.

Good post, yeah definitely don't want any Dbol. Also, I don't even know what Non-AR mediated effects are?:p Like insulin/hgh growth mediated by factors other than ARs? While ARs remaining crucial still for hypertrophy? Because we can't argue that insulin/hgh alone in women would lead to massive growth. AR activation is always needed in expression from what I have understood. I dunno tho, just brainfarting.. Damn Jack3d. Diet was great today hoping to weight in @ 207 today. Didn't go number 2 all day so it should be possible, just gotta hold it in a little longer..

Actually started off @ 0.5mg Letro and got some gyno lumps am taking care of. Now after 5-6 days they are gone. Been blasting with 2mg letro/day for 6 days now and 20mg Nolva after a 120mg frontload. Haha my aromatase is crazy. Also, a good gauge on how much estrogen is using a BF caliper. Did a quick check to see how low my BF reading would be with very low estrogen. It reads @ 6% then(13points) typically am @ 9%(22points). My belly is still 9% so that works imo. Just need to shrink the nip nickles (left one is gone today, right one almost gone) Hillary is always touching my nipples so it would be a good idea to get rid of them because she will feel em...

